Okay, I’ve been hinting at this for a while, but…

I have some big book news about ADORKABLE!!!

And I’m finally ready to share :). It’s a hard thing, knowing when to share news, because I’m always afraid the good things will fall through. What a way to live right lol? But it’s time to get over it, and be brave.

Plus, if you’re reading this, you’re probably one of my awesome readers/biggest supporters, and who better to share fantastic book news with than you, right?

So, here it is: ADORKABLE will be coming to print in December of this year and is being published by Entangled Publishing!!! Not only that, but there will be a new cover, and I wrote new exclusive bonus content for the new edition (which I love *sigh*)! <3

It all still kind of feels like a dream.

While I was in Ireland last year, I received a message from Liz from Entangled, saying she’d read and loved ADORKABLE and was interested in the print rights. Honestly? I was surprised, elated…and absolutely terrified.

The fear came because 1) I worried that this was all some big joke/mistake. Great things like this just don’t happen to me.

And 2) ADORKABLE is my debut, my first book baby, and I love, love, love that book and was so scared to make the wrong decision.

It’s no secret that I’ve always struggled with marketing. Though the ebook soared–and it really did, you guys. Despite my not knowing how to market/sell the book, it sold itself. There was some kind of magic in that little YA romance–I always wondered what the paperback could do if it was in the hands of a great publisher, how far it could go if it was available in stores.

Entangled Publishing is one of the biggest names in romance. I think anyone who writes or reads the genre knows that name lol! It was crazy to think about them having any interest in my little YA romance.

But they did, and they have a love and vision for the book.

Sally & Becks’s story is in good hands, and I couldn’t be more thankful for that! I’m still scared, terrified really, that something will go wrong, or I’ll wake up to find it was all a dream.

But I’m looking forward to seeing ADORKABLE on bookstore shelves this winter. I’m hoping Sally & Becks will reach even more readers who will love their story. And I’m looking forward to continuing this wonderful publishing adventure with a publisher who I know and respect!

I hope you are all doing well and reading awesome books! Look out for the print version of ADORKABLE in December 2019!!! <3

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. Thank you so much, Michelle, for letting me know about the ADORKABLE audiobook in your state public library in Australia!!! That’s so awesome & I greatly appreciated your message! 🙂

P.P.S. Honestly, the Ireland connection helped with my decision as well. I always feel closer to my Aunt Pat when I’m there. It’s one of the reasons I love the country so much. I hope she would be proud, and I know she would be first in line to buy a copy of the print version of ADORKABLE <333.