Month: April 2022

FAUXMANCE Release Day!

It’s here, it’s here, it’s finally here!!!

Happy FAUXMANCE Release Day!

Ahhh, I can’t believe it’s here! Book baby #10 is out in the wild! Oh, I’m so excited and feeling all the feels! Magnolia & Hayden’s story is one I love so much! It’s my first story with an elevator scene (loved writing that part <3). I hope readers laugh, sigh, and swoon. I hope people will give this little YA romance a chance and that they fall in love with Hayden *sigh*. I hope they love Maggie, too–and Izzy, Constance, Maggie’s mom and sister, the guys in Hayden’s band, the bridesmaids.

Like I said, my feelings are all over the place lol. When I first started this journey, I never thought I’d be able to write 10 books. I’m so slow; self-doubt tries to stop me every. single. time. There are so many reasons why this shouldn’t have been possible. But I’m so glad I got to #10 (even if one of those is a novella ha!) because if I hadn’t I’d never have written this book.

And Magnolia & Hayden’s story is in my heart.

I hope FAUXMANCE will make its way into readers’ hearts as well.

If you love YA romance, fake relationships, opposites attract, hopeless romantics who love weddings, cynical musicians who love their grandmother, elevators, weddings, and laugh-out-loud moments, I hope you’ll check it out!

Again: FAUXMANCE is available now!

Good luck, little book! May the Force be with you, may the odds be ever in your favor, and may you bring light and love to anyone who reads your pages!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

2 More Days!

Hi everyone!

There’s only 2 more days until the release of FAUXMANCE!!!

Yay, yay, yay! I love Magnolia & Hayden so much, and I truly hope readers will as well!

I realized that I never posted the book summary; and though it’s already up in other places, I’d like to have it on my blog, so here you go lol :).

Fauxmance (foh-mans): Term for a romantic relationship that is fake. Real feelings, like love, are strictly prohibited. See also: Why would anyone enter a fake relationship?

Eighteen-year-old Magnolia believes in true love.

Or she did.

When her boyfriend dumps her the day before her sister’s wedding, Maggie is devastated—but her broken heart is only part of the problem. Maggie is the maid of honor, and her sister insists: Every member of the bridal party must have an escort. No exceptions.

Thank goodness for Hayden Davenport.

Sarcastic, cocky, a surprisingly good listener and self-professed player, when Maggie gets stuck in an elevator with the handsome stranger, she thinks she’s found the perfect wedding date. Unfortunately, Hayden hates weddings. Like really hates them.

But one soul-shattering kiss changes everything.

Maggie needs a fake boyfriend. Hayden wants to prove he’s changed his playboy ways. Faking it should be easy. The hard part?

Remembering it’s all pretend and not falling in love for real.

This book features two opposites with sizzling chemistry, a sweet, hopeless romantic and a cynical bad boy who’ll steal your heart. Elevators, fake romance, and weddings, oh my! Get ready to swoon, laugh, and say ‘I do’ to this heartfelt YA romance.


I had so much fun writing this summary–and the book! Magnolia is totally a hopeless romantic. She’s smart, soft-hearted, and so hilarious! I hope readers relate to her and love her as much as I do. And Hayden…gah. He’s sarcastic, confident, attractive inside and out, a cynical musician with a beautiful soul. The chemistry between the two, their banter, is probably my favorite part of the whole book <3. The swoon factor is at 100 percent.

I loved writing their story.

I love Constance, Magnolia’s mom and cousin, the guys in the band, the bridesmaids.

Again, I just love it so much.

I can’t believe FAUXMANCE releases this Thursday. Trying hard not to freak out about that and just enjoy this time leading up to the release.

I hope you’re doing well my awesome readers!

And I hope you’ll check out FAUXMANCE when it comes out!

Only 2 more days!!!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman