Category: giveaway


Today, I’m announcing the winners of the Happy V-Day Giveaway!  Woohoo!!!  Thank you so much to everyone who entered.  You all rock!  And without further ado, the winners are:

Jo (signed copy of NINJA GIRL)!!!

Katharina ($10 Amazon gift card)!!!

Congratulations, ladies, I hope you enjoy your prizes and will send them as soon as possible :).  Katharina, your gift card should get there by tonight.  Jo, your book may take a little longer–speaking of which, I’ve never sent one of my books overseas before, but I’m looking forward to seeing how it all works lol.

In book-ish news, it’s less than a month away from the release of THE UNBELIEVEABLE, INCONCEIVABLE, UNFORESEEABLE TRUTH ABOUT ETHAN WILDER!  Eep, how did the time go by so fast?  I’m excited (and nervous) and will be doing more posts about the book in the upcoming weeks.  Oh, I really hope you’ll love it <3.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Why Bookbub Rocks

Bookbub seriously rocks!

Wait, wait, what’s that you say?  You don’t know what Bookbub is?  *Gasp*  How can that be?

Just kidding lol, I didn’t know either until I decided to publish my first book ADORKABLE :).  In 2016, I searched the best ways to promote a book, and Bookbub was always right there, being mentioned by authors.  They made it sound SO awesome, and of course, I had to know more.  So, what is Bookbub?  Basically, it’s a site that helps readers find new reads at a limited-time great price.  It also helps authors promote their work and expand their readership.  Each day “featured deals” are emailed out to the readers with books that are 1) in genres they love to read and 2) at deeply discounted prices.

Sounds amazing, right?

The catch for authors: It can be pretty pricey.  You pay up front if your book is selected, a pre-determined price listed right on their website based on your discounted price and genre.  The process was said to be super selective.  There are no guarantees.

Flash forward to 2018, when I’d released a couple of books and was hoping to better promote them.

I chose to submit ADORKABLE because it had more ratings/reviews on Amazon and Goodreads than NINJA GIRL.  The Bookbub editorial team supposedly looks at this (see post).  I wasn’t overly confident, was scared to submit, knew that my book may not be selected–knew too that authors had started to say that Bookbub was no longer as effective, that readers were overwhelmed with discounted books and that Bookbub experiences varied widely.  With nothing to lose, I submitted ADORKABLE anyway.

And miracle of miracles, it was selected for a featured deal!!!  Yay, yay, yayyyyy!

My genre was teen and young adult.  The discounted price was $0.99 for a limited time.  The featured deal ran on a Sunday, and ADORKABLE was at the top of the email I received from Bookbub (ahhhhh!).  Then I watched to see if the promotion would have any effect.

And boy did it ever!

Several new readers discovered the book, more than I could’ve ever hoped for.  Several new readers discovered NINJA GIRL, too.  More pages were read on Kindle Unlimited.  ADORKABLE quickly skyrocketed to #1 in a couple of its categories–which yes, thankfully, it has been there before.

But the most amazing thing, the most unbelievable, I-hoped-but-never-thought-it-would-happen surprise was this:

ADORKABLE broke the Amazon Top 100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It reached #98.

In. The. Entire. Amazon. Store.

I know…I know!!!!  Incredible, right?  I had to take pictures because otherwise when I look back on this, I may not believe it LOL.

Sigh.  ADORKABLE‘s success has always been something I am so incredibly thankful for.  I love that little book.  And Bookbub rocks because it helped put Sally and Becks into the hands and hearts of new readers <3.

To celebrate, this Thursday I will be having a Facebook Giveaway!!!!!  This is a way for me to connect and thank my readers, and last time, it was so fun, you guys!  I hope you’ll join me this Thursday, February 22, 2018 at 7:30am PT (10:30am ET).  I’ll be asking bookish questions about my books, and the prizes are $5 Amazon gift cards, 1 signed copy of ADORKABLE and 1 signed copy of NINJA GIRL!!!  I love giving, and I especially love giving to you readers!  Hope to see you there :).

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Happy V-Day Giveaway!

It’s the day of romance, candy hearts, flowers, book boyfriends and L-O-V-E <3.

Okay, so I added in the book boyfriends lol.  But they rock, and we all love them, so why not, right?  February 14th kind of snuck up on me this year, but I do have a sweet giveaway for all of you!

The Happy V-Day Giveaway will run from today until March 7, 2018.  The awesome part: There will be 2 winners!!!  One winner will get a $10 Amazon gift card, and one winner will get a signed copy of my YA romance NINJA GIRL!  You can enter using the rafflecopter below (and there are a lot of ways to enter–including adding my upcoming release, THE UNBELIEVABLE, INCONCEIVABLE, UNFORESEEABLE TRUTH ABOUT ETHAN WILDER, on Goodreads :)).

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck, and Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

We have a winner!

I hope you all had a very merry Christmas!

My day was spent with the people I love, and it was wonderful to finally give them their presents.  Although I’m not the biggest fan of shopping (understatement of the century–and bookstores don’t count.  I could stay in the bookstore forever), I absolutely LOVE giving.

It rocks.  It makes them feel good, makes you feel good.  Speaking of which…

We have a winner!  The winner of the NINJA GIRL Christmas Giveaway is:


Congratulations, Janet!  Your $25 Amazon gift card is on its way, and I hope you love it!  Thank you so much to everyone who entered the giveaway and who has supported both NINJA GIRL and ADORKABLE.  I appreciate your support so very much.  I’ll have to do another giveaway soon because it feels so awesome to give :).

May the odds be ever in your favor, may the Force be with you, and may your holiday be filled with awesome!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

It’s Giveaway Time :)

Okay, in case you missed it: NINJA GIRL came out in paperback yesterday!  Yay, yay, yayyyyy :).  I’ve gotten several nice comments, and I appreciate them so much; the power of a kind word to brighten someone’s day is very real.  Also, some people have already bought the book–which is crazy awesome.  I’m so so thankful for every reader and for anyone who gives Ash and Snow a chance <3.

Second, like I said at the end of the previous post…it’s giveaway time!!!

The NINJA GIRL Christmas Giveaway will run from December 15 until December 25, and a random winner will be chosen to win a $25 Amazon gift card! 🙂  You can enter using the rafflecopter below.  With Christmas right around the corner, I definitely wanted to do a giveaway to say THANK YOU to my readers, so please enter as many times as you can!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I’ll be doing another post next week, but until then…happy holidays, everyone!  I hope life is treating you well.  Thank you so much again for making yesterday a great day, and best of luck in the giveaway!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

We have a winner!

That title is absolutely correct.

We do indeed have a winner of the Happy Fall YA’ll Giveaway!!!!

But first, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who entered.  It did my heart good to see those entries–1,813 people in all which is absolutely incredible!  Thank you so much for being interested in my work, for wanting to know more about Sally and Becks and ADORKABLE.

Without further ado, the winner of the Happy Fall YA’ll Giveaway is…


Congratulations, Anthony, and thank you so much for being a part of the giveaway!  Your signed copy of ADORKABLE will be on its way very shortly.  I hope you enjoy the book, that it puts a smile on your face and gives you all the feels :).

In other news, since Halloween is coming up, I’ve seen some awesome costumes in my classes!  No ninjas, jedi or X-Men unfortunately, but there is always next week lol.  (There was one fantastic Hermione, though; she had a time-turner and everything!  Go girl!)  Seriously though, the kids I teach are so creative which makes me feel kinda bad because I struggle to come up with new ideas.  I’ve been a Hogwarts student for the past two years–proud HP alumi/supporter right here!–and it’s also a great reuse of my graduation gown ;).  I’ve also been a newsie, pumpkin, fairy, cat etc.  This year I went as “sleepy teacher” (who may make a recurrence next week).  This includes pajamas, messy hair (which is a given), slippers, robe etc.  It’s an accurate representation/costume, and it’s just soooooo darn comfortable :).

I wish you better luck with your costume ideas–if you go as your favorite book characters, I will be majorly jealous…but also impressed–and I hope you have a great weekend!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Never Have I Ever

Every writer has dreams.

Every person has dreams, but I’m pretty sure writers have specific writer-ly dreams.  Dreams about their book babies and how readers will embrace their work.  Off the top of my head, I can think of about ten that would apply to most people (write a book (bonus points if it’s a book you love); get a literary agent (I actually had one for a while!); publish a book; have people read said book etc.).  I won’t bore you by listing them all lol!  But I thought I’d talk about a few of my dreams that have yet to come true.

Caution: This post contains writer-ly “nevers” that may be embarrassing, revealing, and TMI.

You have been warned.

Never have I ever: done a book signing.  I know you’re probably like, “The ADORKABLE paperback’s been out a year!  What are you waiting for???”  Welllll, one reason I haven’t done a signing is because I’m self-published, and I’ll just say: bookstores are still snobby to self-pubbed people–especially if you use Amazon/Createspace.  Another reason is, though I’d love to do it, I’m not sure anyone would show up.  There, I said it.  I’m scared…scared people wouldn’t show…scared they would…ugh.

Never have I ever: participated as a writer at a book festival.   Pretty sure there’s a way to make this happen, I’m just not sure how lol.  And again, who would visit my table/booth/little corner anyway?

Never have I ever: spotted someone I don’t know reading my books.  I’ve seen a handful of people I do know reading my books (paperback and/or ebook), and I just wanna say: I seriously LOVE these people!!!  I fangirled every time, and it truly warmed my heart.  Now to happen upon a stranger reading ADORKABLE or NINJA GIRL in a shop/restaurant/train/walking their dog?  I would love that dog forever! 😉

Never have I ever: hit the New York Times, WSJ, or USA Today Best Seller Lists.  Yeah, I’m thinking this will Never (with a capital “N”) happen, but…dare to dream, right?

There are many more, but I’ll stop there.  I think a big part of it is fear–and that makes me wish my inner NINJA GIRL would come out.  And okay, I know this was supposed to be about “nevers,” but I want to end with a few dreams that have come true–mainly to remind myself, that they actually happened.

Writer-ly Dreams That Have Come True:  I got to see the ADORKABLE library book! (Bethany from Washington, you seriously rock!!!)

Adorkable library book

Both ADORKABLE and NINJA GIRL have hit #1 in their categories on Amazon (multiple times and in multiple countries).

Adorkable Best Seller

Ninja Girl Best Seller

One of my books has been translated into another language–specifically Hungarian (again, I <3 Hungary!).


A few of my students have asked me to sign copies of their books.

People from all over the world have messaged/left reviews/commented about how much they enjoyed the books.

And that brings me to my biggest writer-ly dream that has come true, and it wouldn’t have been possible without YOU.  I published my books (ADORKABLE and NINJA GIRL), and people actually read them!  Real readers, awesome book-ish people, Harry Potter-loving, YA romance-reading, Korean Drama-watching, Book Boyfriend-collecting people, my kind of people, have actually read and liked my books!!!

I gotta say that was, is and always will be my greatest writer-ly dream.  What are your dreams and goals?  I’d love to hear about them, and whatever they are, I sincerely hope they all come true!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. Just a reminder, if you’d like to win a signed copy of ADORKABLE, there’s still time to enter the Happy Fall YA’ll Giveaway! 🙂

5 Things and The Happy Fall YA’ll Giveaway!

Hello October, and happy fall everyone! 🙂

I haven’t posted in a little while, but it was for a great reason, I promise.  To make up for my absence, I’ve got a new “5 Things” post and an awesome giveaway for you guys!!!  I wasn’t sure what to write to be honest–it gets like that sometimes.  My mind goes blank; I can’t find the words, don’t feel like I have anything to talk about etc.–but I came up with something that I hope you’ll like.  So here is my list of “5 Things I Love About Fall.”

  1. Fall weather.  It’s just the best.  Hoodies, warm socks, crisp cool air, your favorite book and a nice blanket.  It’s the perfect reading weather, you guys, what more can I say? 🙂
  2.  It means I made it through September.  Remember that “great reason” for not posting?  And maybe you remember I had mentioned something about putting together an event for a great cause?  Well, everything came together, and although I was my typical awkward self, if my count is correct (can’t know for certain yet because all of the funds have yet to be totaled), we managed to raise about $5,000 for a local charity that supports children and families battling childhood cancer!!!  It made me realize there are still good people in the world and that maybe we can make a difference.  We held this event on my Aunt Pat’s birthday, so I hope she saw and was proud.  I still miss her every day.
  3.  Falling and getting back up.  So, at the charity event, I actually fell down some stairs in front of an audience full of people–picture that girl Tai from Clueless at the school dance, and you’d have a pretty good picture of what happened lol.  But I got back up, said “I’m okay!” and kept going.  Did I mention I was awkward?
  4.  Outlander on Starz.  If you haven’t read the book yet, for goodness sakes, GO READ IT!  If you have and you’ve been watching the show, I think you know what makes me love fall: James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser.  Enough said *sigh* <3.
  5. The Happy Fall YA’ll Giveaway!  I’m giving away a signed paperback copy of ADORKABLE on Goodreads, and over 600 people have already entered 0___0.  The giveaway started on September 28 and will run through October 19 when a winner will be randomly selected.  So what are you waiting for?  Enter here for your chance to win!

I really do love fall–and not for the pumpkin spiced everything like most people lol…though, the smell is nice.  Since it is perfect reading weather, if you haven’t read them and need a new book, might I recommend YA romances ADORKABLE and NINJA GIRL?  I hear they’re pretty good. 😉  I hope you’re doing well, reading great books and having a happy fall so far!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Sharing the Love

It’s the end of August which means it’s time to share the love and announce the winner of the 5000+ ADORKABLE Readers Giveaway!!!  Still can’t believe so many people actually read something that I wrote…just wow *__*.  Without further ado, the winner of the giveaway is:

Bilqees B.!!!

Congratulations, Bilqees, and thank you so much for entering–and for adding NINJA GIRL to your Goodreads shelf!  I will be sending your $25 Amazon gift card shortly.  Again, thank you to everyone who entered the giveaway and helped to make it a success.

To share even more love, spread good karma and hopefully contribute some positivity to the universe, I’m running a Kindle Countdown Deal.  Starting today and running until September 7, 2017, ADORKABLE will be available for just $0.99 on Amazon and Amazon UK!  Got any friends who you think might enjoy a lighthearted best-friends-to-lovers story?  Anyone you know need a pick-me-up of the sweet YA romance variety?  Well, look no further lol!  Sally and Becks are here, and their story will make you laugh, swoon, and feel all the fluttery feels (at least they do for me :)).

If you will please help me spread the word, I’d greatly appreciate it; I love finding new readers!

I’m really in the spirit to share the love–my NINJA GIRL and ADORKABLE readers, rock!!!–so there will definitely be more giveaways to come.  Be on the lookout for those, and I hope you’re having a great week!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Congrats!!! And hey…is that Ansel?

It’s time to announce the winner of the NINJA GIRL Book Blitz Giveaway :).  It’s actually a little past time, but thank you so much to everyone for entering and for your patience and support.  Without further ado, big CONGRATS to:


I believe Yadira won the last giveaway as well–which of course means that she is a true ninja ;).  And a lucky one apparently!  Congrats again, Yadira, your gift will be on the way soon.

Hope you are all having a great week with wonderful people and great books!  If anyone is wondering, I will be doing another post about my trip, writing progress, and just general updates in the upcoming weeks.

But for right now, I will tell you…there is a guy on this bus who looks strikingly like a broad shouldered Ansel Elgort!  I’m doing my best not to stare; he’s probably 18 or something and looks like he would be great in a YA novel lol.  Hmm…maybe this is the muse telling me to write, write, write. 🙂

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman