Month: March 2018

Now Available for Pre-Order!

Yes, you read that right.  Book Baby #3, otherwise known as THE UNBELIEVABLE, INCONCEIVABLE, UNFORESEEABLE TRUTH ABOUT ETHAN WILDER, is now available for pre-order!  Woohoo!!!

And here’s the proof :).

Annnd here’s another pic because it’s still kind of a big deal (at least to me) to publish a book lol!

Le sigh…there they are <333.  Now, that’s a sight I could look at all day–and I’m only partially kidding.  TUIUTAEW doesn’t actually release until April 5, 2018.  That’s only 7 days away, you guys!  Inconceivable!!!  Sorry, but I had to do it lol :).  Seriously though, I can’t believe how fast the time flew and yeah…7 days!  Wow, it’s right around the corner.

If you’d like to pre-order, like I said, THE UNBELIEVABLE, INCONCEIVABLE, UNFORESEEABLE TRUTH ABOUT ETHAN WILDER is now on Amazon.  I checked, and I already had one order.  It was my mom (Have I mentioned that I love her to the moon and back? <3).  The gesture is extra sweet because 1) I know she’s already read the story and 2) she one-clicked because she loves me and knew it would make my day (although she claims it’s because she loves the book–which also makes my day!).

There will be a blog tour next week, and I’m so excited–and so freaking nervous–to see how the book will be received!

I hope you’re all having a great week, and once more with feeling: Just 7 more days!!!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

The Romance, The Humor, The Real

Since it’s less than a month away (eep!), I thought I’d do a post about my next book release :).

If you didn’t know, my next YA is a romance murder mystery called The Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Unforeseeable Truth About Ethan Wilder.  It’s set in the deep south.  It features a quirky cast of characters that I love, love, love to the tips of my toes.  And at it’s core, it’s the story of a girl, a boy and a mystery.

I wrote this story before ADORKABLE and NINJA GIRL–which to me means, there wouldn’t be those books without this one.  The characters and story are completely unrelated, but what makes TUIUTAEW the same are the things I try to include in all my books.

The romance.  There is so much more mystery to this book than any of my others.  Still, I hope people will fall in love with Delilah and Ethan.  Their romance is slow but true.  It still makes me swoon *sigh*.  I hope readers will get to know them as real people and root for them like I did.

The humor.  I love books that make me laugh.  Real life can be so hard sometimes, and with my books, I hope to make people smile.  My side characters always end up being some of my favorites, and in this one, they are irreplaceable.  George is snarky as heck, has no filter and I LOVE her lol.  Like seriously, I wish I could be more like her :).  Aunt B and Delilah’s mom are awesome as well, and I think their family is just amazing.

The real.  This book is YA.  That means it focuses on themes that will hopefully speak to young adults.  One of the main themes in this book is about feeling left out.  I think Delilah and Ethan, George, Ronnie, Aunt B and Delilah’s mom all struggle with this.  They are quirky like I said–which really means they are odd, awkward, not normal.  And though I love and celebrate them for it, the good people of Bowie, Georgia do not.  They don’t appreciate the strange or the abnormal.  They want everyone to remain inside the box, be just like they are–but my characters defy this expectation.  They rail against it.  They are abnormal.  They are social rejects.  And imo, they are absolutely wonderful in their uniqueness, even though people give them crap for it.

I hope readers, young and old, can relate to the struggle of trying to be yourself in a town that would rather you conform, stay silent, be normal.

Embrace what makes you YOU, readers, and never let anyone make you feel bad about yourself.  Easier said than done, right lol?  But I believe in you and know you can do it!  That plus romance/murder/mystery is what The Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Unforeseeable Truth About Ethan Wilder is all about!  I hope you’ll give it a shot!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman


Today, I’m announcing the winners of the Happy V-Day Giveaway!  Woohoo!!!  Thank you so much to everyone who entered.  You all rock!  And without further ado, the winners are:

Jo (signed copy of NINJA GIRL)!!!

Katharina ($10 Amazon gift card)!!!

Congratulations, ladies, I hope you enjoy your prizes and will send them as soon as possible :).  Katharina, your gift card should get there by tonight.  Jo, your book may take a little longer–speaking of which, I’ve never sent one of my books overseas before, but I’m looking forward to seeing how it all works lol.

In book-ish news, it’s less than a month away from the release of THE UNBELIEVEABLE, INCONCEIVABLE, UNFORESEEABLE TRUTH ABOUT ETHAN WILDER!  Eep, how did the time go by so fast?  I’m excited (and nervous) and will be doing more posts about the book in the upcoming weeks.  Oh, I really hope you’ll love it <3.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman