So…I did it!

Hi everyone,

So…I did it!  I was able to set up the Kindle Countdown Deal, and it was actually easier than I thought it would be.  You may be asking yourself, “What’s a Kindle Countdown Deal?”  This was me about a week ago.  It means that ADORKABLE, my debut YA romance, will be available at a deeply discounted price for a limited time.

Starting tomorrow, you or your bookish friends can purchase ADORKABLE for just $0.99 cents!!!

The deal will run from June 7 at 8:00 am PST until June 13 at 12:00 am PST.

If you’re friends with a bookworm you think would enjoy the book and would like to gift it to them, please take advantage of this promotion!  If you’d like to help me spread the word about this deal, I’d definitely appreciate your help!  I would love for readers to benefit from this limited time deal, so the more people who share, tweet, facebook about it, the better.  I still don’t know how to do those pre-made tweets or I would post some here.  But if you wouldn’t mind, I’d love your help in sharing this news.

Again, thank you to all of the readers who have already read ADORKABLE and to those who will read it in the future!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

The Next Step

Here’s a secret: I don’t really know what the next step is.

That’s probably normal (I hope).  I definitely shouldn’t stress about it, and I’m not…much.  Everyone’s journey to publication is different.  I have been trying to post on my blog every week–and yes, I missed one week, but I’ve stayed pretty true to that goal…even though sometimes I ramble…like now lol :-).

I know that you’re supposed to be constantly writing/working on your next novel.  Actually, the novel I’m currently writing is my next-next novel.  In other words, the novel I will release after ADORKABLE is actually complete and undergoing edits.  Yay!  I still have to work on formatting, cover, making absolutely sure everything is as good as it can possibly be before it’s ready to be published.

But I am excited because a lot of readers seemed to like Ash.

And I love him :).

I am currently trying to figure out how to set up a Kindle Countdown Deal.  It seems like an awesome opportunity to thank people for reading my book and also to make the book available to more people because it would be even more affordable.

Also, in case you didn’t know, you can read ADORKABLE for free if you have Kindle Unlimited!

I’d like for the deal to run next week, and I just need to figure out how to set it up and then how to promote it so that readers can know about and benefit from the deal.

Sounds easy, right?

Here’s hoping I can figure it out in time and spread the word.  Wish me luck, and I hope you have a great weekend!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Crazy Amazing Stats

If you’ve found this page, I think you probably already know this, but ADORKABLE is my debut novel.  It is the first book I’ve ever published.  When I hit the publish button, I hoped there would be readers.  I hoped there would be people out there who loved Sally and Becks as much as I do.  But I never thought that in almost two months so many readers would have already found it!

Now, to some authors, these stats may not seem that great.  There may be people who hit it out of the park every time they release a book.  But I’m a debut author with little to no social skills and an introverted-ness that nice people would call “awkward” and others would just call “weird.”  Self-publishing for the first time was scary.  My deepest fear was that no one would read my book, that it would be lost in Amazon oblivion.  I’ve heard that this happens a lot.  I’m still afraid it may happen to my book(s)–but right now, I’m amazed by how well my little debut has done, and I thought I’d share some stats with you :).

ADORKABLE was released on March 31, 2016.

As of right now, it has:

91 reviews on Amazon

Reached #1 in three of its categories on Amazon.

141 reviews on Goodreads

706 people rated it on Goodreads.

1,529 people added the book on Goodreads.

Over 1 million pages have been read this month.

The book is even doing pretty well in Canada and Australia!  Again, it may not seem like much, and I may be making something out of nothing.  I really have no comparison.  But to me, these are some crazy amazing stats!  I am very thankful to every reader who has given ADORKABLE a chance and to those who liked it enough to tell their friends.  I can’t tell you what it means to me to hear that someone read and loved the book.

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman



ADORKABLE Book Playlist

I love music.  I really, really do.  So, of course, I make a book playlist for each of my books.  Typically, this is a cumulative process, and I add songs as I’m writing as well as after I’ve reached the end.  Some songs represent a character and their feelings; others represent a scene (some fit so perfectly in my head that it’s crazy).  ADORKABLE‘s Book Playlist had several of my all-time favorites.  I’ve included a few music videos and what the songs represent to me.  Hope you enjoy!

“Sweet Disposition” by The Temper Trap is truly one of my favorite songs.  It represents Sally and this book and how Sally feels about Becks and how Becks feels about Sally…sigh.  It represents ADORKABLE in all ways :).

“Can You Tell” by Ra Ra Riot is so Becks it’s not even funny.  These lyrics: Oh have I been too discreet?  How long am I supposed to wait?  Absolutely, totally Becks–and he would have gladly waited as long as he needed to for Sally…and she would have waited for him.

This is the song I picture playing at the party during the shaving scene (which btw is one of my most favorite scenes!) <3.

The breakup scene :(.  Tegan & Sara do heartache/breakup/yearning songs like no one else.  “Call It Off” has exactly the right feel.

Annnd the happily-ever-after :).  Just being honest–and maybe this makes me a total girl–but DMB’s “Crash Into Me” is perfect for just about every love story ever.  This version of the song, though, I think is perfect for Sally and Becks.

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman


  1. “Sweet Disposition” by The Temper Trap
  2. “Can You Tell” by Ra Ra Riot
  3. “The Way I Am” by Ingrid Michaelson
  4. “July Flame” by Laura Veirs
  5. “So Insane” by Discovery
  6. “The Trial of the Century” by French Kicks
  7. “Hysteric” by Yeah Yeah Yeahs
  8. “Powerful Stuff” by Sean Hayes
  9. “Call It Off” by Tegan and Sara
  10. “Your Song” by Kate Walsh
  11. “Nicest Thing” by Kate Nash
  12. “Hyperballad” by Whitley
  13. “Syrup & Honey” by Duffy
  14. “Oh Boy” by Duffy
  15. “She’s Got You High” by Mumm-Ra
  16. “Heart Skipped a Beat” by The XX
  17. “Tessellate” by Tokyo Police Club
  18. “I’m With You” by The Stills
  19. “Crash Into Me” by Dave Matthews Band (Live at Folsom Field, Boulder Colorado)

And the winners are…

The time has finally come!  I’m amazed at how many people decided to participate in both the ADORKABLE Blog Tour Giveaway and the Book Blitz (aka The ADORKABLE Challenge) Giveaway.  Thank you for helping me spread the word about my book.  It was so fun seeing all of the pictures, and I laughed out loud at several of them :).  Thank you YA Bound Book Tours for helping organize everything and for making this possible!  Thank you to everyone who participated, followed, tweeted, posted etc.  All winners were chosen randomly–thank goodness because you are all truly adorkable!!!

And the winners are…

ADORKABLE Blog Tour winner ($25 Amazon gift card) = Karen!

The #AdorkableChallenge Champion winner ($50 Amazon gift card) = Linda!

3 Runner up winners ($10 Amazon gift card) = Nikolina, Gina and Kristy!

CONGRATULATIONS, everyone!  You will be receiving an email from me shortly including your prize.  Thank you so much again to all who entered and to everyone who has given ADORKABLE a chance.

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

The ADORKABLE Challenge

Gryffindor jersey

Yes, that’s me in my Gryffindor jersey and Lily & Snape earrings <3.  The Adorkable Book Blitz is this week, and with the posts, you’ll notice a special giveaway!!!  The ADORKABLE Challenge is a go, and I hope you all enter for a chance to win!

I wanted to do something special and fun to celebrate the release of my debut novel ADORKABLE.  Since the book is all about the dorky, the awkward, and embracing your inner-nerd, I came up with the ADORKABLE Challenge!

Here’s how it works:

1) Take a picture of yourself being adorkable.

2) Post that picture on social media (facebook, twitter, instagram etc.) with the hashtag #AdorkableChallenge.

3) Enter the link to your picture in the Rafflecopter and earn as many extra entries as you can.

4) Sit back and relax while 4 adorably dorky winners are randomly chosen :).

3 winning runners up will each receive: $10 Amazon gift card.

The ADORKABLE Challenge Champion will receive: $50 Amazon gift card.

And that’s it!  If you’re adorkable and you know it, this is your time to shine.  I can’t wait to check out all of your pictures.  Now, show me your ADORKABLE!

Cookie O’Gorman

Lemons & Lemonade

Confession: I am a lemons kind of person.  This is according to my family who claims that I tend to focus on the negative versus the positive.  The opposite, of course, and what they say I should do is make “lemonade.”  Be happy; look on the bright side.  Lemonade, lemonade, lemonade.

The last post was about all the sparkly (aka the nice things people had to say about ADORKABLE), and I kind of glossed over the not-so-great things.  Well, to be honest, I pay attention to the bad reviews.  I pay A LOT of attention. I’d previously read several articles from other authors that said: Whatever you do, DO NOT read your reviews!  It will only cause you heartache.  And it’s true.

These past couple weeks have been like a rollercoaster of ups and downs, flying and falling within literally minutes, and yes…lemons and lemonade.

Everyone is free to have their own opinions.  There are people who hate some of the books that I absolutely love.  There are people who love the books that I don’t enjoy.  And that is okay.  No one is right or wrong.  If a book sounds good to someone, she or he must decide to read or not and then make up her or his own mind about it.

So here is what I’ve learned: I need to stop obsessively reading the reviews and checking Amazon and Goodreads every five minutes.  I shouldn’t focus on the negative reviews more than the positive–or doubt the positive by saying “Maybe they were just being nice…”  I should realize that it is okay to believe the good.  I love reading.  I love writing.  And, despite any positive or negative reviews, I really do still love my book.

See that family who I know are going to read this post?  There is your lemonade :).

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. Be on the lookout next week for a very fun challenge and giveaway!

Thank you!

Publishing a book for the first time was scary, nerve-wracking, awesome…and did I say scary?

In the days leading up to publication, I was a mess.  Constantly nervous, swinging between happiness that my work would finally be out there–and the crushing fear that I wasn’t ready, the book wasn’t ready, no one was going to read it let alone like it.

Then the ADORKABLE Blog Tour happened.  I read, re-read and sometimes triple-read every review.  I already had a thousand doubts, so I was prepared (I was so not prepared) for the worst.  Not going to lie, it hurt to hear what some readers thought were the flaws in my story.  But that’s also when I realized how much impact one kind word, a few encouraging, sparkling sentences can have.

So today, I’m focusing on the sparkly.  Here are some things reviewers had to say about ADORKABLE:

“From the first touch to the kiss, the chemistry between Becks and Sally was off the charts.”–Rê at U.S. – Brazil Book Review

Adorkable was simply adorable. The main characters were perfect together and the story was fun and interesting. Very recommended.”–Jennifer at Bad Bird Reads

“I absolutely love this kind of storyline and it was perfectly executed here.”  Poulami at Daydreaming Books

“This book was so fun and easy to read, I suffered from a bad case of ‘just one more chapter’ syndrome, finishing at 5am because I couldn’t stop.”–Dani at Dani Reviews Things

“If you’re an adult who enjoys an occasional sweet, simple true YA romance then I think you’ll enjoy this book. I definitely did and I will be purchasing this to share with my daughter upon release.”–Jaime at Fiction Fangirls

“Cookie O’Gorman was born to be a writer, and I hope to see her name on many more books to come.  Adorkable had a life of its own, and I very much enjoyed living in it for a little while.”–Jaime Lynn at The Best Books Ever

“Sal and Becks will capture your heart, be it older or younger and will hold it long after you finished their book.”–Nicole at Books and Starlight

“Adorkable is a fun page-turning teen romance with amazing characters, plenty of angst, and just the right combination of sweet vs. heat.”–T.H. Hernandez at Adventures in Writing

“I felt like there was a great balance between the romance, the character development and the coming of age. In that respect, its story kinda reminded me of The DUFF; only replace the cynical Bianca with a nerdy and more upbeat Sally. It has its funny moments and its charming moments but it also has its real moments and I think readers will connect really well with that.”–Lauren at SERIESous Book Reviews

“If you are looking for a contemporary read that will make you have a great time, introduce you to a new book boyfriend worthy of your swoons, and lots of dorkiness, then you will surely enjoy Adorkable!”–Melissa at The Reader and The Chef

I cried.  Literally, I happy cried, silently sobbing by myself as I read.  People, real people, felt this way about this little book that I love.  It was crazy…and amazing.  This is just a sample of the nice things people have said, and I only have one thing to say to them: Thank you, thank you, thank you!

When releasing ADORKABLE, my goal was not to have it become an Amazon Bestseller–though I’m over-the-moon that it happened (for about 10+ hours :)).  My #1 goal: Put the book out there for people to read.  For it to find readers.

So far, it has, and I am so very thankful.

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

ADORKABLE Release Day <3


It’s here, it’s here, it’s finally here!

Today is the day that ADORKABLE will be released into the big wide world.  My little book set out into the wild.  I hope it flies so high and that Sally and Becks and Hooker and Ash find a place in readers’ hearts.  This debut has been a long time coming, and I’m so glad it’s finally here and that March 31st can now be a good day.

Thank you so much to every person who has supported me and this book.  Thank you to each and every reader.  May you live long and prosper.  May the Force be with you.  May the odds be ever in your favor.  And may you wake up tomorrow morning to find your letter from Hogwarts waiting on your doorstep <3.  I solemnly swear that I am up to no good–and that I am diligently working on my next novel :).

If you love YA romance, fake boyfriends, best friends, or geeking out, I’d love it if you would give ADORKABLE a try!  And if you do, please let me know.  I’d love to hear from you!

Happy Reading,

Cookie O’Gorman


Today’s the start of the ADORKABLE Blog Tour!


My feelings are all over the place, but for the most part I’m excited to see what people, real readers, thought of my little book.  I hope they liked it.  Heck, I’ll be real: I hope they loved it.  But even if they didn’t, I am very thankful to every blogger who took the time to read and write a post.  YA Bound Book Tours has been awesome to work with.  If you’d like to follow the tour, here’s a link.  Also, there’s a giveaway going on if you’re into winning free stuff and that sort of thing ;).  Hope everyone has a great day!

Happy Reading,

Cookie O’Gorman