So first of all, here is my ADORKABLE shelfie :).

adorkable shelfie

Not sure if I’ve mentioned it, but in addition to YA romance, I am a BIG fan of YA fantasy–obviously lol.  You’ll also notice the Slytherins outnumber the Gryffindors in this picture *gasp*.  (Although I’m pretty sure Captain America would be a Gryffindor.)  And next to those guys, I have my book babies, Kamuzások, kavarások and ADORKABLE <3.  Four copies of ADORKABLE–one for each of the places the book is sold–and one copy of my beloved Hungarian debut!  Speaking of which…


To all of the LOL readers who posted their shelfies: Imádom, imádom, imádom!!! <333333  I just loved looking at all of your beautiful book pics–and seeing that you’re #TeamBecks ;).  Tija, I feel like you are my bookish fairy godmother or something, and I am so so grateful to you!   I might get this wrong, but…köszönöm! Köszönöm szépen!  You all rock and so do your awesome bookshelves :).

Thank you for making my week, and I hope you have a great one, too!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Super Secret Shelfie

I mentioned a “super secret assignment” in my last post, and okaaay, it’s not really a secret.  BUT if someone could help me with this, it would be pretty freakin’ super :).  So here’s the deal.  Last week, I was in L.A. for a few days, and one of the places I really wanted to go was the Los Angeles Public Library.  I was seriously looking forward to it!

You get why I’d be excited about this right, fellow bookworms?

Books, shelves, readers, books, card catalogs (are there still card catalogs lol?) and…I mean, seriously, all those books!!!

And I really wanted to go there for one book in particular.  If you look up the ADORKABLE paperback on Goodreads, there’s a button for “libraries.”  I happened to click on it, not expecting much.  I knew when I decided to self-publish that libraries probably wouldn’t order my book(s) just like bookstores wouldn’t stock them.  It’s one of the dreams I kind of gave up on because of the stigma attached to being self-pubbed/using Createspace etc.

But when I clicked, I got a shock!

ADORKABLE, book baby #1, was actually available at 11 libraries!!!  There were copies in Indiana, New York, Wisconsin, South Dakota, Idaho, California and Washington.  And some of them were even checked out!  Several branches of the L.A. Public Library had the book, and I was hoping to visit before I left–but alas, I never got the chance :(.

Now, I know this is a long shot, but I decided to ask anyway.  If you live near any of the libraries that carry ADORKABLE, could you do me a favor?  Could you take a picture of ADORKABLE on the library shelf and post it somewhere so I can see?  Or if you have the paperback on your shelf, would you mind taking a shelfie and posting?  I’d love to see a picture of the book in its natural habitat!

It’s kinda silly, I guess, but it was one of those author-ly dreams I just never thought would come true.  I should do a post about those sometime because they are many lol.  If you accept this super secret shelfie assignment, I’d be forever grateful.  If not, that’s totally cool, too!

I hope you all have a great weekend surrounded by amazing books <3.

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

A Nice Surprise

Okay, so I just got back from a short (but awesome) trip to California!  Los Angeles to be exact.  And I come home to find this on my doorstep…


It was in a bag with a note from one of my former students who moved away.  The note said since I’d shared a few books with her, she wanted to share a few of her favorites with me <333.  Seriously, it was such a nice surprise.  (Thank you, Jaida!!!)  There’s only one book in there that I’ve already read and own (The Westing Game), AND she is the same student who let me read her copy of Kasie West’s P.S. I Like You, my first book by West and one that I enjoyed immensely!

Anyway, ahhh like I said, it was so thoughtful.

I’m very fortunate to teach several thoughtful young adults who are smart, talented and just wonderful.  The readers in this age group are fantastic as well and make me want to write the best books that I can for them.  I actually had one reader leave a great comment on my last post.  She’d read ADORKABLE, like it a lot, and was wondering when NINJA GIRL would be available in paperback because she loves reading real, tangible books.  I loved that comment because to be honest I’m not sure if/when I’ll be publishing NINJA GIRL as a paperback.  I mean, I would love to add it to my bookshelf.  But I honestly haven’t had time to get it together and wasn’t sure if anyone (besides me) would want NINJA GIRL as a real, live book anyway.  But I guess they do :).

And that…is so awesome!

Another nice surprise, and I am very thankful for her comment, those great books and all of my wonderful students.  Next week, I’ll post more about my trip to L.A., and a super-secret assignment, something fun my readers may be able to help me with ;).

Have a great weekend, and I really hope some nice surprises happen for you as well!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

5000+ ADORKABLE Readers!!!

This post could’ve also been called: OMG, when did that happen?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

But I figured it was too many question marks :).  As you can see, book baby #1 finally did it.  ADORKABLE reached 5000+ readers on Goodreads!  When I first started this journey into self-publishing, I honestly never thought this would happen.  I mean, I thought I’d be lucky to have five to 10 readers let alone this many.  I am truly floored and humbled by how many people have read ADORKABLE, and I cannot thank you all enough for the support.  Sally and Becks are out there, making their way into people’s hearts, and I am so grateful for that.

On a side note, book baby #2 isn’t doing too shabby either.  500+ people have read and rated NINJA GIRL on Goodreads which is crazy amazing.  Also, I noticed a little while ago that, although the book is actually rated 4.8 stars on Amazon (which is fan-freaking-tastic), it looks like 5 stars on the site.  Definitely not complaining about that lol!

To thank you awesome ADORKABLE and NINJA GIRL readers…it’s time for a giveaway!!!

There are several ways to enter, and the giveaway will run until August 31, 2017.  One winner will be randomly chosen, and the prize is a $25 Amazon Gift Card.  You can enter using the rafflecopter below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Once more with feeling: THANK YOU SO MUCH, readers!  Thank you for reading the book in the first place.  Thank you for recommending it to your friends.  Thank you for being the adorkable ninja girl and guy bookworms that you are!  ADORKABLE and NINJA GIRL readers really are the best, and I appreciate you more than I can say <3.

I hope you have a wonderful week, and good luck!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Happy Birthday, Harry Potter!

It’s July 31st, and every muggle knows this is a very important day!


Today, Harry James Potter was born.  The boy-who-lived came into the world; the lightning bolt symbol gained a whole new meaning; and love stood up against evil…and won.  These books changed my life.  They made me want to read.  7 books, a golden trio, a boy living in a cupboard under the stairs of number four Privet Drive, a school called Hogwarts that felt like home, and the amazing woman who created them all.  I can say with complete honesty that I wouldn’t have become a voracious book lover–or a writer, for that matter–without her or her magical world.


So Mister Potter, I’d like to wish you and your lovely creator, J.K. Rowling, the happiest of happy birthdays!!!  Thank you for the books, the characters and the magic!

Happy reading (and Happy Birthday, Harry Potter!),

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. My ADORKABLE character Sally would totally be celebrating this day with a party, cake, butter beer, chocolate frogs, Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans , the works!  She’d probably even have everyone (Becks, Hooker, Ash, Snow, all the parents and the Kent brothers) over for an HP movie marathon.  I have to work, but I will definitely be rocking my Snape/Lily earrings! 🙂  Also, I’ll have a giveaway coming up, so be on the lookout for that.  I hope you have a great day, my fellow muggles!

Be Water

I can’t believe it’s been two weeks since I last posted!  Two freakin’ weeks…how did that even happen? 0__0

Well, I’m back readers, and I sincerely hope you are still with me!  Today, I wanted to share a video I found a long time ago when I was doing research for NINJA GIRL.  It’s totally awesome imo, and it’s Bruce Lee in a nutshell–so of course, Snow would love it :).  I do, too, and I hope you will as well.

While I’ve been editing my next book to be released and writing a new book, feeling all of the feels, doubting myself at every turn, I can honestly say I wish I was more like Bruce, more like Snow.  I try to be water.  Whenever new situations or challenges present themselves, I try to go with the flow, roll with the punches.  I don’t always succeed…but that doesn’t stop me from trying.

My next YA book will be different than my first two releases–completely new characters, not as fluffy (though still lots of laughs)–and I’m very nervous (see: terrified) about that.  And I actually wrote it before ADORKABLE, though it’s been through huge revisions since then.  Note to self: The writer-ly fears do not go away after you release a book.  They remain, hang around and sneak up on you when you least expect it.  I’m also organizing an event for a very good cause, a cause that I care deeply about, and so far?  I’ve only gotten one response.  Ugggggh…

And yet!  I refuse to give up.  I’m going to be water, my friends.  And it is my hope, no matter what you’re dealing with in your life, that you can be, too <3.

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Congrats!!! And hey…is that Ansel?

It’s time to announce the winner of the NINJA GIRL Book Blitz Giveaway :).  It’s actually a little past time, but thank you so much to everyone for entering and for your patience and support.  Without further ado, big CONGRATS to:


I believe Yadira won the last giveaway as well–which of course means that she is a true ninja ;).  And a lucky one apparently!  Congrats again, Yadira, your gift will be on the way soon.

Hope you are all having a great week with wonderful people and great books!  If anyone is wondering, I will be doing another post about my trip, writing progress, and just general updates in the upcoming weeks.

But for right now, I will tell you…there is a guy on this bus who looks strikingly like a broad shouldered Ansel Elgort!  I’m doing my best not to stare; he’s probably 18 or something and looks like he would be great in a YA novel lol.  Hmm…maybe this is the muse telling me to write, write, write. 🙂

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Top of the Mornin’ to Ya!

You guys, I actually had someone say that to me :).  It was so cool.  ADORKABLE and NINJA GIRL have been doing well, and I haven’t had a chance to post as much because I’m actually  traveling–which I hardly ever do!  And I am in a beautiful place at the moment; the only drawback is sketchy internet service.  So while I have a good connection: Hello from Ireland, readers!!!  Here’s a picture of me with my current read (which I got from the library here), gorgeous landscape and of course, the O’Gorman family crest.




I hope you are all well and reading fantastic books (hopefully ones with Irish heroes who say “Top of the mornin’ to ya” in that lovely Irish brogue ;)).

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

NINJA GIRL Book Playlist

First, I want to give a huge thank you to YA Bound Book Tours and to everyone who participated in the NINJA GIRL Book Blitz!  You are awesome, and I appreciate you so much for helping me spread the word.  I’ve mentioned that one of my biggest fears as a writer is that my books won’t find their audience, and that remains true today.  Every recommendation to a friend, every review/post/tweet truly helps.  So again, thank you!!!

Second, I wanted to share my book playlist for NINJA GIRL!  You may have already seen it, but I wanted it for my website as well lol.  Also, on Goodreads, a reader created her own book playlists for both ADORKABLE and NINJA GIRL, and I thought that was so cool!

If you’ve read NINJA GIRL, you’ll see several of the songs mentioned in the book–but others may be a surprise :).  The full playlist will be at the end of the post.  Alright, let’s get to it:

“Ho Hey” by The Lumineers–or “Snow Hey” if we’re talking about the swoon worthy rendition done by the one and only Ash Stryker–absolutely represents how Ash feels about Snow.  *sigh*  When he sang to our ninja girl, she definitely got the message.  And I mean, seriously, what girl wouldn’t love a guy putting her name into a song like this? <3

“I Am the Best” by 2NE1 represents Snow’s confidence in martial arts, self-defense and just taking on anyone who challenges her.  She may be insecure when it comes to boys and her own femininity, but when it comes to kicking butt?  Snow is a true badass!

When Nicki Minaj comes in and goes off on this track, it is Snow all day, every day lol!  But  “My Chick Bad” is the perfect song to express how Ash feels about Snow’s strength.  He’s impressed by it, finds it attractive; basically, he’s got it bad for our ninja girl–and even though he’s a country fan, I think Ash would totally agree with this choice (minus the 2nd verse bc Ash is a Southern gentleman :)).


Ah, that voice <33333.  Patsy Cline is timeless and truly one of the greats, and her songs are so so incredibly perfect for this little YA romance.  Snow’s tough on the outside.  Ash is confident/cocky.  But they both have their insecurities, and Patsy exposes them all.  The car scene where Ash and Snow have a Patsy Cline battle, speaking to each other through their song choices, too afraid to voice their feelings, is one of my absolute favorite scenes.

Okay, I LOVE this song.  It is so innocent and lovely.  I think the chorus is like what Ash was trying to convince Snow of all along: I’ll be yours, if you’ll just be mine.  Then the part near the end where she sings by herself, and it’s so exposed and real…that’s Snow finally admitting her feelings and how much she cares for him.  Snow and Ash, the honesty, the pure loveliness of this is what YA and romance is all about.

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

NINJA GIRL Book Playlist

  1. “Ho Hey” by The Lumineers
  2. “I Am the Best” by 2NE1
  3. “Sparks Fly” by Taylor Swift
  4. “Fans” by Kings of Leon
  5. “My Chick Bad” by Ludacris & Nicki Minaj
  6. “In For The Kill” (Skrillex Remix) by La Roux
  7. “Lies” by BIGBANG
  8. “Someone Like You” by Adele
  9. “Miss Atomic Bomb” by The Killers
  10. “Crazy” by Patsy Cline
  11. “I Fall to Pieces” by Patsy Cline
  12. “Call Your Girlfriend” (live) by Lennon and Maisy Stella
  13. “Marry You” by Bruno Mars
  14. “Come By Fire” by Sara Jackson-Holman
  15. “Little Bit” by Lykke Li
  16. “Emmylou” by First Aid Kit

Bookish Updates

One of my family members (one of the 5 people who actually reads this blog lol!) always asks how my books are doing.  She does this pretty much every time we talk.  I love it when she asks because it reminds me: there are books out there that I wrote and love.  ADORKABLE and NINJA GIRL are out there in the world, finding readers every day, and that is a wonderful thing.

Several wonderful things are going on, so here’s a quick rundown :).

Wonderful Thing #1: NINJA GIRL will be available for $0.99 next week!!!  Yes, it’s time for a Kindle Countdown Deal, and I can’t wait to see how many new readers will find Snow and Ash!  The deal will run from June 12-19 on Amazon and Amazon UK.  I hope the book ninjas, the Force and the kimchi are with you little book!

Wonderful Thing #2: The NINJA GIRL Book Blitz starts next Monday, and there will be a giveaway.  Look out for that, and good luck!

Wonderful Thing #3:  A few kind readers have written reviews for either ADORKABLE and/or NINJA GIRL, and I just gotta say: You readers are incredible, and I’m so grateful for you!  If karma is for real, you definitely have some good vibes coming your way.

So, how are my books doing?

Answer: They are doing well, and I’m thankful for every page read, book sold, and new reader who finds my stories <3.

I hope you all are having a great summer!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman