Month: October 2019

The Good Girl’s Guide to Being Bad Audiobook Giveaway!

Hi everyone!

I’m holding a giveaway for 4 copies of The Good Girl’s Guide to Being Bad audiobook!!! Hooray! Since it’s almost Halloween, just consider this my treat to you ;).

If you’d like to enter, please use the rafflecopter below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I love how the narrator Madeleine was able to capture Sadie’s voice and the feel of the book! Hoping to perhaps get over my fear, and do a video so you can hear a bit of the audio as well–and see my dorky reactions lol. But if not, you can check out TGGGTBB audiobook and give it a listen yourself! It’s so good, you guys!

Good luck, everyone, and I hope you’re reading (and listening) to wonderful books!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. I wrote 2,000+ words today, woop!

ADORKABLE Book Mail!!!

Hi bookish peeps!

I have an amazing/awesome surprise to share with all of you :-D. It came in a box on Tuesday, totally unexpected, and I was going to try to do a video, but I chickened out lol.

So you get pictures instead, ha!

Entangled sent me copies of the new print version of ADORKABLE, and they are SO gorgeous!!!!! *_*

Take a look!

Inside the box…

Outside the box…

The beautiful spine…

More ADORKABLE spines….

…and me & Sally swooning over Becks! <333

Full disclosure: Way too many pics were taken, but I regret nothing LOL!

Thank you so much to the awesome people at Entangled for sending these! It was such a wonderful surprise! And thank you to all of my awesome readers for your support of Sally & Becks’s story!

I hope you’ll check out ADORKABLE in print this December—less than 2 months away, ahhh! Hope you’re all doing well!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Yay for 20k!!!

So, I reached 20k words on my current WIP this week! Yayyy!!!!!

This (20k) is one of the milestones/markers for every book I write, so it felt really good to hit that number :).

Just wanted to share it with you guys! So glad to be writing—plus, I am loving this story so much!!! If you would, cross your fingers for me. Really hope to keep this momentum going. I also went to a writers conference last weekend and will be doing a post about it, and there will be a new giveaway coming soon, yay!

Hope you are all having a great weekend, bookworms—and if you write as well, I hope your words flow like a river!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman