Month: February 2021

Happy Reading

Hi everyone!

So, it’s the last Friday of February—can you believe the month went by so fast???

March is right around the corner, and I wanted to do a quick post to check-in :).

First, congratulations to Judy G.!!! She was the winner of my giveaway to celebrate ADORKABLE hitting 10,000 ratings on Goodreads! I hope you enjoy your gift card, Judy, and thank you so much to everyone who entered!

Second, I’ve been trying to write! I’m loving the book(s) I’m working on, but honestly, I haven’t quite mastered the skill of writing more than one project at a time lol. My brain takes a minute to flip between stories. I just want to be consistently productive. Still trying to get the hang of this!

And third, there’s less than a month until the release of WALLFLOWER, yayyy! I’ve been trying to make sure it’s ready. There’s a blog tour and blitz scheduled. I sent out a few ARCs. Trying to work up the nerve to contact some authors for newsletter swaps (cue the nerves LOL). I still need to work on my dedication and acknowledgments.

I’ll definitely be posting more about WALLFLOWER in the coming weeks :). I so love this book. I hope you will, too! Crossing my fingers so hard!

I’ve got a to-do list about a mile long and am slowly making my way through it. Also, in case you’re interested, my current WIPs are a co-authored YA and book 2 of the O’Brien Brothers, woop! What have you been up to? Anything interesting? 🙂

Hope you are well, bookworms!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Focus on the Good

The other day I sent out a few ARCs for WALLFLOWER, eep! I was so excited—still am. Not going to lie, I was nervous though—still am lol. But it’s a good feeling to know the book is out there.

I think/hope the readers who enjoyed my other YA romances will enjoy this one. That’s not something I say lightly. Doubt comes easy to me; confidence is hard. But yeah, if you’re reading this, I think/hope you’ll love WALLFLOWER.

One important thing to know: This is not a sequel to ADORKABLE.

Viola is Sally & Becks’s daughter—but the book stands alone. This is why there’s no mention of ADORKABLE in the book summary as well. I hope people will love Viola & Dare’s romance regardless of if they’ve read any of my previous work.

Honestly, as I was writing, the parents just were Sally & Becks (at least in my head). Two or three awesome readers picked up on the “Kent” name and asked about it. I probably could’ve made Viola the child of one of the older Kent brothers—but I didn’t really think of that lol! Again, the parents just were Sally & Becks. Viola was the daughter I thought they would create together. I see bits of both characters in her. Her parents have an awesome relationship, and the family loves each other. I truly hope that comes across—along with the funny/swoon-worthy moments—which mostly involve Viola & Dare—because this is very much their book and not a sequel to my debut (both of which I love :D).

I gave up being negative and complaining for Lent (and a couple of other things). It’s challenging, but things are going okay so far! See there, no negativity :).

We’re in the last 24 hours of a giveaway to celebrate ADORKABLE reaching 10,000 ratings on Goodreads. Hooray!!! If you’d like to, you can enter here! Good luck to you!

I never thought one of my books could be that widely read. I always hope all of my books will reach people. I hope readers will love WALLFLOWER. May it find the readers and hearts it’s meant to. Hopefully, it will brighten someone’s day <3. There’s a little over a month before the book’s release on March 25th, gah! Can’t believe it’s coming up so soon. And now, I’ll stop rambling lol.

Whatever’s happening with you, I hope you’re able to focus on the good. Hope you’re doing well, bookworms! Positive vibes to you! Be safe out there!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman