Month: August 2021

WALLFLOWER Audiobook Release Day!

It’s here, you guys!!!

Viola & Dare’s story is now available in audiobook! Woohoo!!!

Ah, they used the original cover (created by Stephanie Mooney), and I’m so glad because I love it! The narrator, Stephanie Einstein, captured Viola’s voice right from the beginning <3. The sample I heard was so wonderful! Can’t wait to listen to the rest!!!

Also thought the 2 Stephanie’s must be a good sign lol!

So, so excited! This is my first audiobook in a while, and I love this story so much!


In addition to the ebook and paperback, I hope this new format will help more readers find Viola & Dare! Eep! This book is so dear to me. And it’s out there, you guys!

That’s an awesome feeling.

In other news, this coming month is going to be busy. I organize a charity event in September that is for a very important cause, and I’m praying and doing all I can to make sure it goes well. Please cross your fingers for me, you guys. I’m also writing a book for Entangled that needs to be turned in by Oct. 1st. My WIP will be taking a lot of my energy/focus. I love it, but honestly, I’ve been having trouble writing since July. Several reasons for this *sigh*. I also have a dance teaching opportunity coming up, which I’m very excited about. And then there’s the co-authored project I’m working on.

More on all that later.

Today is a good day because my book baby is out there in audio, available to listen & swoon over!

Happy Release Day to the WALLFLOWER audiobook!!!

If you listen, I hope you love it! Hope you’re well and that you have a wonderful week!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

The Perfect Play Paperback!

Got some awesome book mail yesterday!!!

The Perfect Play paperback is out now, and it’s a beauty! I still can’t look at the cover without smiling <3.

Here are a few pics:

The lovely cover <333…

The spine…

Annnd the back cover and summary!

I’m biased since I wrote the book lol, but…

The paperback is so swoony/gorgeous!!!

My mom even said that she thinks it may be my prettiest one :D. I’ve been waiting for this and am so glad I can now add Chase & Charlie’s story to my shelves!

The Perfect Play paperback is out now, yay!

I hope you love the story as much I loved writing it–and I really LOVE this one, you guys. So much! Crossing my fingers that you fall in love with Chase & Charlie <3!

Hope you’re doing well and having a wonderful week!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. The Best Mistake and The Perfect Play look so good side-by-side *sigh* :). Do you just gaze longingly at books sometimes? Is that just me? Oh, okay lol! Again, stay safe, keep reading, and be well, bookworms!

Bookish Updates

Hi everyone!

I hope you’re all doing well! I just wanted to do a post about some bookish updates :). Okay, here we go!

  1. RJS Book Lovers’ Convention. I’ll be participating in my first book convention (as an author), yay!!! RSJ is a virtual romance book con that celebrates diversity in publishing! Sounds awesome, right? I definitely think so and am so thankful to be a small part of this event. On Sunday, I’ll be on a YA panel, chatting with readers, talking about books, playing fun games etc. This has always been a dream/goal of mine–to be an author at a conference/convention–so I’m very excited! Hoping it all goes well!
  2. Entangled Teen Live Chat. Okay, so this already happened lol, but it was a lot of fun! Riki, Pamela, Sharina, and Marlene were so awesome, and we had a wonderful time talking about YA books! You can catch more info about my upcoming release CUPCAKE as well as a ton of my awkward facial expressions in the replay lol!
  3. WALLFLOWER audiobook! Viola & Dare’s story is coming to audio on August 31st! Hooray!!! I’m so excited! Can’t wait to (hopefully) reach even more readers with this new format! <3 Can’t wait to listen to WALLFLOWER!
  4. The Perfect Play paperback!!! That’s right, you guys! Team ChaCha is coming to paperback this month! Woop, woop! I’ve already received the proof, and it’s SO beautiful! *sigh* I really want to release tomorrow (Thursday, Aug. 5th) or at least within the week, so be on the lookout! Again: The Perfect Play is coming to paperback!!! Yayyy!
  5. Writing vs. Being Sick. I haven’t been writing much lately. I’ve been sick but am feeling much better now. Not 100% yet–but definitely better. I thought I might have COVID, though I’ve been vaccinated. The symptoms were there, but my test was negative, and I’m very thankful for that. Looking forward to getting back to writing!

And that’s it! 🙂

I hope your August is off to a good start!

Hope everyone who’s going back to school has an awesome first week!!!

Stay safe and be well!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman