Category: Romance

5 Things: That are awesome!

It’s been a while since I’ve done a post like this, but I’m bringing it back because: Lists rock, and I found some things I think are wonderful and wanted to share them with you :).

Without further ado, here are 5 Things: That are awesome!

  1. Blooming Books. My mom got me these lovely bookish flowers made out of my debut novel, and I just had to share <3. Isn’t that the most ADORKABLE bouquet you’ve ever seen? 🙂 I got one for my aunt made out of the Dr. Seuss books, and they turned out beautiful as well!
  2. Silver Linings Playbook. So yes, I’m late to the party, but I so enjoyed this movie! It took me by surprise, made me laugh and was just really well done. Thanks again, Netflix!
  3. Kindle Unlimited. I’ve been enjoying KU, wishing I read faster lol! I also remembered this cool article: 11 Titles Worth Checking Out on Kindle Unlimited. They mentioned ADORKABLE and NINJA GIRL, you guys! Yay, and thank you, Sarah!
  4. The Wicked King. You guys!!! Remember how my favorite book from 2018 was The Cruel Prince by Holly Black? Well, the second book, The Wicked King, came out in January, and I have it in my possession, exuding wonderful wickedness, just waiting to be read! Cannot. Wait.
  5. Instagram. Okay, so I still haven’t started an author/bookish instagram…but posts like this one about The Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Unforeseeable Truth About Ethan Wilder definitely make me want to ;). I think I already said it, but thank you so much again, Jen!

So much awesome! Also, I got a wonderful comment on my last post from a reader that really made my day. Thank you so much again, Karen! You rock! I’ve been re-thinking my goals for 2019, wondering if I really need a newsletter if I have a blog? I’ve also been working on my next book. Gah, you guys, I love, love, love it! The cover is in the process of being made, woot! It’s all moving right along, and I’m so excited <3.

Sending positive vibes your way, readers, and hoping your weekend is full of awesome!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. Also, starting Monday, next week NINJA GIRL will be available for a limited time for just $0.99!!! I’ll do another post, but if you know anyone you think would enjoy Ash and Snow, please let them know! 🙂

Bookishly Speaking

There’s been a lot going on bookishly speaking, so here we go. I’m currently editing the book I hope to release this year. About half-way through now, and I’m loving every moment! <3 <3 <3

There are some cool things coming soon, including the fact that NINJA GIRL will be released in the spring as an audio book!!! Yayyy, woohoo, hi-yah! I can’t wait because the narrators Tantor Media has signed on for Snow and Ash are absolutely freaking fantastic! Ah!

Awesome things are coming for ADORKABLE as well (I hope), but these are ongoing, and I always feel like when things seem too good it’s best to wait and see what happens. Whether it’s a happy ending or not, you, my lovely readers, will be the first to know how it all works out :).

The Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Unforeseeable Truth About Ethan Wilder continues to be my sleeper hit lol, but I hope even more readers will discover the book and fall in love with Delilah & Ethan’s story. I really do love it–and all of my books!

I saw a review on Amazon for ADORKABLE that really warmed my heart. It was so wonderful, and I’ve included a screenshot below.

I don’t know who “bookreadermom” is, but I greatly appreciated this review. It made me feel so good to hear that she loved the book and hoped that her children would take on some of Sally and Becks’s best traits. It reminded me of why I do this, what it is I love so much about books/writing.

Everyone needs more happily-ever-afters in their lives, more true friendships, more love and laughter, and I hope my books provide these things. When times are hard and the world seems like such a dark place, I think it’s important to remember the good. To love yourself and others, to laugh, and to have hope.

Reviews like this remind me of the good. They brighten my days, and I’m so thankful for all of the people who read and support my books <3. I hope you are all doing well!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Hello 2019

Hello 2019, how are you doing? 🙂

It’s a new year, you guys, and I’m hoping for good things. For you, for myself and for every bookworm in the universe!

2018 brought some hard times, some difficult, sad times, and I’m still so thankful to all of you for being kind and awesome throughout everything <3. The lemons were definitely there but so was the lemonade. Case in point…

2018 also brought a whole bunch of bookish awesomeness: ADORKABLE was included as a Bookbub Featured Deal; I published book baby #3 The Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Unforeseeable Truth About Ethan Wilder (in ebook & paperback); the Hungarian version of NINJA GIRL was released; I got to attend a royal wedding (okay, so I watched from home, but Harry & Meghan looked just as beautiful on screen, and the tea was still wonderful!); I got to write the foreword for a YA romance anthology (thanks, Kelsie!); ADORKABLE came out as an audiobook; I participated in KM Shea’s summer reading event (thanks, Kitty!); ADORKABLE was included in a Top Ten list on Bustle; ADORKABLE was in The Bookworm Box for November; and I did my first Facebook Live video ever for an author takeover of The Bookworm Box FB page.

Some writing goals I hope to accomplish in 2019 are: Publish a book. Figure out how to market/promote better. Create a newsletter, and grow a mailing list. Increase social media presence (possibly start an Instagram account). Write a book. Write more. Write better. Attend a conference and/or event.

My #1 goal from the beginning to now remains the same: To get my books into the hands and hearts of the readers who will love them <3.

I also have some personal goals, but those are the same every year. I hope to help others, make someone’s life better, spread kindness and love, be a better person, renew/restore my faith, and figure out what I should do with my life.

On December 31st, I completed my latest book, yayyy, and I hope to release it this year!!! I am absolutely in love with this story, and I hope you will love it, too! So so excited about this!

Thank you so much for all of your support in the ups and downs of this writing/publishing journey! Happy New Year, readers, and I hope 2019 is awesome for you!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Happiest of Holidays to You

Merry Christmas, bookworms!!!

I just wanted to say that I hope you have an awesome holiday. May it be filled will love, happiness, hope, wonderful times with family & friends, and of course, books. 🙂

Thank you so much for your support through all of the ups and downs of this writing/publishing journey. I appreciate you, and I hope you get everything you wished for this year! Wishing you the happiest of holidays!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Holiday Cheer

The Happy Holidays Giveaway is over, and that means it’s time to announce some winners! Yay!!!  Thank you so much to everyone who entered!  All winners were randomly selected, and they are…

Alyssa — $20 Amazon Gift Card!

BeccaADORKABLE Bookmark & Stickers!

StephanieADORKABLE Bookmark & Stickers!

TawnyaADORKABLE Bookmark & Stickers!

AmberADORKABLE Bookmark & Stickers!

CassieADORKABLE Bookmark & Stickers!

JenniferADORKABLE Bookmark & Stickers!

KaitlynneADORKABLE Bookmark & Stickers!

VictoriaADORKABLE Bookmark & Stickers!

IrmaADORKABLE Bookmark & Stickers!

NinaADORKABLE Bookmark & Stickers!

Jessica — YA Bookworm Box!

Congratulations, everyone!  Thank you so much again for entering.  Your  prizes will be on their way shortly, and I hope they give you tons of holiday cheer! 🙂

Also, a huge THANK YOU to anyone who tuned in to watch the author takeover I did of The Bookworm Box Facebook page!

*****(You can skip this next part if you like, just a rundown of my experience.  Which was rough…no seriously, skip this part…then start again at the starred part…no?  Okay, well, you’ve been warned)*****

My nerves/stress/awkward self was on full display.  It was fun, but it was also stressful–especially after I botched the first attempt at a live video.  Ugh.  Apparently, I was sideways…then upside down.  This was even after I watched several videos on how to: 1) Turn the phone sideways before you start so it’ll be in landscape mode because 2) you can’t turn it after you’ve started a video.  3) Use the tool to flip the screen horizontally, so people watching can read the book titles.  4)  Seriously, make sure you turn the phone sideways first because it’s the sign of a complete newbie if you record vertically (like you’d take a selfie) and end up having a video with those weird lines on the side because FB squares off the video (whatever that means).  Well, after freaking out a bit about trying all that then having it be sideways/upside down anyway, guess who had to do a 2nd attempt, ended up recording vertically, trying very hard not to think about how she was broadcasting to everyone that she was a complete newbie???  LOL!  Oh well, I guess that’s just how it goes.  P.S. My mom (who is awesome) even bought me a tripod to keep the video steady–but I ended up having to hold it in my hand bc…yeah, I’m tech challenged :/.

Thank you anyway, Mom!  I love you!!!  And thank you to my students who tuned in; it was such an awesome surprise to see you girls there!  And to any of you who watched, thank you so much!  I apologize for the awkwardness lol.

Also, I forgot to mention several of my favorite authors: Rainbow Rowell (I can’t believe I didn’t say her!), Katie McGarry, Tammara Webber, Abbi Glines, Gail Carriger, Tahereh Mafi, Julia Quinn!!!, Jane Austen (though my love of Austen really comes from the movies, especially the BBC version of P&P *sigh*), Elizabeth Gaskell, Elizabeth Scott, Meg Cabot, Courtney Milan and on the urban fantasy side: Patricia Briggs, Ilona Andrews, J.R. Ward (warning: not suitable for younger readers!).  Forgot to say ANY of them, and I love ALL of them and even more authors!

On a positive note, my book covers looked awesome–but I forgot to mention Stephanie Mooney, the cover designer, who deserves so much credit and love for her incredible talent!!!  Stephanie, you’re awesome!

*****Okay, if you skipped all that please start again here lol.*****

The Bookworm Box and the people there are so wonderful.  Their mission to use something we all love (books) to give back to charity is amazing.  And they were so nice to have me on!

I hope you’re all well and having a great time leading up to the holidays!  I’ll try to do another post before Christmas, but until then, stay awesome :).

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

You’re Invited!

Hi everyone!

I hope you’re having a great week and are done Christmas shopping (unlike yours truly lol).  ICYMI, my debut, ADORKABLE, was included in the Young Adult Bookworm Box for November.  The Bookworm Box is a non-profit subscription service founded by superstar author Colleen Hoover where each month different books and bookish goodies are sent to subscribers, and 100% of proceeds benefit various charities.  I was so honored to be a part of this, and I’d like to officially invite you to an event this Saturday!

Who: Cookie O’Gorman (aka me)

What: Author Takeover (aka live Facebook video)

When: Saturday, December 15th @ 7:00pm CST (8:00pm ET)

Where: The Bookworm Box Facebook page

Ahhh, I’m so nervous/excited!  Honestly, I didn’t even know what an author takeover was until now, and I definitely don’t know how one of the most introverted of introverts (aka me) is going to get through it without making an absolute fool of myself.  Case in point:

Fact 1) I’ve never done a Facebook live video.  Fact 2) I’m okay at public speaking–but again, never done a live video.  Fact 3) Technology hates me.  Fact 4) I don’t even like having my picture taken…

…but I love Sally and Becks.

Fact 5) I love my book(s) and try very hard to know and accept the good things.  Even if they are kinda scary.

So, if you liked ADORKABLE (or any of my books) or if you just want to be there for moral support, please come to The Bookworm Box Facebook page on Saturday, December 15th @ 7:00pm CST (8:00pm ET)!!!  There will be giveaways and fun times involved!

Wish me luck, bookworms!  If you’d like to say a little prayer for awkward introverts everywhere, please do lol.  Thank you in advance, and I hope December is treating you well! 🙂

Happy Reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. Thank you so much to Amy for creating that awesome graphic! <3  It is awesome, and so are you!!! 🙂

Ethan Wilder in Paperback!!!

It’s here, it’s here (and just in time for Christmas)!

The Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Unforeseeable Truth About Ethan Wilder is available in paperback.  Hooray!!! 😀

Honestly, it was kind of a crap day yesterday because I kept waiting…and waiting…and waiting for the book to publish.  Amazon does say it can take up to “72 hours for your book to be available,” but I’d never experienced this before.  It’s only taken 3-5 hours tops for my previous books.  But thankfully, after all the worry that I’d done something wrong, that KDP Publishing might come back and say nope, please resend, Book Baby #3 went live about 21 hours after I hit publish.

Delilah & Ethan’s story is now out there in physical form, a book that you can hold in your hands, flip through the pages and add to your shelves.  Gah, I’m so excited to add this one :).

I hope my little YA romance murder mystery 1) makes you fall in love with Ethan, Delilah, George, Aunt B and all the quirky characters of Bowie, 2) makes you swoon, and 3) keeps you guessing until the end.  Oh, and I truly hope you enjoy the heck out of it!

If you do, please let me know!  Hearing from readers is one of my most favorite things <3.  Ahhh, Ethan Wilder in paperback.

Inconceivable :).

I hope everyone has an awesome weekend!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. You can still enter the Happy Holidays Giveaway!  There are a bunch of prizes and several ways to enter (using the rafflecopter near the end of the post linked above).  Good luck, everyone!

Happy Holidays Giveaway!

So, I have a new paperback release this week!  The Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Unforeseeable Truth About Ethan Wilder is coming out in paperback this Thursday (Dec. 06, 2018)!!! That’s in two days, you guys!  Yayyyyyyy, hooray, woohoo!

Also, I will be doing an Author Takeover on The Bookworm Box Facebook page Saturday, Dec. 15, 2018 at 7:00pm CST!  No, I’m not nervous at all LOL.  Why do you ask?  But seriously, I’m super nervous…and excited–and I’m trying to focus on that ha!  More on this later!

Also, also, I just got back from a trip to Ireland (aka the most beautiful place in the world) <3.  Managed to write a bit on the plane–a first for me–which wasn’t easy because the guy in front of me had his seat reclined, so I couldn’t fully open my laptop :/.  But Ireland was so beautiful, you guys!  I really love it there and recommend going to anyone/everyone.

The holidays are right around the corner…and this definitely calls for a giveaway :).

Please help me celebrate all of the awesome, and enter using the rafflecopter below!  There are so many ways to win!  Here are the prizes: a $20 Amazon Gift Card, ADORKABLE bookmarks and stickers, and a Young Adult Bookworm Box generously provided by The Bookworm Box! 😀

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Happy Holidays Giveaway will run from Dec. 4 until Dec. 17, 2018, and there will be several winners!  Good luck, happy holidays, and I hope you’re having a great week so far!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. I’ll do another post on the day, but again: The Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Unforeseeable Truth About Ethan Wilder comes out in paperback this Thursday!  Ahhh, I’m so excited!!!

You’ve Got Mail!

Okay everyone, several really awesome bookish things have been happening, and I’m so excited to share them with you!!!

Awesome thing #1: The Bookworm Box!

About a month ago, I was contacted by The Bookworm Box!  What is The Bookworm Box, you ask?  Well, it’s a subscription service founded by superstar author Colleen Hoover that features a different signed book (or books) by different authors each month as well as other awesome bookish goodies.  The best part about it is that the funds they raise go to charity!  They’ve actually already given over 1 million dollars to various charities, hence the slogan: Good deeds to Great reads :).  Ah, it is so awesome, you guys.  Their mission really spoke to me because I have always wanted to give back.  I think we all do.  My books have allowed me to do this (through a charity event that I founded last year to help children with cancer and now through this book box!), and I am so very thankful!

They asked if I’d like to have one of my books featured in their YA box–and of course, I said YES!!!

I got to sign lots of these beauties (each box has a signed book, remember?), and they sent some of the cutest Bookworm Box swag (which I appreciated because even after I sent the pages back, it let me know this wasn’t just a dream lol!).

I told no one besides my family.  Half the fun of receiving a box each month is the surprise, the mystery, which I totally understand!  You know the little mystery boxes near checkout at B&N? Yeah well, I get excited over those, so I could only imagine the excitement of a whole box with a mystery book inside, eep!  So yes, I told no one, but I also ordered my mom and Aunt Colleen boxes–because hello, it’s for charity :).

And last week they were sent out, sigh <3 <3 <3.

Mom and my Aunt Colleen loved their boxes!

I hope everyone else who got one loved it, too–and that they fall in love with ADORKABLE!!! <3  The Bookworm Box is amazing, you guys, and I’m so grateful to them for this opportunity and for everything they do!

Also, full disclosure, I added the flowers because I thought they’d look nice in the pic lol.

Awesome thing #2: Ethan Wilder!

Last Saturday, I got the proofs for the paperback of The Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Unforeseeable Truth About Ethan Wilder! *__*  This is the first time I’ve used KDP Publishing vs. Createspace.  And maybe it’s just me, but the guy on the cover still looks awesome even with the line over his mouth lol.  That being said, the line is only for the proofs and will NOT be on the acutal paperbacks ;).

Sigh, it’s been a long time coming, but Ethan Wilder should be out in paperback later next week, just in time for the holidays!  I don’t know about you, but I’m so excited to add the book to my shelves! 😀

And as I said in the last post, I’ve been writing.  It’s been going well so far (knock on wood).  I’m at about 54,000+ words and still hoping to finish before the end of the year.  I’ll be posting more soon, will definitely have to do a giveaway to celebrate all this awesomeness.  Did you guys get any awesome mail recently?  Were there books involved? 🙂  Have you ever subscribed to a monthly book box?  I’d love to hear all about it, and I hope you are all well!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

If You Liked This, Then You’ll Like That

A while ago, I mentioned something about ADORKABLE being an if-you-liked-this-then-you’ll-like-that book.  You’re probably thinking, “What the heck does that mean?”  Well…although I’m a little uncomfortable comparing my books to others, I noticed a few times where people have mentioned my debut/me in connection to other books! 🙂  It was surprising and actually pretty sweet.  I just love seeing my books mentioned; I think it’s an author thing.  No, you say?  It’s just you and your weirdness lol?  Well okay, I’ll own it then.  I love seeing people mention my books–when it’s something nice, of course ;).

Here are some if-this-then-that things I thought were cool and thought you might like, too.

This first one is from a blog called Bookcrushin’ posted by Kelli Spear.  She basically says that if you liked Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, you may like ADORKABLE.  What I found so freakin’ hilarious was that she hoped she wouldn’t “catch heat,” hoped it wasn’t “sacrilegious” to say such a thing–and those were my thoughts exactly LOL!!!  I love Rainbow Rowell.  She’s one of my all-time favorite authors.  And while I admit I haven’t read all of the other books in this post (yet), I have read Fangirl.  And yeah…that is a high bar right there.  I’m not even touching that lol!  But I gotta say…I love her for saying it! <3  Thank you so much Kelli for even mentioning ADORKABLE in connection with anything Rainbow Rowell-related.  You’re lovely!

This next one is from a review written by Jen from Star-Crossed Book Blog about a book called Glitter and Sparkle by Shari L. Tapscott.  Jenn writes, “If you’re a fan of Cookie O’Gorman, or even the feelings you got while watching the movie Clueless, then you definitely have to give this one a try!” First off, Jen rocks.  Second, she has great taste in books, and I’ve found several through her awesome reviews.  Then she had to go and mention Clueless, which made my heart go gooey.  I love Clueless, and I love that Jen thought of me when writing a review for a book she loved!  It was such an awesome suprise–and Glitter and Sparkle is definitely now on my TBR list!

The third screenshot is from the blurb for a book called My Fake Valentine by Kellie McAllen.  This is the first (and only) time I’ve ever seen another author say if you liked ADORKABLE, you’ll like my book, too.  And it was so cool!  Now, I haven’t read this book, but it was still all kinds of fantastic to see that someone thought ADORKABLE was worth a mention :).

And lastly, of course, I have to include this amazing article written by Kerri Jarema from Bustle called 10 Rom-Com Novels With Fake Relationships That Will Give You Serious Lara Jean & Peter Kavinsky Vibes.  Okay, so I don’t know Kerri.  I have no idea how she found ADORKABLE.  I do know that several readers compared it to Jenny Han’s To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before, and that that is what drove me to read the book last year.  Having ADORKABLE mentioned on Bustle (Bustle, you guys!) in the same post as this awesome book right around the time the awesome Netflix movie was released?  My mind was officially blown.  But one of the best parts about it?  My Aunt Pat, who I love so much and miss every single day, used to LOVE Jennifer Crusie–and one of Crusie’s books, Strange Bedpersons, is right above ADORKABLE.  I really think Pat would’ve liked that.

So yeah, apparently ADORKABLE is an if-you-liked-this-then-you’ll-like-that book.  Who knew? 🙂  I hope you’re all doing well and having a great fall so far!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman