Happy National Book Lover’s Day!

Apparently, it is National Book Lover’s Day–although, let’s be honest; isn’t that every day for us bookworms lol? 🙂  One of my students sent me this (thanks, Brady!), and I just had to do a post.  Books are wonderful, fabulous, amazing things.  They have the ability to transport us to different places, pick us up when we’re down, make us cry one moment and smile the next.  (Note: I prefer the feel-good books that make me laugh and/or swoon :))  I don’t know what the world would be like without books, but I do know I never want to find out.

Have you read any good books recently?  Here are two that I’m looking forward to reading and one that I enjoyed (a lot more than I probably should have):

  1. Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia
  2. The Cruel Prince by Holly Black
  3. Love Me Never by Sara Wolf

I’ve been waiting to read the first two for a while.  Eliza and Her Monsters just sounds awesome and will be my first read from Francesca Zappia.  In the past, I’ve loved Holly Black’s books about fairies, so of course, The Cruel Prince captured my interest immediately.  Then there’s Love Me Never which I’ve already read and enjoyed.  A lot.  This book was…wow.  It reminded me of Boys Over Flowers–one of my favorite Asian dramas–actually strike that, it is my favorite lol.  Love Me Never was nowhere near as sweet, but it was definitely a guilty pleasure read.

Have you read any of these books?  Did you enjoy them?  I hope you’re all doing well and having a great week!  And again, Happy National Book Lover’s Day!!!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman



Friday Fun :)

I have some very sweet/awesome/fun things to share with you this Friday :).

ADORKABLE came out at the end of June as an audiobook–yay!!!–and if that wasn’t awesome enough, on one of my random searches of my books (don’t judge lol), I found these beauties.

This is, to my knowledge, the first and possibly only hand-drawn piece of ADORKABLE fan art!!!! <3  It was apparently on Pinterest, and seriously, I LOVE IT!!!!!  I love everything about it from the little Yoda, to the soccer ball for Becks, to the Gryffindor crest for Sally, to all the characters’ names (including Sally’s mom and all of Becks’s brothers *sigh*).  And I noticed this part last, but that’s a German flag!  Because Sally speaks German in the book!  Gah, it’s so freaking perfect and just…ADORKABLE! 🙂  Wherever you are Amber, thank you SO much for this!

This beautiful collage is for Kamuzások, Kavarások (the Hungarian version of ADORKABLE), and all I’ve got to say is WOW 0__0.  The pictures are amazing and were paired with a very sweet book review on Bookworm’s Bookshelf blog.  Thank you so much, Lillsz!!!  You’re wonderful! <3

And that, my lovely readers, is a picture of ADORAKBLE alongside all of the other “Most Read This Week” in Young Adult Romance on Goodreads!  It was such a nice/wonderful surprise!

I know school is starting back for a lot of my readers, and if you’re one of them, I hope you enjoy it!  Whether you’re starting back or long past your school days: Have fun, read books, be YOU because you’re fantastic, and don’t let the muggles get you down.  I hope you all have a great weekend!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman


Summer Reading Event

Hi everyone!  KM Shea contacted me a little while ago asking if I wanted to be a part of her Summer Reading Event–of course, I said yes!  Summer + Books + New Author Friends = Awesome :).  This week, from July 29-August 4, is all about YA contemporary books–which I love!!!  There are giveaways and great books, and the coolest part (at least for me)?

ADORKABLE is one of the featured reads!!!

If you want to check it out, here is the link.

One giveaway is for a book by one of my favorite authors, Meg Cabot, so actually I want to enter that one lol!  The other book, Engaging Mr. Darcy, is a modern take on Pride and Prejudice.  I love all things P&P, so that sounds awesome as well.  Also, Kitty just seems like a nice/cool person, and I’m so thankful for the opportunity for ADORKABLE to be a part of this.

Have you guys discovered any great reads this summer?  I’ve found a couple that I loved, and I’ve still got some sweet things to share with you.  Hoping to post at least once more this week, and I hope you are all doing well!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Congratulations to You!

The ADORKABLE Audiobook Giveaway has ended, which means I have some winners to announce!  Yay, and thank you so much to everyone who entered the giveaway :).  Congratulations to the following readers:

JanetADORKABLE audiobook

KarlaADORKABLE audiobook

MadonnaADORKABLE audiobook

KatharinaADORKABLE audiobook

BelindaADORKABLE audiobook

Kerri — $10 Amazon gift card

I’ll be emailing the winners shortly, and I hope you all enjoy your prizes!  Thank you so much again for entering and supporting my books (the ebooks, the paperbacks and the audiobook :)).  You rock!  Speaking of which, I will be posting again soon because I have some very cool things to share with you guys.  I hope you’re having a great week and that the summer is treating you well!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

ADORKABLE Audiobook Giveaway :)

As promised, it’s time for a giveaway!

ICYMI, the ADORKABLE audiobook came out last week!  That is definitely something worth celebrating, and I can’t think of a better way to to do that than to hold a giveaway to thank all of you awesome readers :).

The giveaway will run from today until midnight on July 20, 2018.  The prizes are: 5 ADORKABLE audiobooks and a $10 Amazon gift card.  That means there will be 6 winners!  I remembered to include a free entry (finally lol, I’ve been meaning to do that for all of them!), and there are other ways you can enter as well (such as commenting on this post ;)).  Just use the rafflecopter below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I also wanted to share this screenshot that made me smile.

Okay, so did anyone else notice all of the Harry Potter goodness going on in that picture???  Since ADORKABLE is now available on iTunes, when I click on the “related” tab, I am instantly transported to Hogwarts lol!  How freaking awesome is that?  I’m sure it’s because the HP books are the bestselling YA/kids audiobooks and are therefore related to everything, but it’s still cool.  I loved seeing that–and you know Sally would’ve loved it, too!

Good luck everyone on the giveaway, and I hope you are having an awesome summer!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman


ADORKABLE Audiobook Release Day!

Today’s the day: ADORKABLE is officially available as an audiobook!!!  Woohoo, yayyy, huzzah!

Don’t you just love how the ADORKABLE audiobook cover is so like the original?  The gorgeous/swoony feel, the colors and that bench *sigh*.  Thank you so much to Tantor Media for making this happen and to Andrea Emmes, the incredible narrator!  Seriously guys, she rocks, and I’m so lucky she’s the one reading Sally and Becks’s story <3.

As many times as I’ve read ADORKABLE, I absolutely LOVED hearing the story read to me!

It’s such an amazing experience to hear the words.  If you loved Sally and Becks, I think you’ll adore the audiobook!  And if you haven’t read the book, there’s a new way to experience ADORKABLE on Audible, Google, iTunes, Kobo and other outlets, including libraries *__*.

(FYI: Libraries are made of awesome.)

ADORKABLE is now an audiobook, you guys!  Ugh, I’m so excited, and if you’d help spread the word, I’d be so very thankful.  Please check it out, and let me know what you think :-).  May the Force, Becks, and Harry Potter be with you.  I hope you all have an awesome Saturday!

Happy reading (and listening),

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S.  There will be a giveaway next week to celebrate, yayyy!

The Art of Taking Chances

It’s release day for “The Art of Taking Chances” anthology! 🙂

Nine authors with nine short YA romance stories and a beautiful cover.  I was honored to write the foreword–but you may just want to skip that and get right to the sweet stories!  I wouldn’t blame you lol.  It looks like the book is available in paperback and e-book (for just $0.99), so check it out!

Happy Friday, everyone, and be on the lookout tomorrow for another post about another release that I can’t wait to share!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Thank You, Lemonade, and Bookish Updates

First off, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who offered their condolences.  I never expected so much support from my readers—though I should’ve known better because you girls and guys are simply the best.  Your support and understanding during this time was so appreciated.

Not gonna lie.  June has been a tough month.  Life has a way of kicking you when you’re down, and that’s definitely been the case these past weeks.

*Deep breath*

But now, it’s time to make lemonade.

I mean, what else can you do, right?  Real life is over there, chucking all these lemons at your head—the jerk—and do you just sit there and take it?  No.  You stand up, gather the lemons, take the sour/bitter stuff, pour some sugar on it and try to make some freaking lemonade.

Luckily, I have some really sweet things coming up.

Prepare yourself for some truly awesome updates.

1)  I wrote the foreword for a YA romance anthology that comes out June 29, 2018!  It’s called The Art of Taking Chances, features some very talented YA authors–including Kelsie Stelting, who is awesome and orchestrated this whole thing–and you can read more about it here.  If you’re interested, you can also get an Advanced Reader Copy here.  I hope you’ll check it out!  Also, isn’t that cover a beauty? <3

2)  ADORKABLE is being made into an audiobook!!!  Actually, it’s already been made and comes out June 30, 2018!  *Gasp*  I know!  I’ve been wanting to share this exciting news for a long time.  Now, we’ll get to experience Sally and Becks’s story in a whole new format, and that is just incredible!  I’ll have more news on this later, but…yippeeee!  ADORKABLE will soon be available in audio!

3)  After receiving an email from Amazon, for a limited time, ADORKABLE is enrolled in Prime Reading.  I’m somewhat nervous but hoping this will be a good opportunity to reach new readers.  I’ll be sure to let you know how it turns out.

And those are the updates!  There’s a lot of great things happening, and I’m trying to take them all in—even though, like I said, those dang lemons keep coming.

I think I have enough at this point to last a lifetime lol.

But I’ll keep trying to make lemonade, breathing deep and hoping for the best.  How has your summer been so far?  More lemons or lemonade?  Here’s hoping you’ve found a ton of great reads along the way!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

An Apology

Dear readers,

I apologize if you have tried to contact me within the last few days and I haven’t responded.  Someone I love very much recently passed away.  It was sudden, and my family and I are still trying to come to terms with the loss.  I just wanted to explain my absence and tell you what’s been going on.  My family is small.  Now there is one less person in the world that I love, one who loved me back, and I will miss him.

Papa, although I know you’re gone and you’ll never get to see this…I love you.  I’ll miss spending time with you and our great talks.  I’ll miss how you called sometimes just to say hello.  I’ll miss how strong you were in your faith and how you tried to help me through the tough times (especially these last few years).  I’ll miss seeing your smile, your hugs and how you were the only one to ever call me “princess.”  You were truly one of the best men I have ever known, and I love you so much.

Again, readers, I am sorry, and I’ll try to get back to posting regularly soon.  I truly hope you are all well.

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Disappearing Reviews

Warning: This post may get a little mopey (though I’ll try to stay upbeat and end on a positive note :)).

My Amazon reviews have been disappearing.  Not reviews that I’ve written, but ones that were written about my books by readers.  *Sigh.*  I think I’ve mentioned it before, but I’m very OCD when it comes to checking up on my book babies.  Seriously, I check their pages almost daily.  The “almost” is because I’d actually gotten better about this, sometimes checking every other day instead of every. single. day.  But the “almost” is no more after what’s been happening.

Most recently, the reviews I noticed have gone missing were from ADORKABLE.

The screenshots are from 2018 (this year) on May 8, 9, 11, and 13.  As you can see the numbers go from 469…to 467…then back up to 468.  Now this may not seem like much, right?  But at one point, ADORKABLE had 470 reviews.  Unfortunately, I have no screenshot of this, but when I noticed it dropping I started to pay closer attention.  OCD, remember?

Anyway, I noticed the drop from 470 to 469 but didn’t freak out.  Then I actually got two new reviews–and the total went down a few days later to 468.  Then down again to 467.  Annnd commence freak out lol!  That means I actually lost 4-5 reviews all around the same period of time.  Strange, right?  Something had to be wrong.  All I needed to do was contact Amazon, tell them what was happening, and they would fix it.  Right???


Here are the responses I received from Amazon.  Basically, they include the reasons they remove Amazon reviews and say there’s nothing they can do.  I was floored.  I read through the guidelines for removing a review, and none of them apply to me.  My family is very small, and none of them have reviews for my books up on Amazon (Full disclosure: My aunt did write one back when ADORKABLE was first released in 2016, and it was removed immediately).

One of the other reasons stated is that a reviewer may choose to remove their own review.  Well, at least one of the reviews that disappeared was a 4-star.  I know how much time and thought goes into writing a review.  Heck, it takes me a couple of hours to write a post!  So, I don’t think anyone who wrote and posted an Amazon review–let alone a nice one–which means they liked the book!–would take it down.

Also, none of the reviews for my books link to other products (reason 3 for removing a review).

The people at Amazon don’t disclose what reviews were taken down or why.  Only the person who wrote the review can request to see the reason why their review was removed–even though Amazon doesn’t notify them, so the reviewer would never know it was missing in the first place.

Naturally, I wasn’t satisfied, and that’s why I got another email from Amazon.  It was a cut-and-paste of the first response.

I’ve also noticed a couple of reviews disappear from NINJA GIRL.  Le sigh.  But I’m one of the lucky ones because, so far, readers keep reading and reviewing.

Reviews mean everything to a self-published writer.

It cannot be overstated.

Reviews are what drive new readers to your books.  Reviews let people know a book is worth their time, money, effort.  And reviews let writers know there are people who love their books (outside of family), that they should keep writing, that they are providing something of value to others.

When you’re out there on your own, trying to make a name for yourself and your books, it is difficult.  No one is there to help you, no one has your back, no one is telling you to keep writing or when the deadlines are.  If you fail, it’s all on you.  If you succeed, it may be you…or just luck.  And just imagine, when you finally break through, when you find those readers who enjoy your books…Amazon decides to remove their reviews with no explanation.  No warning.  The reviews, the readers’ thoughts, are there one day, gone the next.  It is so disheartening.  For both the writer and the reviewer.

So what did I do after all this was said and done?  I saved the reviews in a Word doc then took screenshots.  Several hours, 77 pages of text reviews and 81 pages of screenshots later, everything was saved 0__0.  And that was just for ADORKABLE!!!

Yes, I did this for all of my books.  And yes, I know it sounds a bit extreme LOL, but I had to do it.  I want to be able to read those reviews over and over (the nice ones, of course :)).  And if Amazon won’t help me in this matter, well, I couldn’t just give up.

Thank you to everyone who has written a review for one (or more) of my books!  Your support means the world, and I hope you will keep writing reviews!  I will most definitely keep reading them <3.

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman