Category: Romance

Coming Soon!

This is going to be an exciting post because…I have a new book coming soon!  Yay, yay, yayyyyyy!!!!!!!

Yes, book baby #3 is on its way, and I’ve even added it to Goodreads.  Here are the main details in case you’re interested:

Title: The Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Unforeseeable Truth About Ethan Wilder

Genre: YA romance murder mystery with a Southern twist :).

Release date: April 5, 2018

If you click on the link in the title, you can see the summary as well.  And guess what else???  The cover will be revealed on Thursday!  Yes, this Thursday, as in just 3 days away.  And just so you know, I love the summary and the cover and, of course, the book <3.  I really hope you will, too!

If you’d like to add The Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Unforeseeable Truth About Ethan Wilder to your Goodreads TBR, you can do so here :).  When that first person added the book, it was such an awesome feeling.  More info will be coming soon–and again, there will be a cover reveal on Thursday!  I’m so excited, and I hope you’re all having an awesome week!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. BookBub is awesome!!! More on that later as well :).

Goals for 2018

First post of the new year, whoop!

It’s a time for new beginnings, new hopes and a fresh start.  It’s also the time for resolutions, but to be honest, I’ve never been a big fan of those.  They are so easy to break.  And it’s so easy to feel like a failure when that happens.  Ugh.

So instead, I set goals.

Some are writing-oriented like: Publish a book.  Finish writing my current WIP.  Try new things with marketing/promotion.  Keep being thankful and doing giveaways because readers rock!  Write more, write better, write something I would love to read.

Others are more personal like: Be a better person.  Make someone’s life easier.  Restore and strengthen my faith.  Exercise more, worry less, keep heart and stay positive.

I ended 2017 surrounded by the people and the books that I love <3.  I’m hard at work on my next books, and I hope that readers will want to read them.  A goal that I’ve always had (and continue to have in 2018) is to write the best book possible for my readers and myself.


So, how is 2018 treating you so far?  Any resolutions or goals for the new year?  Any new books? 😉

I hope you’re all doing well and that you’re having a wonderful week!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. Another goal for 2018: Figure out why the pics in my posts end up sideways on computer but right on mobile devices lol!

We have a winner!

I hope you all had a very merry Christmas!

My day was spent with the people I love, and it was wonderful to finally give them their presents.  Although I’m not the biggest fan of shopping (understatement of the century–and bookstores don’t count.  I could stay in the bookstore forever), I absolutely LOVE giving.

It rocks.  It makes them feel good, makes you feel good.  Speaking of which…

We have a winner!  The winner of the NINJA GIRL Christmas Giveaway is:


Congratulations, Janet!  Your $25 Amazon gift card is on its way, and I hope you love it!  Thank you so much to everyone who entered the giveaway and who has supported both NINJA GIRL and ADORKABLE.  I appreciate your support so very much.  I’ll have to do another giveaway soon because it feels so awesome to give :).

May the odds be ever in your favor, may the Force be with you, and may your holiday be filled with awesome!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

It’s Giveaway Time :)

Okay, in case you missed it: NINJA GIRL came out in paperback yesterday!  Yay, yay, yayyyyy :).  I’ve gotten several nice comments, and I appreciate them so much; the power of a kind word to brighten someone’s day is very real.  Also, some people have already bought the book–which is crazy awesome.  I’m so so thankful for every reader and for anyone who gives Ash and Snow a chance <3.

Second, like I said at the end of the previous post…it’s giveaway time!!!

The NINJA GIRL Christmas Giveaway will run from December 15 until December 25, and a random winner will be chosen to win a $25 Amazon gift card! 🙂  You can enter using the rafflecopter below.  With Christmas right around the corner, I definitely wanted to do a giveaway to say THANK YOU to my readers, so please enter as many times as you can!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I’ll be doing another post next week, but until then…happy holidays, everyone!  I hope life is treating you well.  Thank you so much again for making yesterday a great day, and best of luck in the giveaway!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Happy Paperback Release Day!!!

I can’t believe it’s here!  Today is the day, my adorkable ninja readers, the day that Snow and Ash make their big debut in print <333.  And I’ve gotta say:

Happy Paperback Release Day, NINJA GIRL!!!!!!!


It’s live, you guys!  Snow and Ash’s story is now available in another format, and I’m so excited.  I hope readers embrace their story, and the mix of action and romance.  I hope they love the strength, the chemistry, the funny, and of course, the swoon in NINJA GIRL.

Oh my Ash, do I hope they swoon :).

I can honestly say that this–publishing my second paperback–is just as exciting (and nerve-wracking lol) as the first time.  I care about my characters, and the experience of seeing a physical copy of their story, the beautiful cover, the real-life pages, knowing all the feelings and time that went into writing this little YA romance?  Ahhh, it is a truly amazing feeling <3.

Also, print books are just awesome!  I only give them to the people I really like lol.  I don’t loan mine out because I’m afraid of bent pages and torn covers (shivers).  As much as I love my iPad–and I definitely do!–books you can hold in your hand are irreplaceable.  Some people only read print books.  So, I’m hoping NINJA GIRL will find even more awesome readers and that Snow and Ash will find a place in their hearts and on their shelves.

And it’s just in time for Christmas!!!

I love getting books for Christmas, so hopefully NINJA GIRL (and ADORKABLE) will find its way under some bookish person’s Christmas tree lol :).  As always, thank you so much for your support, and I hope you’re having a wonderful week!

Happy reading and Happy Paperback Release Day,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. I’ll be doing a giveaway tomorrow to celebrate, yayyyy! 🙂

Just 2 Days!

Just a reminder: The NINJA GIRL paperback will be released on Thursday, December 14, 2017!!!

That’s this week, you guys, in just 2 days–or 1 depending on when you read this post.

Also…I knew it would look awesome on my shelf.  Le sigh <3 <3 <3.


Of course, Mr. Potter approves ;).


I hope you are all well and that your shelves are gorgeous and overflowing with amazing books!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. Oh my goodness, I really can’t believe NINJA GIRL is coming out in paperback this Thursday!!!!!  So, so excited!

Proofs & Paperbacks

I received my NINJA GIRL proofs today, and opening the box, taking the book out, holding it in my hands was just *sigh* a truly amazing feeling!  Thank you SO much to Stephanie Mooney for this beautiful cover–she is magic, you guys!  This week I’ve been a bit under the weather–but I have to say seeing NINJA GIRL in print was a much needed pick-me-up :).

I hope it will do the same for you!

Here are the book pics–I took several because I was so excited, but I’ll limit it to three here lol.


Here’s the paperback as it looked in the box…


…the awesome title page…


…the spine of the paperback <3.

I love, love, love it so much!!!!  That color fade on the spine?  Just WOW, and the book itself, I keep staring, but I can’t help it–and I don’t really want to lol.  I cannot wait to add it to my shelf right next to ADORKABLE :).  If you were one of the people who asked about if/when NINJA GIRL was coming to print or if you wrote a kind review/comment, THANK YOU!!!!!!  This one is for you, and I hope the print book finds even more readers who will love Snow and Ash’s story <3.

I will be releasing NINJA GIRL in paperback on December 14, 2017!!!

As long as Amazon doesn’t do anything weird, it should be available next Thursday (just in time for Christmas!).  Whether you’ve read the ebook or not, I hope you’ll check it out!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Happy Green Bean Casserole Day!

Hi everyone!  I hope you are having a very Happy Thanksgiving!  My favorite thing about today is that it reminds me there is so much to be thankful for–and I think, like a lot of people, I forget this way too often.  Family and friends, good health, food (especially green bean casserole, yum!), shelter, kind people with good hearts and bookshelves overflowing with amazing books.  I also found this yesterday which made me pretty ecstatic :).  ADORKABLE was one of the most read this week in sports romance books on Goodreads!!!


Woohoo!  So thankful for this and the fact that people are still reading my books.  I’ve been writing this month–yay, yay, hooray!–and I’m thankful for that as well.  My work in progress is a story I loved from the very beginning, and I’m falling more in love with the characters as I continue.  Hopefully, I will have some book updates soon, but until then…

Happy Green Bean Casserole Day, everyone! 🙂

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

5 Things and The Happy Fall YA’ll Giveaway!

Hello October, and happy fall everyone! 🙂

I haven’t posted in a little while, but it was for a great reason, I promise.  To make up for my absence, I’ve got a new “5 Things” post and an awesome giveaway for you guys!!!  I wasn’t sure what to write to be honest–it gets like that sometimes.  My mind goes blank; I can’t find the words, don’t feel like I have anything to talk about etc.–but I came up with something that I hope you’ll like.  So here is my list of “5 Things I Love About Fall.”

  1. Fall weather.  It’s just the best.  Hoodies, warm socks, crisp cool air, your favorite book and a nice blanket.  It’s the perfect reading weather, you guys, what more can I say? 🙂
  2.  It means I made it through September.  Remember that “great reason” for not posting?  And maybe you remember I had mentioned something about putting together an event for a great cause?  Well, everything came together, and although I was my typical awkward self, if my count is correct (can’t know for certain yet because all of the funds have yet to be totaled), we managed to raise about $5,000 for a local charity that supports children and families battling childhood cancer!!!  It made me realize there are still good people in the world and that maybe we can make a difference.  We held this event on my Aunt Pat’s birthday, so I hope she saw and was proud.  I still miss her every day.
  3.  Falling and getting back up.  So, at the charity event, I actually fell down some stairs in front of an audience full of people–picture that girl Tai from Clueless at the school dance, and you’d have a pretty good picture of what happened lol.  But I got back up, said “I’m okay!” and kept going.  Did I mention I was awkward?
  4.  Outlander on Starz.  If you haven’t read the book yet, for goodness sakes, GO READ IT!  If you have and you’ve been watching the show, I think you know what makes me love fall: James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser.  Enough said *sigh* <3.
  5. The Happy Fall YA’ll Giveaway!  I’m giving away a signed paperback copy of ADORKABLE on Goodreads, and over 600 people have already entered 0___0.  The giveaway started on September 28 and will run through October 19 when a winner will be randomly selected.  So what are you waiting for?  Enter here for your chance to win!

I really do love fall–and not for the pumpkin spiced everything like most people lol…though, the smell is nice.  Since it is perfect reading weather, if you haven’t read them and need a new book, might I recommend YA romances ADORKABLE and NINJA GIRL?  I hear they’re pretty good. 😉  I hope you’re doing well, reading great books and having a happy fall so far!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

An Unexpected Kindness

Last week, I happened upon an unexpected kindness.

Seriously, I googled my author name (yes, I do that from time to time :)), and when I saw what came up?  Oh man, my heart!  It clenched; I literally sighed; my eyes got a little watery, and it was such a nice moment.  The ladies over at Star-Crossed Book Blog are celebrating their 3 year blogiversary!  Yayyy, go ladies!  To celebrate, they’re doing a giveaway as well as posting about one of my favorite topics: Book boyfriends.

I love book boyfriends.

I think I’ve said this before, and it’s still totally true.  Book boyfriends are *sigh* the best, and there so many amazing ones out there!  I have a ton of much-loved BBFs on my shelves; you probably do, too, right?  I don’t think I could pick a favorite (tbh, I probably could pick a few, but I wouldn’t want to upset all the other BBFs lol).

So anyway, the Star-Crossed ladies are doing posts about BBFs, and guess what?

They included Becks (twice!!) from ADORKABLE on their list of Kindest BBFs <3.  You can see the post here!

Ugh, Becks is kind.  He is thoughtful.  He is smart and wonderful, and this was absolutely unexpected and so thoughtful.  What they said about Becks/the quotes they included…I just loved everything about it.  I felt so honored that they included Becks on their list, and I can say with certainty that Becks would have felt honored and loved it, too :).

Kindness matters.  It really does.  I always try to focus on the positive, but September is a hard month.  And this was such a nice surprise.  I don’t think it can be stated enough: I’m so thankful for my ADORKABLE and NINJA GIRL readers.  You guys lift me up, and I truly hope my stories do the same for you <3.

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman