Month: February 2018

Why Bookbub Rocks

Bookbub seriously rocks!

Wait, wait, what’s that you say?  You don’t know what Bookbub is?  *Gasp*  How can that be?

Just kidding lol, I didn’t know either until I decided to publish my first book ADORKABLE :).  In 2016, I searched the best ways to promote a book, and Bookbub was always right there, being mentioned by authors.  They made it sound SO awesome, and of course, I had to know more.  So, what is Bookbub?  Basically, it’s a site that helps readers find new reads at a limited-time great price.  It also helps authors promote their work and expand their readership.  Each day “featured deals” are emailed out to the readers with books that are 1) in genres they love to read and 2) at deeply discounted prices.

Sounds amazing, right?

The catch for authors: It can be pretty pricey.  You pay up front if your book is selected, a pre-determined price listed right on their website based on your discounted price and genre.  The process was said to be super selective.  There are no guarantees.

Flash forward to 2018, when I’d released a couple of books and was hoping to better promote them.

I chose to submit ADORKABLE because it had more ratings/reviews on Amazon and Goodreads than NINJA GIRL.  The Bookbub editorial team supposedly looks at this (see post).  I wasn’t overly confident, was scared to submit, knew that my book may not be selected–knew too that authors had started to say that Bookbub was no longer as effective, that readers were overwhelmed with discounted books and that Bookbub experiences varied widely.  With nothing to lose, I submitted ADORKABLE anyway.

And miracle of miracles, it was selected for a featured deal!!!  Yay, yay, yayyyyy!

My genre was teen and young adult.  The discounted price was $0.99 for a limited time.  The featured deal ran on a Sunday, and ADORKABLE was at the top of the email I received from Bookbub (ahhhhh!).  Then I watched to see if the promotion would have any effect.

And boy did it ever!

Several new readers discovered the book, more than I could’ve ever hoped for.  Several new readers discovered NINJA GIRL, too.  More pages were read on Kindle Unlimited.  ADORKABLE quickly skyrocketed to #1 in a couple of its categories–which yes, thankfully, it has been there before.

But the most amazing thing, the most unbelievable, I-hoped-but-never-thought-it-would-happen surprise was this:

ADORKABLE broke the Amazon Top 100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It reached #98.

In. The. Entire. Amazon. Store.

I know…I know!!!!  Incredible, right?  I had to take pictures because otherwise when I look back on this, I may not believe it LOL.

Sigh.  ADORKABLE‘s success has always been something I am so incredibly thankful for.  I love that little book.  And Bookbub rocks because it helped put Sally and Becks into the hands and hearts of new readers <3.

To celebrate, this Thursday I will be having a Facebook Giveaway!!!!!  This is a way for me to connect and thank my readers, and last time, it was so fun, you guys!  I hope you’ll join me this Thursday, February 22, 2018 at 7:30am PT (10:30am ET).  I’ll be asking bookish questions about my books, and the prizes are $5 Amazon gift cards, 1 signed copy of ADORKABLE and 1 signed copy of NINJA GIRL!!!  I love giving, and I especially love giving to you readers!  Hope to see you there :).

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Happy V-Day Giveaway!

It’s the day of romance, candy hearts, flowers, book boyfriends and L-O-V-E <3.

Okay, so I added in the book boyfriends lol.  But they rock, and we all love them, so why not, right?  February 14th kind of snuck up on me this year, but I do have a sweet giveaway for all of you!

The Happy V-Day Giveaway will run from today until March 7, 2018.  The awesome part: There will be 2 winners!!!  One winner will get a $10 Amazon gift card, and one winner will get a signed copy of my YA romance NINJA GIRL!  You can enter using the rafflecopter below (and there are a lot of ways to enter–including adding my upcoming release, THE UNBELIEVABLE, INCONCEIVABLE, UNFORESEEABLE TRUTH ABOUT ETHAN WILDER, on Goodreads :)).

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck, and Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

The Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Unforeseeable Truth About Ethan Wilder cover reveal

Hi everyone, it’s time for the cover reveal of The Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Unforeseeable Truth About Ethan Wilder!  Fair warning: Prepare yourself for so much swoon <3.  Book Baby #3’s cover was designed by the amazing Stephanie Mooney, who has created all of my covers to date.  She seriously outdid herself this time, you guys.

I cannot wait to show you this awesome cover.

It makes my eyes smile.

I hope it does the same for you…

…and without further ado…

…here is the cover…

…for The Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Unforeseeable Truth About Ethan Wilder!!!

Did you pass out from all the gorgeousness???  Lol, but seriously, I love it!

It captures just the right balance of mystery, romance and swoon.  And can I just say, the model’s expression/stance/overall attitude?  It’s so very Ethan :).  The colors, the font, the feel, I’m absolutely thrilled at how everything turned out!

I’m also excited because 27 people have added The Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Unforeseeable Truth About Ethan Wilder on Goodreads!  Yesssssss!!!!  I’m sending all of you the best karma and virtual cookies lol :).  Seriously, thank you so much for adding my YA romance murder mystery to your shelves.  I hope you love it and the cover!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. Be on the lookout for a giveaway next week! 🙂

Coming Soon!

This is going to be an exciting post because…I have a new book coming soon!  Yay, yay, yayyyyyy!!!!!!!

Yes, book baby #3 is on its way, and I’ve even added it to Goodreads.  Here are the main details in case you’re interested:

Title: The Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Unforeseeable Truth About Ethan Wilder

Genre: YA romance murder mystery with a Southern twist :).

Release date: April 5, 2018

If you click on the link in the title, you can see the summary as well.  And guess what else???  The cover will be revealed on Thursday!  Yes, this Thursday, as in just 3 days away.  And just so you know, I love the summary and the cover and, of course, the book <3.  I really hope you will, too!

If you’d like to add The Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Unforeseeable Truth About Ethan Wilder to your Goodreads TBR, you can do so here :).  When that first person added the book, it was such an awesome feeling.  More info will be coming soon–and again, there will be a cover reveal on Thursday!  I’m so excited, and I hope you’re all having an awesome week!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. BookBub is awesome!!! More on that later as well :).