Hi everyone! I’m sorry this is a bit late, but I wanted to say thank you so much to everyone who entered the NINJA GIRL Reader Giveaway! Again, I was never sure NINJA GIRL would reach 1,000+ readers/ratings on Goodreads, so it was definitely a milestone/goal/amazing piece of awesome when it did :). Thank you to all of the readers who helped get it there! You ninjas are adorkable and unbelievable ;).
Without further ado, the winner is…
Congratulations, Stephanie, and thank you so much for entering! Your $25 Amazon gift card is on the way (in fact, it should be there already by the time I post this lol). Congrats again, and I hope you enjoy your gift card!
I also wanted to say a heartfelt, infinite THANK YOU to everyone who reached out to me after my last post. You did not have to do that. It was very unexpected and yet so appreciated. Like everyone, feelings, especially the unhappy ones, are something I struggle with. I only have maybe one or two people I can share/talk about it with when I am feeling down. And I’ve always thought my readers are awesome, not just awesome bookworms but awesome people, but then, they go out and prove it by sending such amazing comments and emails of support. Each one was read, each one was taken to heart, and each one helped me in some way. So again, thank you all so so much.
On Sunday, I spent all day reading. Like literally, it was one of those days when you do nothing else but seclude yourself in a room, bury your head between the pages of a great book and don’t come up until…well, the last page. It was, in a word, glorious :). A much needed escape, and I wanted to share that book with you.

The Cruel Prince is most definitely the best book I have read in some time, possibly/probably my favorite book of the year. This is a YA fantasy romance that revolves around a girl named Jude and her twin Taryn, both mortals, who have been taken to live in Faerie. Now, I will say I love fairies. The courts, the intrigues, the deceptive beauty, the secrets, and the thought of mortals living alongside immortals, all of it is interesting to me. But no one writes fairies better than Holly Black. The characters were amazing (I loved Jude so freaking much!). The world was so well-drawn and picturesque. I loved the dialogue, pacing, side characters (each one had their own agenda and goals, and they were all just so interesting), the plot twists, and yes, the amazing ending. I didn’t know at first, but The Cruel Prince is the first book in a trilogy–something I usually avoid until at least two of the books are out–but Book 2 comes out in early January, so at least, the wait won’t be too long lol. The romance was just right, in my opinion. And Prince Cardan, youngest of six in the royal family, Jude’s nemesis, too beautiful to be real, uncaring, unfeeling, arrogant, clever, cruel…but possibly still likeable? Ah, I loved him. Cardan was terrible and wonderful, and I love it when an author can pull off a character like this. Loved Cardan, loved Jude, loved Holly Black’s writing, and definitely loved this book!
I’d recommend The Cruel Prince to anyone and everyone <3. I hope it brings you as much entertainment/escapism/joy as it did me.
Happy reading,
Cookie O’Gorman
P.S. ADORKABLE reached 500 reviews on Amazon!!! This is another thing I never thought would happen (because I always doubt and with Amazon’s disappearing reviews etc.), but it finally did–and I took a screenshot to prove it lol. I just want to say again: Thank you so much readers! You guys are amazing!!!