Category: cover love

Cover Reveal: ADORKABLE (print edition)!

Hi everyone!

Today I have a very ADORKABLE cover to reveal! Woohoo!!! I apologize in advance if you get this twice. I also posted in my newsletter bc it’s just so exciting! The print edition from Entangled will be released on December 3rd and will have exclusive bonus content :D.

Ready to see the awesome cover?

Possibly for the second time today ;)?

Here is the cover of the upcoming print edition of ADORKABLE!

Ah, I love it and can’t wait for the release!

Again, there’s a giveaway on Instagram to celebrate the cover reveal hosted by MTMC Tours, and oh my gosh, you guys! If I can figure out how to insert Instagram posts into my blog posts (I’ve done it before, but I don’t remember how lol!), I will have to share them with you because wow! So many beautiful pics <3.

Here are the awesome tour hosts in case you’d like to go check them out and enter the giveaway:



Hope you are well, bookworms, and having a very happy Friday!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman


Hi everyone!

Something really exciting is happening this Friday! There will be a cover reveal for the print version of ADORKABLE, yay!!! And if that wasn’t cool enough, the reveal is being hosted by MTMC Tours and will be on Instagram :D.

This is the awesome banner I found on the MTMC Tours site, and what’s even cooler? (I know so much cool in this post ha!)

Well, Melissa from The Reader and The Chef, who is one of the lovely ladies who runs MTMC Tours, was one of the bloggers in my initial blog tour when ADORKABLE came out in 2016!

Isn’t that crazy?!?

I remember her because she wrote such a nice review of the book and really seemed to love Becks <3.

So, this is my first Instagram tour, and I’m very excited! There are so many nice bookish accounts on there and so many beautiful book pics taken by bookstagrammers. It’s a real thing, you guys. People have accounts just for books, books, books! *__*

I hope some people sign up and that they love the ADORKABLE cover and that more readers discover Sally & Becks. There’s exclusive bonus content that will only be in the print edition, and I can’t wait for everyone to read it (especially the people who love Becks *sigh* :)).

There will also be a giveaway involved, woohoo! Again, so excited about this reveal! Friday can’t come soon enough lol ;).

I hope you’re all having a great week so far!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

NINJA GIRL Audiobook Release Day!

It’s a very exciting day, you guys! NINJA GIRL is now available as an audiobook!!!

Did you see the cover? *__* Oh my Ash, I love it and hope you do, too!

I’m so excited about this release and the narrators. Emily Woo Zeller is amazing! I’ve listened to some of her other work and thought she’d be great for Snow–then I heard a sample of NINJA GIRL.

And you guys: She. Is. Perfect!!!

You should go listen because seriously, wow! Emily captures the exact right feel of the characters/book right from the start. Can’t wait to hear the brilliant Brandon Utah voice Ash as well! <3 Emily and Brandon are so talented, and I’m thrilled they brought NINJA GIRL to life in audio!

I hope you’ll check it out, and let me know what you think! And if you know anyone who loves YA romance, ninjas and audiobooks, as always, I’d be so thankful if you’d help me spread the word :).

Hi-yah, hooray, and heck yeah, NINJA GIRL is now an audiobook!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. Congrats to Katharina for winning The Cookie Jar Newsletter Giveaway for April! Your $10 Amazon gift card has been sent :). For the latest updates on my books, access to free content and monthly giveaways, subscribe to The Cookie Jar Newsletter!

P.P.S. I plan to do another post, but: Thank you SO much to everyone who’s been out there supporting The Good Girl’s Guide to Being Bad! Truly, I am so so grateful. More on this later, but seriously hugs, love and good karma to all of you lovely readers! <333

The Good Girl’s Guide to Being Bad cover reveal

Ahhh, it’s time, you guys! The Good Girl’s Guide to Being Bad will be released on April 25th (exactly a month from today!), and I am so excited to share this one with you :)! Thank you so much to Xpresso Book Tours and to everyone who signed up for the cover reveal!

Without further ado..

…here is the cover…

…for my upcoming YA romance…

The Good Girl’s Guide to Being Bad <3.

*Sigh* So gorgeous!!! *__*

Seriously, did you swoon when you first saw it? Because I totally did lol! I love, love, love everything about it–the couple, the colors, the slight wave in the title, the tagline…the way they’re looking at each other *sigh* <3.

(Plus, this was taken in a library which is significant to Sadie–and it could totally be a scene out of the book. *hint, hint* :))

Stephanie Mooney worked with me again on this cover, and she is amazing/talented/wonderful! I’m so thankful for her!

Again, I cannot wait to share Sadie, Colton, Kyle, Betty and all of the awesome in this book with you guys! <3 Here’s the link if you’d like to add The Good Girl’s Guide to Being Bad on Goodreads, and thank you again for your support!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

ADORKABLE Audiobook Release Day!

Today’s the day: ADORKABLE is officially available as an audiobook!!!  Woohoo, yayyy, huzzah!

Don’t you just love how the ADORKABLE audiobook cover is so like the original?  The gorgeous/swoony feel, the colors and that bench *sigh*.  Thank you so much to Tantor Media for making this happen and to Andrea Emmes, the incredible narrator!  Seriously guys, she rocks, and I’m so lucky she’s the one reading Sally and Becks’s story <3.

As many times as I’ve read ADORKABLE, I absolutely LOVED hearing the story read to me!

It’s such an amazing experience to hear the words.  If you loved Sally and Becks, I think you’ll adore the audiobook!  And if you haven’t read the book, there’s a new way to experience ADORKABLE on Audible, Google, iTunes, Kobo and other outlets, including libraries *__*.

(FYI: Libraries are made of awesome.)

ADORKABLE is now an audiobook, you guys!  Ugh, I’m so excited, and if you’d help spread the word, I’d be so very thankful.  Please check it out, and let me know what you think :-).  May the Force, Becks, and Harry Potter be with you.  I hope you all have an awesome Saturday!

Happy reading (and listening),

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S.  There will be a giveaway next week to celebrate, yayyy!

Bookish Updates

Hi everyone!  Today, I have some bookish updates for you :).

Bookish Update #1:  Thank you SO much to everyone who participated in The Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Unforeseeable Truth About Ethan Wilder Blog Tour!!!  I appreciate YA Bound Book Tours and all of the bloggers who helped spread the word and posted about my YA romance murder mystery!  Also, I know that this is late, but recently real life has been a bit difficult.  To be honest, it’s been hard to stay positive.  I didn’t want to come on here and bring everybody down lol.  I constantly remind myself that 1) Things could be so much worse.  And 2) There are several things to be thankful for.

That’s why I’ve decided to post a few of the reviews for Ethan Wilder that have really helped lift my spirits <3.

These are from the blog tour:

“You MAY read this because you like mystery; you SHOULD read this because you enjoy YA romance; you MUST read this because Ethan Wilder is Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Unforeseeable PERFECT!!!”-Isabelle at More Books Than Livros

“Very engaging and quirky. I was on hook, line and sinker from the moment Delilah and Ethan first laid eyes on each other.”-Indie Wish List

“The story itself was unique, interesting, and surprising.  It took me on twists, and turns, and then more twists and turns, and then I, who pride myself on being able to “figure it out” before the end” was utterly shocked.  Great job to the author on keeping me guessing!”-Shannon at The Tale Temptress

“As we watch the truth unfold and the mystery deepen, so does the danger and it just really grabs hold of you.”- Books Are Love

“Tough yet fun, with wit and solid characterization to the point where Delilah and Ethan were almost swamped by supporting characters (in a good way), this was a fun mystery peppered with romance. Recommended.”- Christina Philippou, author of Lost In Static

“I am a huge fan of Cookie and again she does not disappoint, I am going to VERY HIGHLY recommend this book to you all and I really hope you love it as much as I did!”-Am Kinda Busy Reading

“It’s difficult to describe the story without giving much away but think quirky YA contemporary romance meets coming of age story with a unique tone and a big old mystery!”- Zili In The Sky

“O’Gorman has penned another winner. With the addition of a mysterious death, she turned the typical contemporary into something deeper, more thought-provoking, and fun.”-Kelli at BookCrushin

There were also some really fantastic reviews from readers on Goodreads (of course, I couldn’t help but read them :)).  They’ll probably never see this–hello to the 5 people who read these posts lol–but if you wrote a review or post, thank you so so much!  I am so grateful that you took time out of your busy schedule to read/post about Delilah and Ethan’s story.  I appreciate each and every review/rating.  My writer-ly journey would not be half as awesome without you, and I really can’t thank you enough!

Bookish Update #2: The Hungarian version of NINJA GIRL comes out today!!!!!

The gorgeous cover is below, and I love it–especially Snow and that cute pink ninja! <3

Seriously, I think it’s so freaking awesome.  I haven’t gotten my copies from LOL yet, but I can’t wait to add it to my shelf :).

May the LOL readers love Ash and Snow, and may the Force, Bruce Lee and kimchi be with you!

Bookish Update #3:  ADORKABLE was was #1 in one of its categories in Germany a few weeks ago!!!  Yayyyyy!  (Thought this was cool because the book has been out for a while and still somehow got to that spot.  So thankful!)

I hope you are all having a great week–and if you’re not, I hope you can find something positive to lift you up <3.

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

The Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Unforeseeable Truth About Ethan Wilder cover reveal

Hi everyone, it’s time for the cover reveal of The Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Unforeseeable Truth About Ethan Wilder!  Fair warning: Prepare yourself for so much swoon <3.  Book Baby #3’s cover was designed by the amazing Stephanie Mooney, who has created all of my covers to date.  She seriously outdid herself this time, you guys.

I cannot wait to show you this awesome cover.

It makes my eyes smile.

I hope it does the same for you…

…and without further ado…

…here is the cover…

…for The Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Unforeseeable Truth About Ethan Wilder!!!

Did you pass out from all the gorgeousness???  Lol, but seriously, I love it!

It captures just the right balance of mystery, romance and swoon.  And can I just say, the model’s expression/stance/overall attitude?  It’s so very Ethan :).  The colors, the font, the feel, I’m absolutely thrilled at how everything turned out!

I’m also excited because 27 people have added The Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Unforeseeable Truth About Ethan Wilder on Goodreads!  Yesssssss!!!!  I’m sending all of you the best karma and virtual cookies lol :).  Seriously, thank you so much for adding my YA romance murder mystery to your shelves.  I hope you love it and the cover!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. Be on the lookout for a giveaway next week! 🙂

Just 2 Days!

Just a reminder: The NINJA GIRL paperback will be released on Thursday, December 14, 2017!!!

That’s this week, you guys, in just 2 days–or 1 depending on when you read this post.

Also…I knew it would look awesome on my shelf.  Le sigh <3 <3 <3.


Of course, Mr. Potter approves ;).


I hope you are all well and that your shelves are gorgeous and overflowing with amazing books!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. Oh my goodness, I really can’t believe NINJA GIRL is coming out in paperback this Thursday!!!!!  So, so excited!

Proofs & Paperbacks

I received my NINJA GIRL proofs today, and opening the box, taking the book out, holding it in my hands was just *sigh* a truly amazing feeling!  Thank you SO much to Stephanie Mooney for this beautiful cover–she is magic, you guys!  This week I’ve been a bit under the weather–but I have to say seeing NINJA GIRL in print was a much needed pick-me-up :).

I hope it will do the same for you!

Here are the book pics–I took several because I was so excited, but I’ll limit it to three here lol.


Here’s the paperback as it looked in the box…


…the awesome title page…


…the spine of the paperback <3.

I love, love, love it so much!!!!  That color fade on the spine?  Just WOW, and the book itself, I keep staring, but I can’t help it–and I don’t really want to lol.  I cannot wait to add it to my shelf right next to ADORKABLE :).  If you were one of the people who asked about if/when NINJA GIRL was coming to print or if you wrote a kind review/comment, THANK YOU!!!!!!  This one is for you, and I hope the print book finds even more readers who will love Snow and Ash’s story <3.

I will be releasing NINJA GIRL in paperback on December 14, 2017!!!

As long as Amazon doesn’t do anything weird, it should be available next Thursday (just in time for Christmas!).  Whether you’ve read the ebook or not, I hope you’ll check it out!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

NINJA GIRL cover reveal

Hi everyone!  It’s time for the cover reveal of my YA romance NINJA GIRL :).  It was so much fun to create, and I’m thrilled with how it turned out.  Seriously, I love it!!!  I worked with Stephanie Mooney again, and she did a fantastic job!  Ahhh, I can’t wait to finally share it!

Okay, deep breath…and thank you for being patient while I breathe lol.

Here is…

…your first look…

…at the cover…

…for NINJA GIRL :).


Gah…just…doesn’t it make your eyes smile?

The colors, the fence, the too-cool-for-school “lean” the models have going on ;).  One of my most favorite parts is how it relates to ADORKABLE but still has its own vibe.  They’d look great side by side…sigh.  Here’s the link if you’d like to add NINJA GIRL on Goodreads <3.


Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman