Month: July 2020

The BEST Book Mail!

Hi everyone!

I have some book mail to share with you today, yayyy!!!

The Best Mistake proof came, and it is gorgeous! Thank you so much to Sarah Hansen for her beautiful cover design! See pics below :).

The awesome cover! *swoons*

Lovely spine!

And wonderful back cover!

And of course, I had to get one (or three lol) of Archer O’Brien and me together! (Totally knew this mask would compliment the cover :))

I love the paperback SO much! Very excited with how it turned out and can’t wait to add it to my shelves! It’s going to look so gorgeous up there!

Also sidenote: I don’t love how KDP puts that not-for-resale line across the books–however it is nice to know the cover still looks amazing even with the line running across his mouth lol!

The Best Mistake paperback will be available on July 30, 2020!!! That’s right, you guys! The Best Mistake comes to print tomorrow (or today depending on when you get this), hooray!

Probably only like three people will want it–including myself ha!–but maybe more awesome readers will discover Honor, Archer and all of the O’Brien brothers in this new format <3. I hope so anyway!

Hope you’re all doing well, bookworms! Stay safe and healthy out there!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. The Best Mistake paperback comes out July 30, 2020, YAYYYYYY!!! I can’t wait! 🙂

365 Giveaway and Writing Updates!

Hi everyone!

In an effort to make your Monday awesome…I have a giveaway for you!

Hosted by Tina Donahue, who recently celebrated a new release (if you’re into hot paranormal romance/reverse harem, you might want to check her out!), she let a whole bunch of authors be a part of her giveaway! Yay!

The prize is $365 in gift cards as well as a ton of ebooks–including The Best Mistake!

Enter here for a chance to win! And good luck, bookworms!

Also, an update on my writing progress :).

I hit 20K on my WIP this Saturday!!! Woohoo!

It’s a milestone for each of my manuscripts, and I’m so thankful to have reached it! The story is a YA romance, and I am absolutely loving it! Seriously, sometimes the joy of the process gets lost. It’s easy to celebrate the final product, but I really enjoy the writing–especially when I fall head-over-heels for the characters and their love story *sigh*.

Oh, I hope you’ll like it, too!

The downside is this means I haven’t been working on my next O’Brien Brothers book…BUT I do plan to write more in the series!

I’ve gotten questions about whether I’m going to continue the series, and every single time, it makes my heart glad <3. My first foray into the NA romance world has been going well! People are actually reading The Best Mistake! Honestly, I wish even more people would read Archer & Honor’s story! Ugh, I just love it! But I’m so grateful to the readers who have read and taken the time to send me their kind words and leave a review! It means more than they will ever know!

This weekend I formatted the paperback, and I’ve contacted my cover designer about the print cover, woop! So hopefully, that will be coming soon! I promise, I’ll let you know as soon as it’s ready :)!

Also, I’ve been in talks with Entangled about possibly doing another book with them, so yay! Hoping and crossing my fingers that wonderful things come from this!

And that’s pretty much all I’ve got. Just trying to hang in there, stay hopeful, and keep creating during this frankly awful time in the world.

I hope you’re doing well, my lovely readers! Hope you have a wonderful week!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman