Category: YA

5 Things: I Love About Romance

It’s the week before Valentine’s Day, and hearts, chocolates, cute little stuffed animals are everywhere.  Love is in the air, people.

Romance is one of my favorite genres (of course!), so this list could go on forever lol!

That’s why I decided to limit myself to 5 :).  And it is an awesome 5 if I do say so myself.  I loved each of these YA and NA books for different reasons, but whether it was butterflies-in-the-stomach inducing or a tear jerker, the romance/chemistry is on point in each story.

If you need a little help getting into the V-Day spirit, here are 5 romantic reads that bring the swoon:


If you’re like me, this one will stay with you long after the last page.  Sigh.  Eleanor & Park has to be one of the most heartfelt, real romances I’ve ever read.  I don’t think I’ve ever cried/sighed more when reading a book.  Incredible writing, unforgettable characters and chemistry, I just love this book <3.


What can I say?  Rainbow Rowell is amazing!  Fangirl is a beautiful, romantic, hilarious book.  If you don’t fall in love with Levi and Cath, I’d be very much surprised :).


Katie McGarry is one of the best imo.  Dare You To is my personal favorite (Beth and Ryan forever! <3)–but seriously, all of the books in the Pushing the Limits series are awesome.


If you love road trips, music, lovable characters (both main and side), I would recommend Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour.  It’s a book that takes you along for the ride, puts you right there with the characters, and makes you fall in love with them.  Loved it!


Easy was my first New Adult read, and I absolutely loved it!  I’ve read several NA books since and found some great reads.  But I have to say, Easy is still #1 for me :).  The swoon factor is strong with this one lol!  This book has heart, heat, and a hero that I love.

If you’ve read any of these books, I’d love to hear your thoughts.  If you haven’t, I hope they give you butterflies and make you see hearts <3.  Hope you are well and that you find a ton of great romances to add to your shelves!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Le Sigh

I had the flu last week and getting over it this week so been feeling pretty blah.  The fevers made me feel lightheaded and dizzy, and I don’t know why I’m still so tired all the time.  Le sigh.

Not really sure what to post today, so here is a song that I’m really liking at the moment.

Always a good time for a trip to Paris, right?  I’ve never actually been, but I’ve heard it’s a beautiful place. 🙂

I hope you’re having a great week and that the flu stays far far away from you, my lovely readers!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman


First post of 2017 :).

Hope the year has been good to you so far.

A lot of thoughts have been running through my mind lately.  For Ash’s book, the cover is being created as I type, and I’m SO excited.  My cover designer said that I should have options to look at next week.  Yay!!!  Like ADORKABLE, this manuscript/book has been complete for a while, and I love it.  No really, I love this book.  I love the characters–Ash obviously, but the female MC is awesome.  I relate to her on so many levels, and I really hope readers will love them like they did Sally and Becks.

And here’s where the self-doubt comes in.

See whenever I post about how ADORKABLE is doing on Goodreads or Amazon, I’m seriously not bragging.  It’s because I still have trouble wrapping my mind around it.  Why did all those people read, review, rate the book?  I have no idea.

How did they find it?

What made them want to read?

Why did they give it a good rating/review?

Again…how did they even find the book???

My answer to all of these questions is the same: I got lucky.

Or at least that was part of it.  As much as I love the book, as much time and effort I put into writing, editing, re-editing, researching, I’m pretty crap at marketing.  I have no idea what I’m doing.  Even with this post, I don’t know if it’s okay to tell people these things or if I should just keep my fears to myself.  But here it goes:

I am afraid that my next book won’t do as well as ADORKABLE.  There I said it.  I’m afraid that readers who loved my debut won’t like this one–again, a book that I really do love so much.  I’m afraid that the people who didn’t like ADORKABLE will read this one, and realize that yep, this is still the same writer whose work I hated the first time–which will undoubtedly be followed by a scathing review.

But I also know that I’m a tough cookie :).

I won’t let these fears hold me back.  As I stumble/fumble my way through everything it means to be a self-published author, the one thing I will do is keep trying.

Anyway, I know ADORKABLE‘s success had something to do with luck (maybe everything).  But I also know this (and if the majority the post was lemons, here is your lemonade): I worked hard, wrote a book that I loved and somehow, some way, it found its way into the hands and hearts of readers who loved it.

If that’s luck, I’ll take it.

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Crazy Amazing

It’s almost a new year, and I’ve got to say…2016 has been crazy.

The good, the bad, the ugly, ups and downs, rainbows and pits of despair.  I can say with all honesty it’s been a mixed bag for me.  But for this post–and because we’re about to say hello to 2017–I’m focusing on the good.

Here are a few of my favorites that brightened the year:

  1. Publishing my debut novel ADORKABLE!  It took a really long time for me to get to this point.  Still kinda can’t believe that I actually (finally) did it :).
  2. Written In Red by Anne Bishop.  My favorite book series of 2016!  I’ve read all of the books, and it is amazing.  I’m a big fan of urban fantasy, so this was right up my alley.  Loved it!
  3. The Hamilton Soundtrack.  One word: Incredible.  If you haven’t listened yet, go now.  I’ll wait for it ;).  The lyrics, music, phrasing, recurring themes…aw man, everything about it is outstanding.  Prepare yourself for greatness–and the need to listen to it over and over.
  4. Netflix.  I have fallen down the rabbit hole lol.  My awesome cousin got me a gift card, and I am using it well!
  5. Posts like these: Favorite Debut Novel of 2016, Best Book Boyfriends of 2016, Top Ten Best Books of 2016 <3.  Thank you so much ladies for being awesome and for including ADORKABLE.  Your support means everything to me!
  6. The ADORKABLE readers and all of the supportive people in my life.  This should be #1, but I saved the best for last :).  This year I have found that good people do exist.  They help just to help.  They send words of encouragement.  They give of themselves because they want to lift others up.  Thoughtfulness, kindness, those things matter so much, and I’m thankful to know that there are people like that in the world.

Back in May, I did a post called Crazy Amazing Stats.  In case you’re interested, here’s where we stand at the  end of the year (P.S. I love numbers lol).

ADORKABLE was published on March 31, 2016 and in paperback on September 20, 2016.

As of right now it has:

312 reviews on Amazon.

Reached #1 in its categories for seven different countries (U.S., U.K., Germany, Canada, Australia, Brazil, and France).

475 reviews on Goodreads.

3,460 people rated it on Goodreads.

6,871 people added it on Goodreads.

Over 6 million pages have been read.

I also have people (real readers!) who have contacted me to let me know how much they love the book!  It floors me.  Every time.  The messages are so beautiful, and I’m grateful for each and every one.  The fact that I, as a first time, self-published author, could reach so many people with my sweet YA romance…it astounds me.  I was so afraid that my little book would be lost to oblivion, that no one would ever read it.  Just publishing ADORKABLE was a dream come true, but having it be so well and widely received?

Crazy. Amazing.

Thank you so much ADORKABLE readers for making my dream a reality <3.  You are truly the best!

I hope you all have a safe and happy new year!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman



Merry (Day-After) Christmas

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Okay, so technically it’s the day-after Christmas–but still, I hope everyone had a great holiday.  This marks the conclusion of the ADORKABLE Christmas Giveaway :).  Thank you so much to everyone who entered; you’re fantastic!  And without further ado…the winner of the giveaway is…


Congratulations, Julie!  I will be sending your $25 Amazon gift card tonight, and thank you again for entering :).

I also wanted to say thank you to all of the people who participated in my first Facebook giveaways.  The questions were all about ADORKABLE, and some of you readers actually showed up!  Yayyy!  You ladies made it so much fun, AND you really knew your stuff.  It was amazing to interact with actual readers.  They were wonderful; it was wonderful.  I will most definitely be doing something like it again in the future!

One more huge thank you to everyone who helped spread the word about the ADORKABLE Kindle Countdown Deal.  My goal was to make the book even more affordable for people around the Christmas holidays, but I didn’t expect it to go as well as it did.  ADORKABLE hit #1 on Amazon and stayed there all yesterday.  As of this posting, it’s still hanging in there.  It was a great surprise, such a cool Christmas gift, and it wouldn’t have been possible without you readers.

Merry (day-after) Christmas, Happy Holidays, and much love to all of you wonderful bookworms!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Just For You


Isn’t that the most adorkable book tree you’ve ever seen???


Mister Potter seems to think so :).

Okay, ADORKABLE readers, I have something just for you.

Since this is the first book I’ve ever published–and it will always be my first, my book baby, sigh–I wanted to do something special to celebrate this Christmas.  And what better way than to give back to the ADORKABLE readers?

Tomorrow, December 21, 2016 at 12:00 pm EST I’m going to do a few quick giveaways on Facebook.  I’ll be giving away three $5 Amazon gift cards and one ADORKABLE paperback.  Signed or unsigned, if you win, you decide!

All you have to do to win is be first to correctly answer a few questions (one per giveaway) about ADORKABLE.

Easy, right?

Like I said, I really wanted this one to be for the readers, and it may completely flop.  My fear is that no one will show up or even attempt the questions lol.  But you never know until you try, right?

If you want to participate, I’ll see you at 12:00 pm EST on the Cookie O’Gorman Facebook page!

Good luck, and I hope you’re having a great week.

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. The ADORKABLE e-book is only $0.99 on Amazon and Amazon UK for a limited time!  The Kindle Countdown Deal will last until December 25, 2016.  If you have any friends who’d be interested, please let them know and spread the word so they can get the deal before it ends.  Merry Christmas, everyone!


ADORKABLE Christmas Giveaway

It’s giveaway time again!

This is supposed to be the season for giving and good cheer and all that good stuff.  I really do love giving–even though I don’t have a whole lot to give.  Ugh.

But like I said, I love giving especially to you ADORKABLE readers :).  I’m calling this one the ADORKABLE Christmas Giveaway, and it will be open from midnight on December 15 until December 25th.  You can enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card using the widget below, my Christmas present to you!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I wish you so much luck.  May the odds be ever in your favor.  May your days be merry and bright.  And as always: May the Force be with you.

I hope you have a great week.

Happy Reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Tis The Season

It’s nearly the end of 2016.

The Christmas tree is now up, and I wanted to share with you this little beauty.


It’s one of my favorite ornaments because 1) It was given to me by someone I love very much, 2) She did it because she loved ADORKABLE and knew how much I loved this quote, and 3) I really wasn’t expecting it.  Just in case you were wondering, those are indeed little mustaches on the ribbon.  And that quote…oh, that quote.

I do love the “Huckleberry” quote, and if someone actually said it to me, I may just melt on the spot–but you know, they’d have to mean it the way that Becks meant it when he said it to Sally.  Sigh…

Anyway, enough with the mushy stuff.

I wanted to let you all know that I’ll be running an ADORKABLE Christmas Giveaway soon!  Yay!!!  Be on the lookout and, as always: Good luck!

I also wanted to let you know that Ash’s book will be coming out in 2017.  I’m shooting for a March release.  His book is one that I love so very much.  And for those of you who were hoping for a December release (I know, I know, me too!), I will tell you this:

Half of the book is written from Ash’s POV.

Yep, that’s right.  We are going to get a glimpse straight into our hero’s thoughts.  Eep!  Ash’s book was my first story with dual POVs, and I had a great time writing it.  The heroine is crazy awesome and so cool and badass and matches up just perfectly with our Ash imo.  I hope everyone loves them and the book as much as I do <3.

Hope you all have a great day, and like I said, be on the lookout for that giveaway!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

5 Things: I’m Thankful For

This was actually a tough one.  It’s not that I don’t have anything to be thankful for, not at all.  The hard part was narrowing it down to 5 :).

Actually, the holidays are a hard time for me, but I am thankful for so many things.  And because I watched Pollyanna last night and learned about the “glad game”–right after watching the new Anne of Green Gables, which was okay, but will never take the place of the original <3–I’m going to focus on what makes me glad.

So here are 5 Things I’m Thankful For:

  1. Green bean casserole. Yummm!  It’s my favorite, made exactly as it says on the box. The green bean goodness cannot be beat.
  2. Fall weather.  I love blankets, warm socks, sweaters, and a nice chill in the air.  Living in the South, you’ve got to appreciate weather like that.  It’s just the best.  Ooh, and warm tea…sigh.
  3. Books, the writers who write them and the readers who read them.  My week has been filled with books, books and more books.  I just wish I read (and wrote) faster lol!  As a reader, I appreciate writers so much for putting their words and stories out there.  As an author, I cannot say it enough: ADORKABLE readers, you really are the best!  Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and encouragement!
  4. Dogs.  Puppies and full grown senior dogs, young or old, long or short haired, small or large, what can I say?  I love them.  God bless all the fur babies!
  5. Family and friends.  I don’t have a lot of either, but the ones I do have are tops.  They are the best of the best, the cream of the crop, and I wouldn’t trade them for anything.

And I gotta say, in keeping with the glad game, even though I don’t have Netflix and missed the revival of Gilmore Girls (ugggh), I’m happy I got to see the new Pollyanna.  There was no Rory.  Even worse, there was no Jess :(.  But there was also no Logan, who I disliked greatly, and I suppose that’s something to be glad about lol.  But seriously, that Pollyanna had so much spirit and endless cheer.  I happy cried, and I’m not even sorry about it.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

Happy Thanksgiving & Congratulations!

I can’t believe it’s already the end of November!  How did that happen?  Seriously, I blinked and it’s Thanksgiving Day :).

Annnd now, we’ve reached the end of my first Goodreads Giveaway!

I’m honestly floored by the amount of people who requested ADORKABLE.

1308 people 0__0.

That’s just…wow.  Thank you to everyone who entered; the sheer amount of interest in the book floors and humbles me.  And I’m so happy to announce the names of the 2 winners:

Tiffany and Jennifer!!!

Congratulations to both of you, and thank you so much for entering the giveaway!  I will be sending your signed copies of ADORKABLE in the mail tomorrow.  Gah…I hope you love it :).

I’ll also be doing another post tomorrow about “5 things I’m Thankful For.”  I hope everyone has a very happy thanksgiving full of great food, friends and family and all the best things!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman