Month: November 2021

5 Things: I’m Thankful For

Hi everyone!

It’s been a while since I’ve done a “5 Things” post. I love these for several reasons: first, lists rock; second, they help me focus; third, I ramble sometimes (like now), but when you limit yourself to five, there’s only so much rambling that can happen lol.

So, just in time for Thanksgiving, here is my list of “5 Things: I’m Thankful For.”

  1. Family. I usually save this one for last because I think it’s the most important. Today and always in my mind, it’s #1. I don’t have a large family, but the one I have is amazing. I love them so much. I’m so very thankful for their love, support, and friendship.
  2. Good health. People (myself included) sometimes take it for granted. But I’m so grateful for my health and that of those I love. Good health is something I wish for everyone. When I say “I hope you’re doing well,” I really mean it. A couple days ago, I got my booster vaccine, and though shots make me nervous, I am so thankful. I want to protect other people from getting sick. I pray and hope we can get out of this pandemic. Oh, I hope, I hope, I hope.
  3. Taylor Swift & Traveling Videos. Okay, so this one is a little different lol. I’ve been struggling, and I found some solace in Taylor Swift’s music (particularly the song “Evermore” which spoke to me on a very deep level during the crappy time) and short video reels of Edinburgh, Scotland, and Paris set to somber, moody music. It’s the little things ha.
  4. Dogs, Books & Movies. Because they truly make life, the world, and the bad days better.
  5. My readers. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: My readers are the best. Truly. The. Best. During my low times, they lift me up. They send the kindest messages of encouragement. They give my books and characters so much love. Just knowing anyone reads my books is still such a surprise–a very nice, unexpected, amazing surprise. My readers are wonderful, and I am so thankful for each and every one of them <3.

And those are my 5 Things!

To say thank you and because the CUPCAKE audiobook comes out today, yayyy, I’ve included a link to a giveaway below! The are 5 copies, so there will be 5 winners! You can enter here!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck, everyone!

Happy CUPCAKE Audiobook Release Day!!!

I hope you’re all well, and I hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

CUPCAKE Release Day!

Happy CUPCAKE Release Day!!!

I still can’t believe Ariel & Rhys’s story is actually going to be out there, yayyy! Book Baby #9! CUPCAKE is out in the wild! I hope readers love it and that it makes them smile! Most of all I hope it reminds people to love themselves and to be kind and that happily-ever-after comes in all shapes and sizes! <3

Again: Happy Release Day CUPCAKE!!!

I hope you’re well and having an awesome November so far! And if you check out CUPCAKE, I hope you enjoy it!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman