Month: January 2018

Hello Again

Hello again, readers!  It’s been a while since I last posted, but I wanted to let you what’s been going on.  Basically, I ran into some back luck in the new year.  My site (yes, my little author site that only like 5 people read) was hacked.

Yes, hacked.

Ugggghhh :/.

I can’t tell you how disheartening/upsetting/alarming that was–but thankfully, I found help in the form of a WordPress tech wizard named Wesley.  He and his company came in and worked their magic.  They got rid of all the bad stuff.  I’m so thankful for his help, expertise and professionalism.  It eased my mind to know that he was on the case.  And seriously, he helped me get my site back up and running, so yayyyyy, hip-hip-hooray for Wesley the tech wizard!!! 🙂

In bookish news, this week I’m trying something new!  BookBub is a site that helps readers find new books and that allows authors to promote their work.   Like I said in my Goals post, I want to do better at promoting, so this seemed like a great opportunity.  Nerves got to me; the BookBub process was said to be very selective.  I’d read several blog posts about this and was worried that my book wouldn’t be selected.  However, I decided to go for it anyway because what did I have to lose?

And guess what?  They selected ADORKABLE for a Featured Deal!!!  Huzzah!

I was elated.  Part of me had trouble believing it, and I gotta say I’m so excited about this promotion!

ADORKABLE will be available for just $0.99 from January 29 until February 2, 2018.  That’s Monday through Friday, you guys!  If you’d help me spread the word, I’d be ever so grateful <3.

I’m also working on a giveaway!  Not sure yet if it will be a Goodreads, Rafflecopter or Facebook giveaway, but I’m looking forward to it.  Hint, hint: There will be signed copies of NINJA GIRL and ADORKABLE involved :).

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. I sent my next book to the formatter today, eep!  And I’ve been working with my designer on a cover that makes me go starry-eyed sigh *__*.  I hope you all have a great week!


Goals for 2018

First post of the new year, whoop!

It’s a time for new beginnings, new hopes and a fresh start.  It’s also the time for resolutions, but to be honest, I’ve never been a big fan of those.  They are so easy to break.  And it’s so easy to feel like a failure when that happens.  Ugh.

So instead, I set goals.

Some are writing-oriented like: Publish a book.  Finish writing my current WIP.  Try new things with marketing/promotion.  Keep being thankful and doing giveaways because readers rock!  Write more, write better, write something I would love to read.

Others are more personal like: Be a better person.  Make someone’s life easier.  Restore and strengthen my faith.  Exercise more, worry less, keep heart and stay positive.

I ended 2017 surrounded by the people and the books that I love <3.  I’m hard at work on my next books, and I hope that readers will want to read them.  A goal that I’ve always had (and continue to have in 2018) is to write the best book possible for my readers and myself.


So, how is 2018 treating you so far?  Any resolutions or goals for the new year?  Any new books? 😉

I hope you’re all doing well and that you’re having a wonderful week!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. Another goal for 2018: Figure out why the pics in my posts end up sideways on computer but right on mobile devices lol!