Hi everyone, and hello 2020!!!
I hope you’re having a wonderful year so far!
This post is a bit late (how is it already Jan. 14th???). But I’m taking a look back at 2019 to see how I did on reaching my goals! My Hello 2019 post should make it easier–and I hope it’s not too boring lol.
Okay, so here we go! Bookish/writing goals achieved last year: I published my 4th book baby, The Good Girl’s Guide to Being Bad, yay!!!; NINJA GIRL and The Good Girl’s Guide to Being Bad came out as audiobooks; I started a newsletter and created an Instagram account (still figuring these out, ha!); I tried a few different promo/marketing things like newsletter promo sites, swaps, and ads (ugggh, the confusion LOL); ADORKABLE came out in paperback with new exclusive bonus content from Entangled (Hooray!!!) and because of this I got to see ADORKABLE on shelves at Barnes & Noble, Target and Books-A-Million!!!
Ahhh, OMG, huzzah!!!!!!!
I also got to do my first ever book signing(s), Instagram takeover and FB group takeovers! They were a bit stressful (just bc I’d never done them, didn’t want to mess up etc.) but also a ton of fun :).
Also got to attend a writers conference with my family, learned a lot, was inspired and enjoyed it immensely!
The one thing I didn’t do was finish the book I was working on :/. BUT! I did that last Saturday, so it’s all good, right?
So, I reached most of my goals in 2019…and even had one dream come true that I never thought would: I got to see ADORKABLE on the shelf in actual stores. *Sigh* I’m so so so thankful to Entangled & all the people there for taking a chance on my little book, and I’m over-the-moon grateful to all of you for supporting me and my books throughout this publishing journey! This would’ve never been possible without YOU! So again: Thank you so much!!!
My publishing/writing goals for 2020 are: Publish a book. Learn how to balance everything (blog, newsletter, FB, Instagram etc.), and don’t be afraid to post. Write another book (or several, crossing my fingers on this!). Write more, better & consistently. Learn more about marketing/promo/ads. Attend another conference or book festival.
As always, I have personal goals as well (be a better person; get healthy; do more to help others). My main goal is to be a positive influence. To know that I’ve made life a little easier, happier, better for someone else.
Back to books!
I’ll let you know more about my brand new book soon, yay!!! I’m very excited to share it with you, and I hope you’ll love it! Will also be posting book updates, giveaways, and news about all the ups and downs of 2020.
Hoping for more ups than downs for you and for me, my lovely readers :). Wishing you all the best in 2020!
Happy reading,
Cookie O’Gorman