There’s been a lot going on bookishly speaking, so here we go. I’m currently editing the book I hope to release this year. About half-way through now, and I’m loving every moment! <3 <3 <3
There are some cool things coming soon, including the fact that NINJA GIRL will be released in the spring as an audio book!!! Yayyy, woohoo, hi-yah! I can’t wait because the narrators Tantor Media has signed on for Snow and Ash are absolutely freaking fantastic! Ah!
Awesome things are coming for ADORKABLE as well (I hope), but these are ongoing, and I always feel like when things seem too good it’s best to wait and see what happens. Whether it’s a happy ending or not, you, my lovely readers, will be the first to know how it all works out :).
The Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Unforeseeable Truth About Ethan Wilder continues to be my sleeper hit lol, but I hope even more readers will discover the book and fall in love with Delilah & Ethan’s story. I really do love it–and all of my books!
I saw a review on Amazon for ADORKABLE that really warmed my heart. It was so wonderful, and I’ve included a screenshot below.

I don’t know who “bookreadermom” is, but I greatly appreciated this review. It made me feel so good to hear that she loved the book and hoped that her children would take on some of Sally and Becks’s best traits. It reminded me of why I do this, what it is I love so much about books/writing.
Everyone needs more happily-ever-afters in their lives, more true friendships, more love and laughter, and I hope my books provide these things. When times are hard and the world seems like such a dark place, I think it’s important to remember the good. To love yourself and others, to laugh, and to have hope.
Reviews like this remind me of the good. They brighten my days, and I’m so thankful for all of the people who read and support my books <3. I hope you are all doing well!
Happy reading,
Cookie O’Gorman