Month: September 2019

The Good Girl’s Guide to Being Bad Audiobook!

Today is very special!

The Good Girl’s Guide to Being Bad audiobook releases today, yay!!! And my best friend/favorite person of all time was born on this day years ago!

When I found out TGGGTBB audiobook would release on September 30th, I was so excited. I didn’t actually get to pick the date; Tantor Media did, and I’m so glad they chose such a great one :).

Here’s the beautiful cover <3.

I love everything about it, of course! <333

And the narration of the audiobook! Wow! Madeleine Dauer, the narrator, was absolutely perfect for Sadie!!! When I first heard her voice, I knew she’d be wonderful, but then I listened to the sample of the audiobook. Oh my gosh, you guys! Her inflection, the emotion she managed to convey with her voice, the timing, it was so right on! I laughed out loud and smiled several times. Just brilliantly done!

If you love audiobooks and YA romance, you should definitely give The Good Girl’s Guide to Being Bad a listen!

Happy audiobook release day to TGGGTBB!!!

And to my best friend who I miss dearly every day: Happy birthday, Aunt Pat! I love you so much and wish you were here. It’s hard even on the good days being without you. You made every moment brighter and better, and I just miss you. I hope there are books, birthday cake, and all the best things up in Heaven. I love you always. Say hi to Mema & Papa, and kiss the babies for us. Love, Your Cookie.

Happy reading (and listening),

Cookie O’Gorman

Cover Reveal: ADORKABLE (print edition)!

Hi everyone!

Today I have a very ADORKABLE cover to reveal! Woohoo!!! I apologize in advance if you get this twice. I also posted in my newsletter bc it’s just so exciting! The print edition from Entangled will be released on December 3rd and will have exclusive bonus content :D.

Ready to see the awesome cover?

Possibly for the second time today ;)?

Here is the cover of the upcoming print edition of ADORKABLE!

Ah, I love it and can’t wait for the release!

Again, there’s a giveaway on Instagram to celebrate the cover reveal hosted by MTMC Tours, and oh my gosh, you guys! If I can figure out how to insert Instagram posts into my blog posts (I’ve done it before, but I don’t remember how lol!), I will have to share them with you because wow! So many beautiful pics <3.

Here are the awesome tour hosts in case you’d like to go check them out and enter the giveaway:



Hope you are well, bookworms, and having a very happy Friday!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman


Hi everyone!

Something really exciting is happening this Friday! There will be a cover reveal for the print version of ADORKABLE, yay!!! And if that wasn’t cool enough, the reveal is being hosted by MTMC Tours and will be on Instagram :D.

This is the awesome banner I found on the MTMC Tours site, and what’s even cooler? (I know so much cool in this post ha!)

Well, Melissa from The Reader and The Chef, who is one of the lovely ladies who runs MTMC Tours, was one of the bloggers in my initial blog tour when ADORKABLE came out in 2016!

Isn’t that crazy?!?

I remember her because she wrote such a nice review of the book and really seemed to love Becks <3.

So, this is my first Instagram tour, and I’m very excited! There are so many nice bookish accounts on there and so many beautiful book pics taken by bookstagrammers. It’s a real thing, you guys. People have accounts just for books, books, books! *__*

I hope some people sign up and that they love the ADORKABLE cover and that more readers discover Sally & Becks. There’s exclusive bonus content that will only be in the print edition, and I can’t wait for everyone to read it (especially the people who love Becks *sigh* :)).

There will also be a giveaway involved, woohoo! Again, so excited about this reveal! Friday can’t come soon enough lol ;).

I hope you’re all having a great week so far!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Thank you and Instagram!

Warning: Very thankful author post ahead <3.

I cannot believe how many awesome readers responded to the Hungary, I Love You Giveaway!!! It was so wonderful reading all of the great comments!


Seriously, it touched my heart to read the responses about which characters people liked and why. And can I just say: I LOVED how much love my guys and girls received!

My book boyfriends get a lot of love here in the States–which I totally get and am thankful for! I’m secretly in love with Becks and Ash and want to marry them as well LOL! 🙂 But it was awesome to see so many readers who loved Sally & Snow as well! Yay, girl power!

I just want to say THANK YOU so much again to everyone who entered! Your enthusiasm and awesomeness made my day, and I’m so grateful that you like my books! The winners below were randomly selected.

Without further ado, the winners of the Hungary, I Love You Giveaway and signed copies of Nindzsalány and Kamuzások, ​kavarások are:

Fruzsina Kucsera

Tóth Teodóra


Yay!!! Congratulations, and thank you so much for entering! Please send your address to cookieogorman[at]gmail[dot]com or message me on Facebook, so I can send you your books!

Also, as I mentioned, I had 12 extra bookplates in case more people entered…but I was so moved by the responses that…

I’m giving a bookplate to everyone who answered the question (Who is your favorite character from my books?) & entered the giveaway!!! 😀

Congrats, Irma, Szilvia, Tarcsai, Evá, Lilla, Királyné, Szandra, Hanna S., Adrienn, Jocó, Sandor, Stephanie, Timea, Anna, Ramóna, BVarga, Boglárka, Dóri, Hanna B., Tamás, Georgina, Titanilla, Réka, Andrea, Tamara, Melinda, Krisztina S., Nikolett, Judit, Eszter, Niki, Kiara, Krisztina P., Zsanett, Vivien F., Zsuzsanna, Körizs, Boglárka, Nóra, Renáta, Nikola, Klára, Dóri, Timi, Kulcsár, Vivien B., and Kira!

If you’ll send me your address, I will make sure you get your bookplate!

Thanks again, you guys! It may take a minute for the bookplates and books to arrive overseas, but I will be sending ASAP.

Next week, there will be an Instagram giveaway to celebrate the cover reveal for the print version of ADORKABLE coming out in December, yay! I love it and can’t wait to see what you amazing readers think!

Oh, and I finally got an Instagram!

I’m pretty nervous. Social media isn’t really my thing (translation: I kinda suck at it lol! :/). But I’ve already found some fantastic book peeps (and there are a lot of beautiful book pics *__*).

You can follow me there if you’d like! I’ll try not to be too awkward ha!

Hope you all have an awesome day with awesome books!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Hungary, I Love You Giveaway!

It’s giveaway time, bookworms!

And today, you can win signed copies of the Hungarian translations of NINJA GIRL and ADORKABLE! Yay!!!

A while ago, I received copies of both books from LOL…

…and they are gorgeous *___*.

I can’t explain why I forgot to post these pics, but part of it was probably that I don’t love pictures of me etc.

But the books just are so darn pretty lol! 🙂

If you’re one of my awesome/fantastic/lovely Hungarian readers (or if you enjoy reading Hungarian), this is a giveaway just for you! I’m giving away 3 signed copies of Nindzsalány and 3 signed copies of Kamuzások, ​kavarások. Three winners will receive copies of both!

You can enter by commenting on either this post or on the Facebook post for this giveaway. All I want to know is: Who is your favorite character from my books? 🙂

I’ll randomly select the winners, and I also have 12 extra bookplates if I need them, hooray! The giveaway will end next Sunday, September 15, 2019.

Good luck, I hope some of you lovely readers enter lol, and if not…I guess I’ll just be keeping these beautiful books on my shelves :-).

Hungary, I really do love you, and I’m thankful every day to know my book was translated by the wonderful people at LOL <3.

I’ll have more posts coming up (and another giveaway, yay), so be on the lookout! I hope you are all well, bookworms, and having a great week!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman