Category: giveaway


The NINJA GIRL Blog Tour Giveaway has officially concluded, yay!  Thank you so much to everyone who entered and helped spread the word about Ash and Snow’s book.  You’re awesome.  A winner was randomly chosen to receive the $25 Amazon gift card, and that person is…


Congratulations, Yadira, and thank you so much for entering!  Your gift card will be on the way shortly :).

Again, thank you to everyone for your support of NINJA GIRL.  It means so much.  I’ve been a little under the weather recently, but I’m still planning to do that post about Ash *sigh.* It may just be a little later in the week.  I hope you are all doing well and that you have a great day!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman


It’s time to announce another winner :).  Thank you to everyone who entered the NINJA GIRL giveaway and helped celebrate the release of my second book!  Thank you for adding NINJA GIRL on Goodreads, visiting my Facebook page, commenting here on the blog and tweeting all the “kickass” tweets (there were a LOT of those lol!).

And without further ado, the winner is…

Sarah M.

Congratulations, Sarah!!!  Your $25 Amazon gift card is on the way.  I hope you enjoy it, and thank you so much for entering!

In case you didn’t know, NINJA GIRL is available to read for free on Kindle Unlimited, and one of my favorite things is watching the “pages read” count grow :).  If you’ve supported my second release in any way (by reading, rating, reviewing, recommending or offering a kind word), I appreciate it and you readers so so much.

I hope you’re all having a fantastic week!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

NINJA GIRL Giveaway!

Okay, so a lot of things have happened in the past few days.

Several people helped with the cover reveal of NINJA GIRL last week, and I just gotta say: YOU ALL ROCK!  Thank you so much for your support!  I received some awesome book mail from my Hungarian publisher–which really brightened up my Saturday. <3  I reached my goal of 70 people adding NINJA GIRL to Goodreads pre-release (which is sweeet :)).  And I set up the giveaway below–because of course, we had to have a giveaway to mark the awesome/kickass/splendiferous occasion of NINJA GIRL‘s upcoming release March 30, 2017.

And yes, I have always wanted to use the word “splendiferous” in a sentence.  This seemed like the right time :).

The NINJA GIRL Giveaway will run from March 23 until April 13, and the winner will receive a $25 Amazon gift card!  There are several ways to enter, and that means tons of chances to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Now, I’m off to try and add NINJA GIRL on Amazon, hoping for no hiccups and that the process goes smoothly.  I wish you all the best of luck with the giveaway, and I really hope you’ll check out NINJA GIRL when it comes out next Thursday!!! Ahh, can’t believe it’s so close!

Hope you have a great week!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Merry (Day-After) Christmas

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Okay, so technically it’s the day-after Christmas–but still, I hope everyone had a great holiday.  This marks the conclusion of the ADORKABLE Christmas Giveaway :).  Thank you so much to everyone who entered; you’re fantastic!  And without further ado…the winner of the giveaway is…


Congratulations, Julie!  I will be sending your $25 Amazon gift card tonight, and thank you again for entering :).

I also wanted to say thank you to all of the people who participated in my first Facebook giveaways.  The questions were all about ADORKABLE, and some of you readers actually showed up!  Yayyy!  You ladies made it so much fun, AND you really knew your stuff.  It was amazing to interact with actual readers.  They were wonderful; it was wonderful.  I will most definitely be doing something like it again in the future!

One more huge thank you to everyone who helped spread the word about the ADORKABLE Kindle Countdown Deal.  My goal was to make the book even more affordable for people around the Christmas holidays, but I didn’t expect it to go as well as it did.  ADORKABLE hit #1 on Amazon and stayed there all yesterday.  As of this posting, it’s still hanging in there.  It was a great surprise, such a cool Christmas gift, and it wouldn’t have been possible without you readers.

Merry (day-after) Christmas, Happy Holidays, and much love to all of you wonderful bookworms!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Just For You


Isn’t that the most adorkable book tree you’ve ever seen???


Mister Potter seems to think so :).

Okay, ADORKABLE readers, I have something just for you.

Since this is the first book I’ve ever published–and it will always be my first, my book baby, sigh–I wanted to do something special to celebrate this Christmas.  And what better way than to give back to the ADORKABLE readers?

Tomorrow, December 21, 2016 at 12:00 pm EST I’m going to do a few quick giveaways on Facebook.  I’ll be giving away three $5 Amazon gift cards and one ADORKABLE paperback.  Signed or unsigned, if you win, you decide!

All you have to do to win is be first to correctly answer a few questions (one per giveaway) about ADORKABLE.

Easy, right?

Like I said, I really wanted this one to be for the readers, and it may completely flop.  My fear is that no one will show up or even attempt the questions lol.  But you never know until you try, right?

If you want to participate, I’ll see you at 12:00 pm EST on the Cookie O’Gorman Facebook page!

Good luck, and I hope you’re having a great week.

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. The ADORKABLE e-book is only $0.99 on Amazon and Amazon UK for a limited time!  The Kindle Countdown Deal will last until December 25, 2016.  If you have any friends who’d be interested, please let them know and spread the word so they can get the deal before it ends.  Merry Christmas, everyone!


ADORKABLE Christmas Giveaway

It’s giveaway time again!

This is supposed to be the season for giving and good cheer and all that good stuff.  I really do love giving–even though I don’t have a whole lot to give.  Ugh.

But like I said, I love giving especially to you ADORKABLE readers :).  I’m calling this one the ADORKABLE Christmas Giveaway, and it will be open from midnight on December 15 until December 25th.  You can enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card using the widget below, my Christmas present to you!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I wish you so much luck.  May the odds be ever in your favor.  May your days be merry and bright.  And as always: May the Force be with you.

I hope you have a great week.

Happy Reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Tis The Season

It’s nearly the end of 2016.

The Christmas tree is now up, and I wanted to share with you this little beauty.


It’s one of my favorite ornaments because 1) It was given to me by someone I love very much, 2) She did it because she loved ADORKABLE and knew how much I loved this quote, and 3) I really wasn’t expecting it.  Just in case you were wondering, those are indeed little mustaches on the ribbon.  And that quote…oh, that quote.

I do love the “Huckleberry” quote, and if someone actually said it to me, I may just melt on the spot–but you know, they’d have to mean it the way that Becks meant it when he said it to Sally.  Sigh…

Anyway, enough with the mushy stuff.

I wanted to let you all know that I’ll be running an ADORKABLE Christmas Giveaway soon!  Yay!!!  Be on the lookout and, as always: Good luck!

I also wanted to let you know that Ash’s book will be coming out in 2017.  I’m shooting for a March release.  His book is one that I love so very much.  And for those of you who were hoping for a December release (I know, I know, me too!), I will tell you this:

Half of the book is written from Ash’s POV.

Yep, that’s right.  We are going to get a glimpse straight into our hero’s thoughts.  Eep!  Ash’s book was my first story with dual POVs, and I had a great time writing it.  The heroine is crazy awesome and so cool and badass and matches up just perfectly with our Ash imo.  I hope everyone loves them and the book as much as I do <3.

Hope you all have a great day, and like I said, be on the lookout for that giveaway!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Happy Thanksgiving & Congratulations!

I can’t believe it’s already the end of November!  How did that happen?  Seriously, I blinked and it’s Thanksgiving Day :).

Annnd now, we’ve reached the end of my first Goodreads Giveaway!

I’m honestly floored by the amount of people who requested ADORKABLE.

1308 people 0__0.

That’s just…wow.  Thank you to everyone who entered; the sheer amount of interest in the book floors and humbles me.  And I’m so happy to announce the names of the 2 winners:

Tiffany and Jennifer!!!

Congratulations to both of you, and thank you so much for entering the giveaway!  I will be sending your signed copies of ADORKABLE in the mail tomorrow.  Gah…I hope you love it :).

I’ll also be doing another post tomorrow about “5 things I’m Thankful For.”  I hope everyone has a very happy thanksgiving full of great food, friends and family and all the best things!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Goodreads Giveaway!

I’m very excited to announce my first ever Goodreads Giveaway!

I’ve seen giveaways around for other books, always hoped I might get to do one.  And now that the paperback version of ADORKABLE is out, I can :).

FYI, for any first-time self-pubbing authors out there, you have to set the giveaway date 7 days before the actual day (who knew?). So I set it all up last week, and it just went live today.  Anyone with a Goodreads account can enter and it is open to users in the United States.

What can you win, you say?

If you enter, you can win one of two signed copies of ADORKABLE!  That means there will be 2 winners!!  Again, I can’t wait.  When I looked just now, I saw that 9 people had already requested, and I was like “yesss!”

Here is the widget for entries.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Adorkable by Cookie O'Gorman


by Cookie O’Gorman

Giveaway ends November 23, 2016.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway

I hope you enter the giveaway and help me spread the word about ADORKABLE.  I hope the winners love the book–or maybe they’ll be winners who already loved the book ;).

Good luck, and may the Force be with you!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

And the winner is…

Today marks the end of the “I <3 ADORKABLE” Giveaway–which means it’s time to announce a winner!  The randomly selected winner of this giveaway and a $25 Amazon gift card is…

Jen!!!  Congratulations, Jen, I will be emailing your e-card shortly. 🙂

Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this giveaway.  I really enjoy doing these, and this one in particular made celebrating the paperback release of ADORKABLE that much more awesome. (Ahhhh, it’s actually a paperback!)

I wanted to let you know that Amazon has already merged ADORKABLE‘s two formats (e-book and paperback) so they can be found on the same page.  I know…that was fast!  I thought it might take a week at least, but I’m new to this, so everything is a learn-as-you-go process.

Also, I’m so happy to say that there have already been some orders for the paperback!  Like non-family member orders (and some family orders).  Anyway again…that was fast…and I am thankful (to both the family and non-family ADORKABLE readers lol!).

Hope you all have a great day!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman