Category: The Kissing Challenge

Wishing You Happy Holidays

I just wanted to say: Happiest of happy holidays to you my awesome readers!

Wherever you are in life…

…whatever you’re going through…

…whatever has happened in the past to shape this time of year for you…

I hope you know you’re not alone.

This season can be difficult—finding the joy, feeling the cheer, remembering the good. But I so hope you do find it, feel it, and remember.

May peace and love surround you.

May your Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and New Year, be filled with good health, good people/pets, good times, good food, and of course, amazing books!!!

From my books to yours, Merry Christmas, and happy holidays!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Merry & Bright

I just wanted to say Merry Christmas!

This time last year I could still hold all the books I’d published in one hand. I tried that this year, failed, broke an ornament, cleaned up the mess, then moved everything to the mantle lol. At least the picture turned out nice.

May your days be merry & bright. May you spend time with the ones you love (hug them, tell them how much you love them, and know how blessed you are to have that). And may the odds be ever in your favor <3.

Merry Christmas and happiest of happy holidays to you!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Hello 2021

New year, new goals, new books! Yay!!!

Hello, my lovely readers! I hope you’re doing well and that you got to read some awesome books over the holidays :). I didn’t get a chance to read, but I did finish writing a book, woop!

This one is for Entangled, and it’s with my editor now (very thankful to work with an amazing editor!). I love it, so I’m very much hoping she will, too! Crossing my fingers!

Just being honest: Sometimes it feels like I get nothing done lol. And with last year being so full of sadness, suffering and scary times, I was surprised to see that I’d reached several of my goals.

Bookish goals achieved last year: I published my 5th book baby and first ever New Adult romance, The Best Mistake, woohoo!!! The Good Girl’s Guide to Being Bad came out in paperback, and the Hungarian translation Piszkos Tánc was released, yay! I also published my first novella, The Kissing Challenge <3! The ADORKABLE paperback got a second printing! *happy dance* In June, some wonderful people helped me do the #passthebookchallenge with ADORKABLE (still so thankful & would love to do it again)! I attended a virtual writer’s conference hosted by The Writing Gals–which was awesome! Pretty sure I wrote more than I ever have in a year (completed 2 books + 1 novella and started another co-written book!).

I also had a few goals I didn’t achieve…but I’m rolling them over to this year :). Okay, so here we go. Bookish/Writing Goals for 2021: Write a book (or several! 2-3+). Publish a book. Write more and consistently. Send newsletter once a month. Post on blog, FB, Instagram without being scared/freaking out. Participate more in the author/book community; again, don’t be afraid to reach out. Learn how to run ads.

I also have several personal goals, but here are the big ones: Be thankful & focus on the good. Spread love & positivity.

And there you go! No idea if I’ll be able to reach any or all of them–but I’m going to try. How did your 2020 goals turn out, and what are your goals for this year? I’d love to know!

I wish you all the best and hope 2021 is treating you well so far! Be safe and well, bookworms!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. I’ll do another post soon, but in case you’re interested, my upcoming release is on Goodreads!!! This is truly a book of my heart. <3 It’s my first time mentioning it anywhere; I’m already beating myself up that it’s in a post script ugh, but I just wanted to say thank you so much to the 4 people who have already added WALLFLOWER! You rock!!! Be on the lookout for another post soon, you guys! I can’t wait to share it with all of you! 😀

5 Things: I wish…

Hi everyone!

Can you believe it’s already the end of October??? Goodness, where did the time go lol?

I wanted to see how everyone is doing and check in :). Not gonna lie, I’ve been a bit down (which may be reflected in this post ha), but I’ll try and keep it positive!

So for today’s post, I’m doing 5 Things: I wish…

  1. I wish everyone had a dog. Or more than one. They are so lovely, so often better than people, and they really make life better <3.
  2. I wish my readers knew how much I appreciate them! THE KISSING CHALLENGE is doing awesome! That is thanks to all of you bookish peeps, and I am so very grateful! I truly didn’t know if anyone would read let alone enjoy my little YA romance novella—or any of my books for that matter! Thank you SO much for reading!
  3. I wish I didn’t pay attention to reviews. Actually, no. I wish I didn’t let them impact me as much as they sometimes do. *sigh* Recently, there have been some good and some bad. Guess which ones get in my head and won’t leave? Blah :/.
  4. I wish everyone would wear a mask. Because it protects others. Because we are all a part of this world and want to save each other from this virus. Because as Dan Levy (David from Schitt’s Creek) said, it is basically the kindest thing we can do.
  5. I wish everyone was healthy, happy and hopeful <3.

Okay, so those are my 5 Things! 🙂 I really and truly meant that last one. The times have been so dark and desolate for so many, and I just wish it would get better. I so hope it will <3.

Hope you are all well everyone! Stay safe out there! Have a very Happy Halloween! And maybe treat yourself to some peanut M&Ms and an awesome book!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. I have also been writing :). It’s been slow-going, but the other day I hit 20k on my brand new WIP! Yayyy! I’m really enjoying this story, you guys, and hope you will, too! I’m also about to start a collaboration with another wonderful author, my first ever, and oh, I’m so excited and hope it goes well! Very much looking forward to it! For my other book—the one I completed just before my novella? If you’re confused that’s okay lol!—I think I’ve found an awesome cover image. Hooray!!! Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know I’m still writing, pushing through the bad times and trying to stay productive. Good vibes and positive karma to all of you, my awesome readers!


Oh my goodness, it’s here, you guys!!!

My first ever YA romance novella is now out in the world! Yayyy!!! And oh, I hope people will read and love it!

Happy Release Day to THE KISSING CHALLENGE! <3

Anne & Captain’s novella was so fun to write, and I hope it brings you some joy, lots of laughs, and a heaping dose of swoon <333. If you love it, please let me know! And oh, I’d be so grateful for a review! Even a few words would be wonderful!

Thank you again for all of the support and love! This one is for you, my awesome readers! If you love best-friends-to-lovers, TikTok challenges that lead to kissing and fun, flirty novellas packed full of swoon, I hope you’ll check out THE KISSING CHALLENGE!

Stay safe, good karma and positive vibes to you, everyone!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. I really can’t believe it’s out there, you guys! Hooray!!! And the paperback is on the way! Hope your October is going well so far, bookworms! 🙂

New YA Romance Novella!

Hi everyone!

I hope you’re doing well! I have a new book coming out soon, woohoo! It’s a YA romance novella called THE KISSING CHALLENGE!

If you’re subscribed to The Cookie Jar Newsletter you may have already seen this, but I wanted to post here as well!

Here is the swoon-worthy cover <333.

And here is the summary:

The challenge: Kiss your best friend.

Sixteen-year-old Anne Elliot is in love with Captain.

He’s been her best friend for years. A rising musician with a special smile he reserves just for her, Captain even lets Anne practice her makeup skills on him—though his bandmates give him flack for it.

When Anne gets an anonymous comment challenging her to kiss her best friend, it threatens to reveal her secret. But how can she resist doing the one thing she’s wanted forever? It’s just one kiss. She and Captain’s relationship can stay the same…right?

The real challenge: Kiss your best friend, and don’t let him know you’re in love.

This YA romance novella is fun, fast-paced, and flirty, the perfect story for anyone who loves best-friends-to-lovers. Inspired by TikTok & Jane Austen, THE KISSING CHALLENGE is sure to make you swoon!

Again, I’m so excited to share Anne & Captain’s story with all of you! It’s 20k words, full of YA romance goodness, and I hope it makes you smile and swoon :). You can add THE KISSING CHALLENGE on Goodreads–and I hope you will lol! A few people have added it, and just seeing that really made me glad.

I’ve been feeling kind of tired and down. September is always hard, but I’m trying to stay positive. If you’re struggling, I hope you are able to stay positive, too.

Most of my focus has been on a charity event that I founded and have organized for the past few years to raise awareness & funds for childhood cancer. If you wouldn’t mind, please cross your fingers that it all goes okay. I’d truly appreciate the good vibes.

I hope you are all well, my lovely readers! Virtual hugs and good karma to you! Stay safe out there!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman