Month: July 2019

Just $0.99!!!

Hi bookworms!

This week, for the first time ever, my YA romance The Good Girl’s Guide to Being Bad is available for just $0.99!!!!! Yay!!!

The sale is for Amazon and Amazon UK and will last from July 15-19!

If you love enemies-to-lovers, swoony first kisses and LOL moments, you’ll love TGGGTBB! <333

I hope you’ll check out Sadie & Colton’s story (and I hope you love it :))!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

5 Things: I’m Working On

I can’t believe it’s already July! 0_0

When did that happen lol? But seriously, I feel like this year–especially these past couple of months–are just flying by.

Full disclosure: Last week, I wanted to do a blog post, but I stopped myself, felt like I had so much to say but nothing anyone would care about etc.

Luckily, this week I’m over it :).

There’s been a lot going on (some good, some not-so-good), and I’m excited to share with you guys!

Here are the 5 Things: I’m Working On.

  1. My newsletter. ICYMI, I have a newsletter now! I spent a ton of hours trying to get it just right. And do you know what? Even with all that time, I managed to misspell the word “newsletter” in the very first sentence! *headslap* Did anyone notice this? Are you just being kind and overlooking it? Anyway, I’m sorry for the typo but excited for future editions of The Cookie Jar Newsletter (see, I spelled it right here lol!).
  2. Being less of an introvert. So, I joined a writers group. Shocking, right? Introverted, awkward me trying to join other writer-ly peeps…sounds terrifying, which is probably why I’ve never done it ha! But they were so nice/welcoming. A lot of good vibes, knowledge and willingness to share in that group. And here’s a shocker: Some of the awesome writers even knew my books!!! That part left me dumbfounded but incredibly humbled/thankful. Am hoping my introverted tendencies don’t overwhelm, and I can actually be an active member of the group.
  3. Cross-promoting. This is still very new to me. I have a few things coming up with other authors–including a wonderful KU reading promo as well as my first author newsletter swap coming next week, woop!–and I’m looking forward to doing more!
  4. ADORKABLE woes. Okay, how to explain? I’ve taken ADORKABLE out of KU, and the rank is sinking on Amazon. Since book baby #1 released, it has been in KU, riding high–which is kind of amazing since it’s been out 3 years! Sales are still good. People are still loving the book (though I did get a couple not-so-nice reviews recently. *sigh* I also got a few nice ones which is what I should be focusing on). Anyway, it won’t be forever, but I just hate seeing it drop. I also took the paperback down in February (which gutted me), and it may have impacted the rank as well. I’ve been working on feeling okay with this since I know great things are coming for Sally & Becks. Whenever I get sad, I try to remind myself: There is good coming (which I will share with you soon!).
  5. Writing more. I’m trying to be more productive. My current WIP is a book that I started a long time ago, and I love it. Tonight, I wrote 1,036 words. I’m at about 5,000+ total. My goal is to finish this book and write more. Crossing my fingers!

And there you have it, my first “5 Things” post in a while :).

I hope it wasn’t too boring, and I hope you’re all having a great summer so far!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman