Month: June 2017

NINJA GIRL Book Playlist

First, I want to give a huge thank you to YA Bound Book Tours and to everyone who participated in the NINJA GIRL Book Blitz!  You are awesome, and I appreciate you so much for helping me spread the word.  I’ve mentioned that one of my biggest fears as a writer is that my books won’t find their audience, and that remains true today.  Every recommendation to a friend, every review/post/tweet truly helps.  So again, thank you!!!

Second, I wanted to share my book playlist for NINJA GIRL!  You may have already seen it, but I wanted it for my website as well lol.  Also, on Goodreads, a reader created her own book playlists for both ADORKABLE and NINJA GIRL, and I thought that was so cool!

If you’ve read NINJA GIRL, you’ll see several of the songs mentioned in the book–but others may be a surprise :).  The full playlist will be at the end of the post.  Alright, let’s get to it:

“Ho Hey” by The Lumineers–or “Snow Hey” if we’re talking about the swoon worthy rendition done by the one and only Ash Stryker–absolutely represents how Ash feels about Snow.  *sigh*  When he sang to our ninja girl, she definitely got the message.  And I mean, seriously, what girl wouldn’t love a guy putting her name into a song like this? <3

“I Am the Best” by 2NE1 represents Snow’s confidence in martial arts, self-defense and just taking on anyone who challenges her.  She may be insecure when it comes to boys and her own femininity, but when it comes to kicking butt?  Snow is a true badass!

When Nicki Minaj comes in and goes off on this track, it is Snow all day, every day lol!  But  “My Chick Bad” is the perfect song to express how Ash feels about Snow’s strength.  He’s impressed by it, finds it attractive; basically, he’s got it bad for our ninja girl–and even though he’s a country fan, I think Ash would totally agree with this choice (minus the 2nd verse bc Ash is a Southern gentleman :)).

Ah, that voice <33333.  Patsy Cline is timeless and truly one of the greats, and her songs are so so incredibly perfect for this little YA romance.  Snow’s tough on the outside.  Ash is confident/cocky.  But they both have their insecurities, and Patsy exposes them all.  The car scene where Ash and Snow have a Patsy Cline battle, speaking to each other through their song choices, too afraid to voice their feelings, is one of my absolute favorite scenes.

Okay, I LOVE this song.  It is so innocent and lovely.  I think the chorus is like what Ash was trying to convince Snow of all along: I’ll be yours, if you’ll just be mine.  Then the part near the end where she sings by herself, and it’s so exposed and real…that’s Snow finally admitting her feelings and how much she cares for him.  Snow and Ash, the honesty, the pure loveliness of this is what YA and romance is all about.

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

NINJA GIRL Book Playlist

  1. “Ho Hey” by The Lumineers
  2. “I Am the Best” by 2NE1
  3. “Sparks Fly” by Taylor Swift
  4. “Fans” by Kings of Leon
  5. “My Chick Bad” by Ludacris & Nicki Minaj
  6. “In For The Kill” (Skrillex Remix) by La Roux
  7. “Lies” by BIGBANG
  8. “Someone Like You” by Adele
  9. “Miss Atomic Bomb” by The Killers
  10. “Crazy” by Patsy Cline
  11. “I Fall to Pieces” by Patsy Cline
  12. “Call Your Girlfriend” (live) by Lennon and Maisy Stella
  13. “Marry You” by Bruno Mars
  14. “Come By Fire” by Sara Jackson-Holman
  15. “Little Bit” by Lykke Li
  16. “Emmylou” by First Aid Kit

Bookish Updates

One of my family members (one of the 5 people who actually reads this blog lol!) always asks how my books are doing.  She does this pretty much every time we talk.  I love it when she asks because it reminds me: there are books out there that I wrote and love.  ADORKABLE and NINJA GIRL are out there in the world, finding readers every day, and that is a wonderful thing.

Several wonderful things are going on, so here’s a quick rundown :).

Wonderful Thing #1: NINJA GIRL will be available for $0.99 next week!!!  Yes, it’s time for a Kindle Countdown Deal, and I can’t wait to see how many new readers will find Snow and Ash!  The deal will run from June 12-19 on Amazon and Amazon UK.  I hope the book ninjas, the Force and the kimchi are with you little book!

Wonderful Thing #2: The NINJA GIRL Book Blitz starts next Monday, and there will be a giveaway.  Look out for that, and good luck!

Wonderful Thing #3:  A few kind readers have written reviews for either ADORKABLE and/or NINJA GIRL, and I just gotta say: You readers are incredible, and I’m so grateful for you!  If karma is for real, you definitely have some good vibes coming your way.

So, how are my books doing?

Answer: They are doing well, and I’m thankful for every page read, book sold, and new reader who finds my stories <3.

I hope you all are having a great summer!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman