Month: July 2017

Happy Birthday, Harry Potter!

It’s July 31st, and every muggle knows this is a very important day!


Today, Harry James Potter was born.  The boy-who-lived came into the world; the lightning bolt symbol gained a whole new meaning; and love stood up against evil…and won.  These books changed my life.  They made me want to read.  7 books, a golden trio, a boy living in a cupboard under the stairs of number four Privet Drive, a school called Hogwarts that felt like home, and the amazing woman who created them all.  I can say with complete honesty that I wouldn’t have become a voracious book lover–or a writer, for that matter–without her or her magical world.


So Mister Potter, I’d like to wish you and your lovely creator, J.K. Rowling, the happiest of happy birthdays!!!  Thank you for the books, the characters and the magic!

Happy reading (and Happy Birthday, Harry Potter!),

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. My ADORKABLE character Sally would totally be celebrating this day with a party, cake, butter beer, chocolate frogs, Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans , the works!  She’d probably even have everyone (Becks, Hooker, Ash, Snow, all the parents and the Kent brothers) over for an HP movie marathon.  I have to work, but I will definitely be rocking my Snape/Lily earrings! 🙂  Also, I’ll have a giveaway coming up, so be on the lookout for that.  I hope you have a great day, my fellow muggles!

Be Water

I can’t believe it’s been two weeks since I last posted!  Two freakin’ weeks…how did that even happen? 0__0

Well, I’m back readers, and I sincerely hope you are still with me!  Today, I wanted to share a video I found a long time ago when I was doing research for NINJA GIRL.  It’s totally awesome imo, and it’s Bruce Lee in a nutshell–so of course, Snow would love it :).  I do, too, and I hope you will as well.

While I’ve been editing my next book to be released and writing a new book, feeling all of the feels, doubting myself at every turn, I can honestly say I wish I was more like Bruce, more like Snow.  I try to be water.  Whenever new situations or challenges present themselves, I try to go with the flow, roll with the punches.  I don’t always succeed…but that doesn’t stop me from trying.

My next YA book will be different than my first two releases–completely new characters, not as fluffy (though still lots of laughs)–and I’m very nervous (see: terrified) about that.  And I actually wrote it before ADORKABLE, though it’s been through huge revisions since then.  Note to self: The writer-ly fears do not go away after you release a book.  They remain, hang around and sneak up on you when you least expect it.  I’m also organizing an event for a very good cause, a cause that I care deeply about, and so far?  I’ve only gotten one response.  Ugggggh…

And yet!  I refuse to give up.  I’m going to be water, my friends.  And it is my hope, no matter what you’re dealing with in your life, that you can be, too <3.

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Congrats!!! And hey…is that Ansel?

It’s time to announce the winner of the NINJA GIRL Book Blitz Giveaway :).  It’s actually a little past time, but thank you so much to everyone for entering and for your patience and support.  Without further ado, big CONGRATS to:


I believe Yadira won the last giveaway as well–which of course means that she is a true ninja ;).  And a lucky one apparently!  Congrats again, Yadira, your gift will be on the way soon.

Hope you are all having a great week with wonderful people and great books!  If anyone is wondering, I will be doing another post about my trip, writing progress, and just general updates in the upcoming weeks.

But for right now, I will tell you…there is a guy on this bus who looks strikingly like a broad shouldered Ansel Elgort!  I’m doing my best not to stare; he’s probably 18 or something and looks like he would be great in a YA novel lol.  Hmm…maybe this is the muse telling me to write, write, write. 🙂

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Top of the Mornin’ to Ya!

You guys, I actually had someone say that to me :).  It was so cool.  ADORKABLE and NINJA GIRL have been doing well, and I haven’t had a chance to post as much because I’m actually  traveling–which I hardly ever do!  And I am in a beautiful place at the moment; the only drawback is sketchy internet service.  So while I have a good connection: Hello from Ireland, readers!!!  Here’s a picture of me with my current read (which I got from the library here), gorgeous landscape and of course, the O’Gorman family crest.




I hope you are all well and reading fantastic books (hopefully ones with Irish heroes who say “Top of the mornin’ to ya” in that lovely Irish brogue ;)).

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman