Category: promotion

I Love Book Deals!

It’s true.  Book deals are fantastic, and I love them!  Who doesn’t love a great deal, right?

So as I said in the last post, today is the day!  ADORKABLE will be just $0.99 starting at 8:00 am today and ending on September 16, 2016 at 12:00 am.  Hooray for book deals!

If you or someone you know needs a little YA romance to read over the weekend, you may want to give ADORKABLE a try!  I really hope you do :).

This is a limited time deal, so if you’d like to help me spread the word, I’d love the help!

I hope you enjoy your weekend and that it’s filled with lovely books and good times.

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

So…I did it!

Hi everyone,

So…I did it!  I was able to set up the Kindle Countdown Deal, and it was actually easier than I thought it would be.  You may be asking yourself, “What’s a Kindle Countdown Deal?”  This was me about a week ago.  It means that ADORKABLE, my debut YA romance, will be available at a deeply discounted price for a limited time.

Starting tomorrow, you or your bookish friends can purchase ADORKABLE for just $0.99 cents!!!

The deal will run from June 7 at 8:00 am PST until June 13 at 12:00 am PST.

If you’re friends with a bookworm you think would enjoy the book and would like to gift it to them, please take advantage of this promotion!  If you’d like to help me spread the word about this deal, I’d definitely appreciate your help!  I would love for readers to benefit from this limited time deal, so the more people who share, tweet, facebook about it, the better.  I still don’t know how to do those pre-made tweets or I would post some here.  But if you wouldn’t mind, I’d love your help in sharing this news.

Again, thank you to all of the readers who have already read ADORKABLE and to those who will read it in the future!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman