It’s nearly the end of 2016.

The Christmas tree is now up, and I wanted to share with you this little beauty.


It’s one of my favorite ornaments because 1) It was given to me by someone I love very much, 2) She did it because she loved ADORKABLE and knew how much I loved this quote, and 3) I really wasn’t expecting it.  Just in case you were wondering, those are indeed little mustaches on the ribbon.  And that quote…oh, that quote.

I do love the “Huckleberry” quote, and if someone actually said it to me, I may just melt on the spot–but you know, they’d have to mean it the way that Becks meant it when he said it to Sally.  Sigh…

Anyway, enough with the mushy stuff.

I wanted to let you all know that I’ll be running an ADORKABLE Christmas Giveaway soon!  Yay!!!  Be on the lookout and, as always: Good luck!

I also wanted to let you know that Ash’s book will be coming out in 2017.  I’m shooting for a March release.  His book is one that I love so very much.  And for those of you who were hoping for a December release (I know, I know, me too!), I will tell you this:

Half of the book is written from Ash’s POV.

Yep, that’s right.  We are going to get a glimpse straight into our hero’s thoughts.  Eep!  Ash’s book was my first story with dual POVs, and I had a great time writing it.  The heroine is crazy awesome and so cool and badass and matches up just perfectly with our Ash imo.  I hope everyone loves them and the book as much as I do <3.

Hope you all have a great day, and like I said, be on the lookout for that giveaway!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

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