It’s here, it’s here, it’s finally here!!!
Happy FAUXMANCE Release Day!

Ahhh, I can’t believe it’s here! Book baby #10 is out in the wild! Oh, I’m so excited and feeling all the feels! Magnolia & Hayden’s story is one I love so much! It’s my first story with an elevator scene (loved writing that part <3). I hope readers laugh, sigh, and swoon. I hope people will give this little YA romance a chance and that they fall in love with Hayden *sigh*. I hope they love Maggie, too–and Izzy, Constance, Maggie’s mom and sister, the guys in Hayden’s band, the bridesmaids.
Like I said, my feelings are all over the place lol. When I first started this journey, I never thought I’d be able to write 10 books. I’m so slow; self-doubt tries to stop me every. single. time. There are so many reasons why this shouldn’t have been possible. But I’m so glad I got to #10 (even if one of those is a novella ha!) because if I hadn’t I’d never have written this book.
And Magnolia & Hayden’s story is in my heart.
I hope FAUXMANCE will make its way into readers’ hearts as well.
If you love YA romance, fake relationships, opposites attract, hopeless romantics who love weddings, cynical musicians who love their grandmother, elevators, weddings, and laugh-out-loud moments, I hope you’ll check it out!
Again: FAUXMANCE is available now!
Good luck, little book! May the Force be with you, may the odds be ever in your favor, and may you bring light and love to anyone who reads your pages!
Happy reading,
Cookie O’Gorman