Month: June 2021

The Perfect Play cover reveal

Hi everyone!

The Perfect Play cover reveal is today, woop!!! Prepare yourself because: It. Is. Gorgeous. <3

This is book 2 of the Southern U O’Brien Brothers series. Chase & Charlie’s book, yayyy!

A new adult romance that’s sweet, sexy, laugh-out-loud funny, and totally romantic. Thank you to Stephanie Mooney who designed this beautiful cover!

I’m truly in love with it. Seriously can’t wait to share!


….here is the cover…

…for The Perfect Play!

Gah, I just think it’s so beautiful. Chase O’Brien is so swoon-worthy. I can’t even!

Seriously, though, don’t you just love it??? I’ve had this beauty since February, and I couldn’t share because I wasn’t finished with the book yet. The model is perfect for Chase (no pun intended ha!). That stare, the intense-yet-vulnerable look in his eyes…swoon. And then the gorgeous colors, title, and tagline set everything off.

I love it–and I hope you do, too :).

I hope it made you smile/swoon.

This book is truly one of my favorites I’ve ever written. Don’t get me wrong; I love ALL of my books.

But there’s something special about this one.

I love Charlie. I love Chase. I love them together, and oh, I had so much fun writing their story. ***This is a new adult sports romance recommended for readers 18+.*** If you love sexy-sweet stories featuring brothers guaranteed to make you swoon, I truly hope you’ll give The Perfect Play a chance!

Hope you are well and having an awesome weekend, bookworms!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

CUPCAKE cover reveal

It’s time, you guys!

The CUPCAKE cover reveal is today, yay!!!

This is my first #OwnVoices book.

It’s a swoony, sweet, hilarious YA romance.

It’s also the first book I’ve ever had traditionally published from start to finish. Thank you so much, Entangled Teen!

I’m so excited to share this beautiful cover created by Elizabeth Turner-Stokes!

Annnd without further ado…

…here’s the cover…


Beautiful, right?!?

Ariel “Cupcake” Duncan is a seventeen-year-old girl who loves movies and baking. She also just happens to be plus-sized. When she gets nominated to Homecoming Court, Ariel is surprised–and reluctant lol. She absolutely doesn’t want to be a princess.

Then she’s paired with Rhys Castle. The popular quarterback is…complex, hot one minute, cold the next. Ariel doesn’t know what to think.

Sparks fly as they complete a ton of fun/hilarious/romantic Homecoming activities.

Spoiler alert: The curvy girl in this book doesn’t have to lose weight to get her happily-ever-after.

She loves herself, as she is.

And that is my favorite thing about the book <3.

I also love Rhys *swoon*, Ariel’s awesome relationship with her mom, her best friend & their talks, the friends she makes on the Court, and all of the Homecoming fun.

If you’re in the mood for something sweet, funny, and uplifting, I hope you’ll give CUPCAKE a try!

Hope you are staying safe and having a wonderful summer, bookworms!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. CUPCAKE doesn’t officially release until November 2nd–but it’s already available for pre-order on Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and Google Play! Hooray!

P.P.S. WALLFLOWER is now available in paperback!!! I will most likely do another post about this later bc it’s a big deal, and I have pics to share, woop!

P.P.P.S. Be on the lookout for another cover reveal this Saturday! That one is for my upcoming NA romance The Perfect Play! <3 Can’t wait to share it with you!