Category: Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays Giveaway!

So, I have a new paperback release this week!  The Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Unforeseeable Truth About Ethan Wilder is coming out in paperback this Thursday (Dec. 06, 2018)!!! That’s in two days, you guys!  Yayyyyyyy, hooray, woohoo!

Also, I will be doing an Author Takeover on The Bookworm Box Facebook page Saturday, Dec. 15, 2018 at 7:00pm CST!  No, I’m not nervous at all LOL.  Why do you ask?  But seriously, I’m super nervous…and excited–and I’m trying to focus on that ha!  More on this later!

Also, also, I just got back from a trip to Ireland (aka the most beautiful place in the world) <3.  Managed to write a bit on the plane–a first for me–which wasn’t easy because the guy in front of me had his seat reclined, so I couldn’t fully open my laptop :/.  But Ireland was so beautiful, you guys!  I really love it there and recommend going to anyone/everyone.

The holidays are right around the corner…and this definitely calls for a giveaway :).

Please help me celebrate all of the awesome, and enter using the rafflecopter below!  There are so many ways to win!  Here are the prizes: a $20 Amazon Gift Card, ADORKABLE bookmarks and stickers, and a Young Adult Bookworm Box generously provided by The Bookworm Box! 😀

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Happy Holidays Giveaway will run from Dec. 4 until Dec. 17, 2018, and there will be several winners!  Good luck, happy holidays, and I hope you’re having a great week so far!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. I’ll do another post on the day, but again: The Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Unforeseeable Truth About Ethan Wilder comes out in paperback this Thursday!  Ahhh, I’m so excited!!!

So Thankful

Does anyone else feel slightly discombobulated lol?   I can’t believe Thanksgiving is this week!  It’s super early this year, and in addition to that, Christmas is going up everywhere I turn.  Not that I’m complaining, ha!  It’s all good :).

I love the changing leaves, the beautiful weather (when it stays cool here in the south), the time spent with family.

Just a look around reminds me: There’s so much to be thankful for.

And I am.

There are too many to name them all, but here are a few things I’m feeling extra thankful for this Thanksgiving:

  1.  My family and friends.  They are always first in my heart, and though their numbers are few, I couldn’t be more thankful for all of the good times, good laughs, and good memories with my people.  They are the best of the best.  I love them the most, and I hope they all know that.
  2.  Good health.  Currently fighting off a cold, but I’m so grateful for my health and that of the people I love.  The breath in my lungs, the ability to move freely, I’m truly grateful for all of it.
  3.  Good food.  Green bean casserole tomorrow, whoop!  I basically wait all year for this lol.
  4.  Good music.  Music just makes life better.
  5.  Dogs.  Dogs make life better, too.
  6.  Dance.  Dance is one of the great loves of my life, and I’m so thankful for my job, my students that inspire me and the ability to create to music that moves my soul.
  7.  Books, Readers, and the ability to Write.  Books are magic.  Readers rock (especially all of the lovely people I’ve met through this journey <3).  Writing is a gift.  I still can’t believe I have three books out there: ADORKABLE, NINJA GIRL, and The Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Unforeseeable Truth About Ethan Wilder.  I’m thankful every day when I think about how I almost never published a word.  So very thankful.

So yeah, there is a lot to be thankful for :).

If you’re curious about my writing, yesterday, I finally reached 50,000+ words on my current WIP! *__*  Yayyy, hooray, woohoo!!!!  My goal is and has been to finish this book before the end of the year (which is coming soon, eep…).  I’m hoping to publish it in 2019.  I’m truly enjoying writing this book, and what’s even better?  I love the story and am SO excited to share it with readers once it’s finished!

If you’re reading this, just know I’m thankful for you, too.  So thankful.  I wish you all the best books, the best times with your family and those you love, and of course, a great heaping portion of super-delicious green bean casserole :).

Have a very Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. I’m also thankful that ADORKABLE is #1 on Amazon for one of its categories!  How awesome is that?  Thank you so much again, bookworms!

Goals for 2018

First post of the new year, whoop!

It’s a time for new beginnings, new hopes and a fresh start.  It’s also the time for resolutions, but to be honest, I’ve never been a big fan of those.  They are so easy to break.  And it’s so easy to feel like a failure when that happens.  Ugh.

So instead, I set goals.

Some are writing-oriented like: Publish a book.  Finish writing my current WIP.  Try new things with marketing/promotion.  Keep being thankful and doing giveaways because readers rock!  Write more, write better, write something I would love to read.

Others are more personal like: Be a better person.  Make someone’s life easier.  Restore and strengthen my faith.  Exercise more, worry less, keep heart and stay positive.

I ended 2017 surrounded by the people and the books that I love <3.  I’m hard at work on my next books, and I hope that readers will want to read them.  A goal that I’ve always had (and continue to have in 2018) is to write the best book possible for my readers and myself.


So, how is 2018 treating you so far?  Any resolutions or goals for the new year?  Any new books? 😉

I hope you’re all doing well and that you’re having a wonderful week!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. Another goal for 2018: Figure out why the pics in my posts end up sideways on computer but right on mobile devices lol!

We have a winner!

I hope you all had a very merry Christmas!

My day was spent with the people I love, and it was wonderful to finally give them their presents.  Although I’m not the biggest fan of shopping (understatement of the century–and bookstores don’t count.  I could stay in the bookstore forever), I absolutely LOVE giving.

It rocks.  It makes them feel good, makes you feel good.  Speaking of which…

We have a winner!  The winner of the NINJA GIRL Christmas Giveaway is:


Congratulations, Janet!  Your $25 Amazon gift card is on its way, and I hope you love it!  Thank you so much to everyone who entered the giveaway and who has supported both NINJA GIRL and ADORKABLE.  I appreciate your support so very much.  I’ll have to do another giveaway soon because it feels so awesome to give :).

May the odds be ever in your favor, may the Force be with you, and may your holiday be filled with awesome!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Tis The Season

It’s two days before Christmas.  I’m finally done shopping–thank goodness!–and now I can slow down and just rest for a bit :).

One of my good friends (one of my only friends lol.  Thanks, Nina!) got me the little mystery box pictured below.

I’ve gotta admit: I was way too excited about what was in there.  Harry Potter lovers, you feel me on this, right?  It could be anything.  A thestral, dragon, pixie, owl, a Neville or *gasp* a Snape <3.  The mystery is the best part, so if you know any HP fans, I would definitely recommend!


So, what you ask was in the box???



A mini Harry Potter!!!!!  Awww, isn’t he just the cutest?  He is totally adorkable with his sorting hat and glasses <3.

Mini Mr. Potter definitely brightened my day, and I just wanted to say: Happy Holidays to all of you!  And if you’re someone who struggles through this time of year, I hope you know that you are not alone.  It can be hard, and I’m right there with you.  But I hope you find a bit of magic this holiday season, something to make it wonderful.  Merry Christmas, my lovely readers, I wish you only the best books and all of the best times with those you love!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman