Hi there! I haven’t posted here in a minute because life has been full/stressful/crazy.

I actually had a health scare not too long ago. It both terrified and made me realize what’s important.

Currently trying to find balance in all the things (job, school, family, posting, sleep, writing etc.) while also avoiding burn out. I have a new respect for everyone who’s able to juggle everything at once. And SLEEP! Gah, I miss her–as well as reading and writing (that are not for assignments) :).

Anyway, I just wanted to stop in and say: I’m still here!

My cover designer has gotten back to me, and we’re in the process of creating a cover for my new book–which I love, love, love and can’t wait to share with you!!! <3

This one has actually gone through a different process. It was initially going to be traditionally published–I wrote it under contract and with the full intention of going that route–but after much thought, I made the decision to self-publish instead. That was not at all an easy decision. But I think/hope it will ultimately end up being the right one. I love this book so very much. I know (as much as someone with recurring self-doubt can) that my readers will love the book, too. I think a lot of people still view traditional publishing as what it takes to be a “real” author. And it is one way to do that! But it’s not the only way ;).

My views on the pros and cons of traditional vs. self-publishing are many lol, but that’s a post for another day. If you’re a writer, just know that: Your work is your work. There might be two fantastic, amazing options for publishing, and you have to choose the one you think will be the best for you and your book <3.

Again, more on that later! I hope you’re all doing well!

I’ve been making an effort to post at least once a week on Facebook and Instagram. So please follow me there if you like pretty book pics, random thoughts about life etc.! 😀

Also, I’d love it if you’d sign up for my newsletter!!! I try to post here, there and everywhere, but sometimes it can be a lot. My Cookie Jar Newsletter is the best way to stay up to date with new releases & bookish news! I hope you’re doing well, my awesome readers! You’re wonderful, and I hope you know it!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman