Category: nice surprise

An Unexpected Kindness

Last week, I happened upon an unexpected kindness.

Seriously, I googled my author name (yes, I do that from time to time :)), and when I saw what came up?  Oh man, my heart!  It clenched; I literally sighed; my eyes got a little watery, and it was such a nice moment.  The ladies over at Star-Crossed Book Blog are celebrating their 3 year blogiversary!  Yayyy, go ladies!  To celebrate, they’re doing a giveaway as well as posting about one of my favorite topics: Book boyfriends.

I love book boyfriends.

I think I’ve said this before, and it’s still totally true.  Book boyfriends are *sigh* the best, and there so many amazing ones out there!  I have a ton of much-loved BBFs on my shelves; you probably do, too, right?  I don’t think I could pick a favorite (tbh, I probably could pick a few, but I wouldn’t want to upset all the other BBFs lol).

So anyway, the Star-Crossed ladies are doing posts about BBFs, and guess what?

They included Becks (twice!!) from ADORKABLE on their list of Kindest BBFs <3.  You can see the post here!

Ugh, Becks is kind.  He is thoughtful.  He is smart and wonderful, and this was absolutely unexpected and so thoughtful.  What they said about Becks/the quotes they included…I just loved everything about it.  I felt so honored that they included Becks on their list, and I can say with certainty that Becks would have felt honored and loved it, too :).

Kindness matters.  It really does.  I always try to focus on the positive, but September is a hard month.  And this was such a nice surprise.  I don’t think it can be stated enough: I’m so thankful for my ADORKABLE and NINJA GIRL readers.  You guys lift me up, and I truly hope my stories do the same for you <3.

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman



A Nice Surprise

Okay, so I just got back from a short (but awesome) trip to California!  Los Angeles to be exact.  And I come home to find this on my doorstep…


It was in a bag with a note from one of my former students who moved away.  The note said since I’d shared a few books with her, she wanted to share a few of her favorites with me <333.  Seriously, it was such a nice surprise.  (Thank you, Jaida!!!)  There’s only one book in there that I’ve already read and own (The Westing Game), AND she is the same student who let me read her copy of Kasie West’s P.S. I Like You, my first book by West and one that I enjoyed immensely!

Anyway, ahhh like I said, it was so thoughtful.

I’m very fortunate to teach several thoughtful young adults who are smart, talented and just wonderful.  The readers in this age group are fantastic as well and make me want to write the best books that I can for them.  I actually had one reader leave a great comment on my last post.  She’d read ADORKABLE, like it a lot, and was wondering when NINJA GIRL would be available in paperback because she loves reading real, tangible books.  I loved that comment because to be honest I’m not sure if/when I’ll be publishing NINJA GIRL as a paperback.  I mean, I would love to add it to my bookshelf.  But I honestly haven’t had time to get it together and wasn’t sure if anyone (besides me) would want NINJA GIRL as a real, live book anyway.  But I guess they do :).

And that…is so awesome!

Another nice surprise, and I am very thankful for her comment, those great books and all of my wonderful students.  Next week, I’ll post more about my trip to L.A., and a super-secret assignment, something fun my readers may be able to help me with ;).

Have a great weekend, and I really hope some nice surprises happen for you as well!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman