Hi everyone!
A lot of you probably know this, but three of my books are now published in Hungary! ADORKABLE, NINJA GIRL and The Good Girl’s Guide to Being Bad! Yay!!! <3
In March of this year, Piszkos tánc (aka the Hungarian version of The Good Girl’s Guide to Being Bad) was released!
Sidenote: Piszkos tánc literally means Dirty Dance…which makes me think of Dirty Dancing…which is awesome bc I looove that movie!
What’s even more awesome? The LOL readers seriously rock!!! They are just so lovely and kind!
They send wonderful book pics like the ones below *__*.

They also do amazing collages! Truly, these brought tears to my eyes; they are so perfect for Sadie & Colton’s book! <333

Also, they made me realize the Sprouse twins, Dylan & Cole, could totally play Colton & Kyle in the movie version of The Good Girl’s Guide to Being Bad!!! 😀
P.S. There’s actually no movie, but maybe someday. *sigh*
P.P.S. If there ever is a movie for any of my books, you’ll be the first to know :).

Also, there was this!!!!! Some awesome person had to do a newspaper book report for school, and they chose Piszkos tánc! Oh my heart! <333
The LOL readers have shown me a lot of love, and I just wanted to share some of that love with you!
I’ll also be doing a live event on the LOL Facebook page Wednesday at 12:00 AM EST/11:00 AM CST/6:00 PM in Hungary. We’ll be talking about my books and writing and tbh I just hope I don’t mess it all up ugh. So so nervous lol. Cross your fingers for me, would you? I’m pretty awkward, so I welcome and appreciate all the good karma/vibes you can send.
I truly hope you’re well, everyone! Staying safe, reading awesome books and spending time with your loved ones (whether in person or virtually :))!
Happy reading,
Cookie O’Gorman
*Note to self: Figure out how to share other people’s posts on Instagram. That’s where I first saw those collages *swoons*. Hope you all have an awesome day!*