Category: YA

Never Give Up

Warning: This post may come off as a little kumbaya at times, jaded at others, but I always try to stay positive.  Here, I tried to keep it real.  You have been warned.

My favorite books are the ones where the hero wins in the end.

I mean, seriously, does that surprise you?  I wrote a book called ADORKABLE for crying out loud!

The girl gets her guy.  Good triumphs over evil.  The world is going to crap, crashing down all around us, but somehow…the dog lives in the end.

That is what I think makes a great story.

The difference between the younger books I read versus the adult books is that in YA and children’s books there is an innocence but, within that, a definitive sense of right and wrong.

Young adults read books like Harry Potter.  They grow up on these books.  They devour the pages and breathe the words in like oxygen.  Some may call it naive, but young people read books like Harry Potter, and they just know Voldemort will lose in the end.  They see someone who stands for hate and racism, a man who surrounds himself with deatheaters who want to get rid of all the “mudbloods” to keep the magical race “pure,” and they know, without a shadow of a doubt, that

They believe in the wisdom found inside HP’s magical pages like, “If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals,” and “We’ve all got both light and dark inside us.  What matters is the part we choose to act on.  That’s who we really are.”  Whether they remember the quote or not, young people absorb the meaning and truth of these words.

They see good people like Harry, Ron, and Hermione fighting back, doing all they can to keep us from returning to the dark ages, and they cheer them on.  They want the good guys to win.  They want the bad guys to lose.  It’s that simple.

Because really, how could we get to the end of book 7 of this best-series-in-the-entire-world only to find out that…Voldemort wins???

No.  Young people would never stand for it, readers would revolt, and a great author like J.K. Rowling would never let that happen.

This is one of the reasons I love YA and children’s books.  The worlds in these books, however bleak, are often full of hope.  Things may sometimes seem hopeless…but then you realize that you still have about 100 more pages left to read, and you know, you just know, that things will turn around.  The promise of a happy ending drives us to keep reading, keep hoping, to never give up.

I wish the world was more like the books I love so much.  (Although not The Hunger Games.  That would be pretty messed up.)

I think the world needs more hope and less hate.  More happy endings and less tragedies.  More heroines and less bad guys.

I’ve got to be honest with you.  Right now, I don’t see a whole lot of light.  There is darkness everywhere.  I’m not giving up, and I don’t think anyone who feels like I do should either.  But my faith in people has been shaken.  I do not know how people could dismiss a man’s despicable actions, hateful words and beliefs and support him anyway.  I just…don’t.

So that’s where I am.  To try and end on a positive, I’ll leave you with some words said by a smart man, created by the mind of an even smarter woman:

“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”–J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

The next blog post will be lighter, I promise.  Hope everyone has a great week.

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman


Goodreads Giveaway!

I’m very excited to announce my first ever Goodreads Giveaway!

I’ve seen giveaways around for other books, always hoped I might get to do one.  And now that the paperback version of ADORKABLE is out, I can :).

FYI, for any first-time self-pubbing authors out there, you have to set the giveaway date 7 days before the actual day (who knew?). So I set it all up last week, and it just went live today.  Anyone with a Goodreads account can enter and it is open to users in the United States.

What can you win, you say?

If you enter, you can win one of two signed copies of ADORKABLE!  That means there will be 2 winners!!  Again, I can’t wait.  When I looked just now, I saw that 9 people had already requested, and I was like “yesss!”

Here is the widget for entries.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Adorkable by Cookie O'Gorman


by Cookie O’Gorman

Giveaway ends November 23, 2016.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway

I hope you enter the giveaway and help me spread the word about ADORKABLE.  I hope the winners love the book–or maybe they’ll be winners who already loved the book ;).

Good luck, and may the Force be with you!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman


Last week I missed posting which stinks.

The thing is I just didn’t know what to post about.  This happens to me a lot, the whole running out of things to say.  Sucks, right?  Is there anything sadder than a writer with no words?  Eh well, I’m going to keep trying anyway lol.

I saw this movie the other day that I really loved.  It’s called Sing Street.  Basically, this boy falls for this girl who he tries to impress by asking her (since she says she’s a model) to come be in a music video for his band.

Thing is…there is no band.

So the main guy scrambles around finding members to be in his band, writing song lyrics (inspired by girl), putting together hilarious costumes etc.  Did I mention the movie is set in Dublin in the 80s?  Ack, the makeup, the clothes, the MUSIC!  The story was just brilliant, funny and heartfelt, with a pair of brothers and their tight-knit relationship at its core, making up my favorite part of the story.  Brotherly love at it’s finest, and it was beautiful.

The movie reminded me of how tight Becks and his brothers are in ADORKABLE.  I’m a sucker for this kind of sibling relationship.  Absolutely loved writing Becks, Clayton and his brothers so much.

And you better believe, if Sing Street was a YA book, I’d be all over it :).

I mean, boy forms band just to impress the girl of his dreams?  I had to love it!  It kind of reminds me of 10 Things I Hate About You and how Cameron learns French just so he can tutor Bianca.  Le sigh…

When I was struggling to figure out what to post, someone told me I should write about the books I love, and I may definitely do that sometime.  This little movie, though, was such a bright spot.  I don’t know if many people have heard about or seen it, but I loved it.

In other news, I’m trying to set up a giveaway on Goodreads for ADORKABLE.  Currently, I’m waiting for my cover to be added to the paperback version–who knew you had to request these things?

Hopefully, I’ll have more on that later, but until then…I’ll just be here.  Trying my best.

Hope you are all enjoying your week so far!

Happy Reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Bookish Firsts


Can we just take a moment to take in all that pretty? <3 <3 <3

It’s the first time I’ve ever seen so many ADORKABLE books in one place lol.  A magical moment for sure, so of course, Mister Potter had to make an appearance. 🙂  But seriously, someone in my family (here’s lookin’ at you, Colleen) decided to order and have me sign a whole bunch of copies to give as gifts, and I can’t thank her enough.  Thank you, thank you, thank you, Colleen!

When I decided to publish, I didn’t know I’d get to take a picture like this.  I didn’t know I’d see one of my students reading my book, in real life (sigh…a first I will always remember).  I didn’t know my grandpa would come to visit and be spotted on multiple occasions reading the little book that I wrote.  I didn’t know I’d be using Google Translate so much thanks to book reviews from all over the world.  Definitely didn’t know there would be so many amazing ADORKABLE readers and supporters.

Anyway, just feeling really thankful today.  Hope you all have a great week, and if you’ve supported ADORKABLE, thank you so much again!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

A Happy Surprise

I got an unexpected (and awesome) email from Amazon over the weekend.  They’re doing this thing in October called #PoweredByIndie to celebrate great writing with a focus on indie KDP published titles/writers.  And that’s only one part of the awesome.  The other part is…they’ve chosen ADORKABLE as one of the featured titles!!!

Like I said, so surprising and definitely very cool.

You can check it out here.

It’s all about the indie and promoting self-published work, which I think is a fantastic idea.  And it gave me the topic for this week’s post, so thank you, Amazon :).

Here are some of my favorite things about being an indie author.

One of my most favorite things is the readers.  I love it when someone contacts me to say they read and loved my book.  That is something I never take for granted.  I love that the story they read and loved is the one I wanted to put out into the world.  Going indie allowed me to safeguard the heart of my story, the characters, and I will always love it for that reason.

I also love the empowerment.  It is such an amazing feeling to take charge of your own destiny.  Going indie, taking that first step and deciding that you are going to make all the decisions about your book, it can be a scary thing.  But if you believe in your book, your story and your characters, you have the power to put the story out there.

You are the one who decides when it’s ready.  You are the one who decides what the cover should look like, how the summary should read, and when to release the book.  The power is in your hands.

Amazon, KDP and indie publishing made it possible for me to publish the books that I love so much.  #PoweredByIndie is right.  Indie publishing empowers authors and allows them to create books that they love and reach readers who may love them as well.

That’s why I’m proud to say I’m an indie author.

I hope you all are having a great week so far, and if you haven’t, I hope you give indie books like ADORKABLE a chance <3.

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Doc Holliday & Wyatt Earp


There’s this moment in Tombstone where someone asks Doc Holliday why he’s doing all this (as in, why is he fighting so hard and putting his already failing health at risk).

Doc says simply, “Wyatt Earp is my friend.”

The Other Guy scoffs and says something like, “I got lots of friends.”

After a long pause, Doc says, “I don’t.”

I have always loved this friendship, and I’ve always felt a kinship with Doc because, like him, I only ever had one true best friend.  She is my favorite person of all time.  I love her so much and would’ve done anything for her–including facing down Johnny Ringo in her stead.

But I didn’t get that chance.

My best friend passed away last year from cancer, and I miss her every moment of every day.  She passed before getting to see me publish ADORKABLE, which I will always regret.  Each day is less without her here.  I am less, too.  Part of me, the very best part, died with her, and I am still not at peace with her passing.

But, I will tell you…I was blessed to know her.  I was blessed to have her in my life.  I was blessed to be raised by her, to experience her humor, great taste in music, movies and books, and to witness her innate goodness.  And I was blessed to have her as a best friend.

Doc had it right.

You only need one.

And if you have a best friend like that, well, then I’d say you’re pretty blessed.

Happy birthday, Aunt Pat.  I finally published that book you loved so much, and some people loved Sally and Becks just like you said they would.  I’m sure you’re doing the I-told-you-so dance up in Heaven, hanging with Mema, the babies, David Bowie, and Alan Rickman.  You’re probably smiling over the fact that I referenced Tombstone to describe our friendship (it’s true, though).  I love you, miss you, and hope you are well.  Love, Your Cookie

Hope you all have a great weekend filled with good times and great friends.

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

And the winner is…

Today marks the end of the “I <3 ADORKABLE” Giveaway–which means it’s time to announce a winner!  The randomly selected winner of this giveaway and a $25 Amazon gift card is…

Jen!!!  Congratulations, Jen, I will be emailing your e-card shortly. 🙂

Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this giveaway.  I really enjoy doing these, and this one in particular made celebrating the paperback release of ADORKABLE that much more awesome. (Ahhhh, it’s actually a paperback!)

I wanted to let you know that Amazon has already merged ADORKABLE‘s two formats (e-book and paperback) so they can be found on the same page.  I know…that was fast!  I thought it might take a week at least, but I’m new to this, so everything is a learn-as-you-go process.

Also, I’m so happy to say that there have already been some orders for the paperback!  Like non-family member orders (and some family orders).  Anyway again…that was fast…and I am thankful (to both the family and non-family ADORKABLE readers lol!).

Hope you all have a great day!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Happy Paperback Release Day!!!

Okay, I did it.  I pushed the button–it’s actually really something.  There are a lot of nerves and deep breaths involved for such a simple thing lol.  But after hitting approve, I stayed up to make sure the book actually published, and it did!

ADORKABLE is now available in paperback.  332 pages, two best friends, one beautiful cover, and all the dorki-ness and heart of the original e-book.

Siiigh…ain’t it beautiful?


Yay, yay, yayyy!  It’s actually out there.  The paperback version of ADORKABLE can currently be found at Amazon and Createspace as well as Amazon European stores.  Eventually, the two versions should be on the same Amazon page (but tbh I have no idea how long that will take).  Other channels, like B&N, may pick it up eventually.  Thank you so much to everyone who has supported this little book of mine.  I really do love these characters, and I’m so happy that many of you have as well <3.  It’s because of you that I decided to make this leap and create the paperback version of ADORKABLE in the first place, so thank you!

Again, I have no idea how many people will actually want a physical copy.  But if you do: It’s out there! 🙂

Happy Paperback Release Day, everyone!!! I hope you have a great week!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

5 Things: I’m Loving Right Now

Lists are awesome, and since it is 5 DAYS before the release of the paperback version of ADORKABLE (eep!), it’s time for another “5 Things” post.  September is tough this year and not just because of the print release.  So basically, this is a list of the things that have made me happy this week.

Here are 5 Things I’m Loving Right Now:

  1.  Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs.  I started the book a couple of days ago because no matter how great the movie turns out I wanted to read the book first.  So far, I love it!  It’s odd and intriguing, and I can’t wait to get to the end.
  2. Videos of puppies and kittens.  Of course.
  3. Kilig!!!  This amazing, crazy cool Filipino word means (according to Google): exhilaration or elation caused by an exciting or romantic experience.  I also found this definition: the rush or the inexplicable joy one feels after seeing or experiencing something romantic.  Sigh…  We need more words like this!  We need more “kilig”!  I love it <3 .  Thank you, Beatrice and Henz for introducing me.
  4. Game of Thrones Season 6 (which i binge-watched last weekend).  Arya, Jon Snow, Brienne, and the Hound, all my faves are back.
  5. Sleeping in, warm socks, and nice people.

Kinda added a few more on that last one lol.  I hope your week is going well.  If you read ADORKABLE, I hope you feel the “kilig” :).  And yeah…just 5 more days until the print release!!!  Crossing my fingers that all goes well!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

I Love Book Deals!

It’s true.  Book deals are fantastic, and I love them!  Who doesn’t love a great deal, right?

So as I said in the last post, today is the day!  ADORKABLE will be just $0.99 starting at 8:00 am today and ending on September 16, 2016 at 12:00 am.  Hooray for book deals!

If you or someone you know needs a little YA romance to read over the weekend, you may want to give ADORKABLE a try!  I really hope you do :).

This is a limited time deal, so if you’d like to help me spread the word, I’d love the help!

I hope you enjoy your weekend and that it’s filled with lovely books and good times.

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman