Can you believe it’s October already? Gah, I can’t. September was a busy month which is why I haven’t posted in a while. But there’s so much I want to share with you guys!

Today, I have an awesome giveaway for you!

Entangled is doing a Goodreads giveaway to win a paperback copy of my upcoming YA romance CUPCAKE!!! It ends on November 1st, and there will be 5 winners! Hooray!

Here is the link if you’d like to enter!

Good luck, bookworms!!!

I’ll also be doing a giveaway closer to the release date which is on November 2nd.

Yes, you read that right.

CUPCAKE, Book Baby #9, my first ever traditionally published book from start to finish, my first #OwnVoices book, will come out in less than a month. Ahhh! Trying not to freak out over here (and mostly succeeding…maybe lol).

CUPCAKE is a swoon-worthy, fun and funny YA romance, featuring a plus-sized princess named Ariel who loves baking, movies, and…herself–just as she is <3. It also features Rhys, the golden-boy quarterback who is slightly broody, imperfect, and *sigh* absolutely wonderful.

There are already over 60 ratings/reviews.

Again, freaking out a bit ha!

I’ve never had a book release with that many reviews/ratings.

Several early readers have picked out some of my favorite parts of the story, reminding me why I love it so much, and I’m so grateful for them.

I love that CUPCAKE features a teen girl who just happens to be plus-sized and who loves herself.

I love the swoon-worthy romance/chemistry between Ariel & Rhys.

I love the female relationships. Ariel & Toni. Ariel & her mom. Ariel & Lana. Ariel & all of the girls on Homecoming Court.

I love the supportive mother/daughter relationship.

I love Rhys and that he isn’t perfect.

I also love Zander <3, the movies mentioned, the funny and heartfelt moments. I could keep going, but I’ll stop lol.

Anyway, I so hope readers will love CUPCAKE, too!

Quick writing/life updates: I’ve been trying to write. It’s slow-going, but at least it’s coming, and I love the story so much!!! I hope to post more–life just got busy, and then I started to feel that fear again, like whatever I had to say didn’t matter; no one really wants to hear it anyway *sigh*. I’ve also been trying to stay positive.

And I’ll keep trying.

Whatever you have going on in your life, I hope you are well. I wish you so much joy and happiness. Positive vibes to you! I hope you’re having a wonderful October so far!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. CUPCAKE comes out in less than a month!!! Ahh, so excited! <3