Hi bookworms! How is everyone? Are you ready for Christmas in *gasp* four days? Have you been feeling the holiday spirit? Witnessed any awesome acts of kindness?
Please let me know about any or all of those! I’d love to hear from you—and let’s face it; we could all use a little more kindness.
Because it’s Christmas, and in hopes of giving you some holiday cheer, I’m doing a Kindle Countdown Deal! My latest release, The Good Girl’s Guide to Being Bad, is available now for just $0.99!!!

Yes, you read that right! For a limited time, from now until December 26th, The Good Girl’s Guide to Being Bad is just $0.99! Here are the links for Amazon and Amazon UK.
I hope you love Sadie & Colton *sigh*!!!!!
Also, there are a couple of giveaways going on now! If you’re subscribed to my newsletter, you already know about them :).
The 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway is a collaboration between a bunch of wonderful authors and myself! There will be three winners and each will get a $40 Amazon Gift card! Yay!!! Here’s the rafflecopter to enter!
Annnd I’m doing my own personal giveaway for a paperback copy of The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang (aka my favorite book of 2019)!!! It’s really amazing, you guys! You can enter to win here!
Good luck, everyone! I hope you’re doing well, and I hope your holidays are filled with only the best things!
Happy reading,
Cookie O’Gorman
P.S. ADORKABLE (the paperback version that came out on Dec. 3rd and is available in Target, Barnes & Noble etc.) is a #1 New Release in one of its categories!!!!! Ahhhh, it was so cool to see that!

P.P.S. Book signing #2 is today, gah! If you’re feeling extra kind, cross your fingers for me, you guys!