Hi everyone!
Can you believe it’s already the end of October??? Goodness, where did the time go lol?
I wanted to see how everyone is doing and check in :). Not gonna lie, I’ve been a bit down (which may be reflected in this post ha), but I’ll try and keep it positive!
So for today’s post, I’m doing 5 Things: I wish…
- I wish everyone had a dog. Or more than one. They are so lovely, so often better than people, and they really make life better <3.
- I wish my readers knew how much I appreciate them! THE KISSING CHALLENGE is doing awesome! That is thanks to all of you bookish peeps, and I am so very grateful! I truly didn’t know if anyone would read let alone enjoy my little YA romance novella—or any of my books for that matter! Thank you SO much for reading!
- I wish I didn’t pay attention to reviews. Actually, no. I wish I didn’t let them impact me as much as they sometimes do. *sigh* Recently, there have been some good and some bad. Guess which ones get in my head and won’t leave? Blah :/.
- I wish everyone would wear a mask. Because it protects others. Because we are all a part of this world and want to save each other from this virus. Because as Dan Levy (David from Schitt’s Creek) said, it is basically the kindest thing we can do.
- I wish everyone was healthy, happy and hopeful <3.
Okay, so those are my 5 Things! I really and truly meant that last one. The times have been so dark and desolate for so many, and I just wish it would get better. I so hope it will <3.
Hope you are all well everyone! Stay safe out there! Have a very Happy Halloween! And maybe treat yourself to some peanut M&Ms and an awesome book!
Happy reading,
Cookie O’Gorman
P.S. I have also been writing :). It’s been slow-going, but the other day I hit 20k on my brand new WIP! Yayyy! I’m really enjoying this story, you guys, and hope you will, too! I’m also about to start a collaboration with another wonderful author, my first ever, and oh, I’m so excited and hope it goes well! Very much looking forward to it! For my other book—the one I completed just before my novella? If you’re confused that’s okay lol!—I think I’ve found an awesome cover image. Hooray!!! Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know I’m still writing, pushing through the bad times and trying to stay productive. Good vibes and positive karma to all of you, my awesome readers!
I just finished your newest book The Best Mistake. Please tell me you are making this a series with the brothers!! Also my other favorite of yours is the good girls guide to being bad. Just something about bad boys that make me swoon. Anyway I hope you are doing good!! Thank you for all that you do!
Hi Jennifer! Oh yay, yay, yay!!!! I’m so glad you enjoyed The Best Mistake!
I definitely hope to write more books for the series, love the O’Brien family! And I’m totally with you about The Good Girl’s Guide to Being Bad and swooning over Colton *sighs*. Thank you so much for your kind words, and I hope you’re having an awesome 2021 so far!
I can’t wait to read more. I can’t wait to see the cover of your newest book. I love your writing.
I am sure all my coworkers are sick of every Cookie O’ reference or update I provide. But they are loving your books like I do.
I hope you are well and I believe in your amazing talent.
I still need Adorkable the movie for Friday viewing. Seriously Netflix needs to make it happen!
Hi Karen!!! Ah bless you and thank you so much for talking about the books with your co-workers! That just makes me so, so glad! Thank you also for your kind words and encouragement. It really means so much to me. And I’m with you on the ADORKABLE movie lol! I would love to see it! Again, if it ever happens, I’ll probably pass out, though…but when I came to, I’m sure I would get back up and watch :D. Hope you are doing well and having an awesome 2021!