Category: YA


Okay, so after doing a bit of homework, I have learned much–and probably still not enough lol!

Update #1: No pre-orders.

I researched pre-orders on print books.  Here is my reaction to what I found: What…the…what??? 0_o

It was so easy to set up pre-order for the e-book version of ADORKABLE.  I thought it would be just as straightforward with print books, but alas…this is not the case.  To see what I mean, here is a link to the process.  And another from the original thread on this topic.

After reading (and re-reading) these and other articles, I really think I could do it.  No, I know I could do it.  I’m good at following directions–especially when it’s for something important.

But that’s the thing: ADORKABLE is my book baby.  It’s my debut.  It’s Sally and Becks and Hooker and Ash and…it’s a piece of me.  If there was even one change in the process, something might go wrong, and…nope.  Not taking that chance.

So yeah, no pre-orders.  The book will be out really soon anyway–which brings me to my next update. 🙂

Update #2: The Official Release Date for the print edition of ADORKABLE will be September 20, 2016!!!

That’s less than 2 weeks away, you guys.  I’m sooooo excited!!!  I have no idea how many people will want the print edition.  I’ve had several people tell me they’d like a print version, and I hope there will be new readers.  Maybe they only read print books and will find ADORKABLE this way.  I hope old readers who loved the e-book will want to add the paperback to their shelves.  Again, I’m just so freakin’ excited about it!

So excited, in fact, that I have a third update.

Update #3: On Friday, there will be a Kindle Countdown Deal!  ADORKABLE, the original ebook version, will be available for just $0.99 for a limited time to celebrate the upcoming release of the print book.  I’ll do another post Friday, but yeah.  Deals are awesome, and I hope a lot of readers will benefit from this one!

And those are the ADORKABLE updates. The “I <3 ADORKABLE” giveaway is still open if you want to enter.  I hope you are all having a great week!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. ADORKABLE was #1 in Germany, Canada and France this week in its categories! Woohoo!


Big News & A Giveaway!

Big, Huge, Awesome News: ADORKABLE is coming to print in September!!!

Yes, you read that right.  This little debut YA romance is going to be a paperback.  I’ll keep you updated on the official release date and also when the book will be available for pre-order.  I already have my proof (which is so beautiful!), but of course, I need a finished copy for my shelves.  Ahhh, I’m so excited! 🙂

So, to celebrate ADORKABLE‘s print release and to thank all of the readers, bloggers, reviewers, AMAZING people who’ve made this possible, I’m doing a giveaway!

The “I <3 Adorkable” Giveaway will run from September 1 (midnight) until September 22 (midnight), and you can enter using the Rafflecopter below to win a $25 Amazon gift card.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck!  Thank you again for your support, and I hope you’ll all check out ADORKABLE when it comes to print later in September!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

It’s Finally Here!

Got a surprise in the mail the other day! 🙂  Which really, it wasn’t a surprise because I knew it was coming, but it still felt like a surprise.  I wrote ADORKABLE several years ago, published it just this year at the end of March.  Yesterday, I got to finally hold my book in my hands for the first time.

It was an incredible feeling <3.

Sigh…I felt it all.  And yes, I did cry just a little.

The print cover turned out AMAZING! Thank you, thank you, thank you to Stephanie Mooney for working your magic yet again.

And now, I’ll share some pictures (because OF COURSE I had to take pictures!!!).

Prepare yourself for all the pretty.


This is what the proof looked like in the box…


…and here’s a look inside…


…and this is the book outside the box, in my hand, with the beautiful cover and spine and all the amazing attributes of a real, live, paperback book!  Oh, I love it, and I loved getting to add ADORKABLE to my bookshelves. 🙂

There is just something about books that you can literally hold in your hand.  No offense to reading devices (I heart mine and use it well and often), but imo a print book is just a different experience.  It’s running your fingers along the cover, flipping the pages, hugging and snuggling the book to your chest…oh is that just me?  Got it, lol!

Anyway, this was the highlight of my week!  I hope you’re enjoying your week as well–and that you get lots of pretty books in the mail, too.

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

The Unexpected

There are times when I randomly Google my book.

I’ve only done this like 4 times, I promise!

I know, it’s silly right?  But I just want to make sure my baby’s still doing okay out there in the world, see what people are saying, feed my unending curiosity :).  Recently, it just so happens that I found 3 posts people had written about ADORKABLE and…sigh.  They said the nicest things!!!  Each post was unexpected and so very awesome!

If you are one of the people who wrote these posts, just know that you made my day! 🙂

The Reader and the Chef: Top 10 Favorite Books in 2016 (so far)

NewInBooks: Books to Read if You Like YA Romantic Comedies

U.S.-Brazil Book Review: Top 5 Wednesday–Authors You Are Waiting On Another Book From

On the flip side, this week I also discovered some unexpected things that were not-so-nice.  Technology was not my friend.  My email went a bit wonky, so as I was trying to email back and forth with my cover designer, some of my and her replies were not coming through.  Sucked because we were trying to get the print cover for ADORKABLE finalized, and I really didn’t want to inconvenience her.  I also had to download 3 different programs (which took several hours) in order to find the right one to save fill-form PDFs (an issue completely unrelated to the print cover).  Ugggh…

The good news is I finally found the right program, and I was able to order proof copies of ADORKABLE today!

Yayyyy, huzzah, woohoo and all the good stuff!

The proofs should come in sometime next week, and I’ll finally get to hold a physical copy of my book for the first time :).  I. Cannot. Wait.  I hope you all have a great weekend!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

2000+ Adorkable Readers

I checked ADORKABLE today, and it has over 2000 ratings on Goodreads 0___0.

I really can’t believe it!

Now while the number is incredible, amazing, freaking unbelievable by itself, the meaning of it made my jaw drop.  That 2000+ means that there are over 2000 Adorkable readers out there!  I just can’t wrap my mind around it.

I do not have that many friends.  I don’t even think I know that many people!  I mean, maybe but…seriously, 2000!!!

And it looks like those readers are from all over the world.


I can’t imagine getting to visit all of those places, but my book has been there, and that makes me so grateful.  I don’t know how or why or what is making people read my little YA romance debut, but if you are among that 2000+ readers: THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!!!

You rock, Adorkable readers!  You really do :).

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

5 Things: I Wish I Knew Before Self-Publishing

Hi everyone!  I decided to do a “5 Things” post because I love lists and because I’ve always thought 5 was a good number :).  This week I’m going to focus on 5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Self-Publishing.  Just so you know, I could probably do a list with over 100 items on this topic!

So, here we go.

Before self-publishing ADORKABLE, I wish I knew:

  1. No matter how much research I did, no matter how many articles, books, guides or author posts I read, I would never know everything I needed to know.  Some things can only be learned through the process.
  2. Self-publishing is not as crazy/impossible/unthinkable as it sounds.  It is a lot of hard work (and will cause plenty of nervousness and anxiety), but it’s not impossible.  You can figure out Amazon, Goodreads, Facebook etc.  The truth is anyone can do it.  And they do, every day.  You just have to be ready to put in the work and for things (the good and the bad) not to go exactly as planned.
  3. Sometimes it’s better not to wait.  This is a personal item, but I wish I hadn’t waited as long as I did to self-publish.  After you’ve done all the research, lots and lots and lots of research, you have to put your thoughts into action.  Sometimes the people you love and who’ve shared in your dreams don’t have the time to see those dreams come true unless you act swiftly.  And there are times when, even if you do act fast, it’s still not enough.  Anyway, I don’t think anyone should self-publish before they are completely ready.  But personally, I think I was ready–ADORKABLE sat complete and on my computer for a looong time.  Despite the success the book is currently seeing, waiting for the perfect time in my case, was maybe not the best move.
  4. A bad book review can rip you heart out–but a good one can mend it back together.  Also, just try not to go crazy reading the reviews!!!
  5. Pat was right.  I can do this.  Believing in myself was the hardest part.  I always believed in my books.  I always believed in ADORKABLE and my characters.  My family always supported and believed in me and my work.  The truth was: I was the one holding me back.

Getting over that last hurdle (believing in myself) is still a daily struggle.  But I can and am doing it.  And whether it be self-publishing or traditional publishing, you do it can, too.  I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Cookie O’Gorman


Be Yourself

People say it all the time, and you hear it again and again, maybe especially if you’re a young adult.

“Be yourself.”

It’s a great message, the idea that if you just “be yourself” everything will work out–and even if it doesn’t, you’ll be okay.  It’s powerful and empowering…and potentially very scary.  I mean, think about it.  Imagine, putting yourself out there like that, being who you are regardless of what people think, what they may say, how they may react.  You also have to know who you are in the first place, and that is tough for most adults let alone a teenager who is still trying to figure out her place in the world.

Like I said: powerful yet scary stuff.

I work with young kids, and school is about to start.  I was having a hard time deciding what to write this week when I saw all the back-to-school posts.  That got me thinking about how daunting starting a new school year can be.

And then…I thought about Sally :).

One of the things I love best about Sally Spitz (the main character of ADORKABLE) is that she is completely herself.  She loves what she loves and who she loves wholeheartedly.  Whether it’s quoting Yoda, wearing Harry Potter memorabilia, re-enacting her favorite scene from a movie that almost no one knows, or admitting to her best friend that she needs a fake boyfriend, Sally is who she is.  Unapologetically.  Like a proud author-parent, it’s also one of the things I’m most proud of.

That doesn’t mean she isn’t insecure sometimes.  Sally definitely has doubts.  Those are a part of her, too, and they make her human.  The important thing is that despite those insecurities, despite those doubts, she doesn’t let that stop or change her.

Like it or not–like her or not–it’s okay, and here’s why:

Sally likes herself.

She is loyal to her friends, her family and her fandoms :).  She’s a smart girl who loves books.  And she will be herself no matter what.  If you think about it, what “be yourself” really means is: Be brave.

As school starts back, I hope all the young adults out there (and the adults) can be brave.  I hope I can be brave.  I hope it’s one of the things people take away after reading ADORKABLE.

Be yourself.  It’s one of the hardest and most important things you can do.

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

We have a winner…and a Gryffindor :)

At midnight, a winner was randomly chosen for the ADORKABLE 3 Month Anniversary Giveaway!!!


her name is…


Huge congratulations to Natasha, and thank you to everyone who entered.  There were quite a few entries, and again, just thank you so much for helping me celebrate ADORKABLE.  It really made the three month anniversary special :-).

Also, I went to Hogwarts and was sorted!  Okay, so I didn’t really go to Hogwarts, but I did join Pottermore.  I took the test–unfortunately, there was no sorting hat.  I answered all of the questions as honestly as possible, without any expectations.  Not going to lie, some of the questions were pretty deep and took a lot of thought.

But now, I can officially say: I am a Gryffindor.

My main character Sally would be so proud lol!  It came as somewhat of a surprise but a very welcome one :).  Go Gryffindor!

In writing news, I have been working on getting everything ready for the print version of ADORKABLE as well as editing Ash’s book.  More on that later, but in case you were wondering what I’ve been working on, there you go.  Hope you have a great weekend!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman


Full disclosure: I have taken several Harry Potter quizzes (ones to determine: the house I would be in, which HP character I am, what my patronus is, what I would teach if I was a teacher at Hogwarts etc.).  BUT I have yet to actually go onto J.K. Rowling’s official site, Pottermore, and be sorted.

I know!  It’s crazy, and I can’t, absolutely cannot, believe I’ve waited this long!

And now, apparently there is an American wizarding school :-D.

My goal for this weekend (one of many, but an important one!) is to finally find out which house I will be sorted into.


From past quizzes, I’m fully expecting a Hufflepuff-ian outcome–but maybe not.  I’ve always considered myself more of a Gryffindor, but heck, I love books and reading.  Ravenclaw qualities, but Hermione loved those things, too, and she ended up in Gryffindor.  Severus Snape was my favorite HP character.  Hands down.  Always.  So maybe, I’m actually Slytherin at heart?  Though I also loved Neville and Harry, Ron and Hermione, of course.  Oh, and Luna!  Something also draws me to the Malfoys–I’m pretty sure it’s the hair lol!

Anyway, the point is I really don’t know what the sorting hat will say.

I will also be taking the quiz for the American wizarding school, Ilvermorny.  But let’s just be honest, Hogwarts is really the thing!  I also can’t wait to find out what my wand will be made of.  Yes, I am completely letting my geek flag/Harry Potter fangirl side have free reign right now lol!

I’m nervous and excited to see where I end up.  I mean, it’s Hogwarts!!!

Have you been sorted?  Did you get the house you thought you would?

Hope you have a great weekend, and I’ll let you know how everything goes :).

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. ADORKABLE was #1 in Germany and Canada this week in one of its categories!  Huzzah!

P.P.S.  There’s still time to enter the ADORKABLE 3 Month Anniversary Giveaway!  You can enter here.  Good luck!


“So, how’s the book doing?”

People ask this sometimes, and I always answer, “It’s going really well.”  In reality, the book is doing great in my opinion.  As far as success goes, I reached and surpassed my goals for the first few months following the book’s release.  My debut novel has done far better than I ever hoped.

But when someone in my family asked how many copies I sold, and I told him, he was…unimpressed.

The response (and yes, I’m paraphrasing): “Oh…is that good?”  Then after my explanation that yes, it was very good, “Well, I hope you sell a million copies.”

Me, too.  Absolutely, me, too–but seriously, it’s only been three months!

And I get it.  I know where he’s coming from because until I looked up the standard sales for a self-published debut author (there is no real number; however, you can get a good idea if you read enough posts/articles) I didn’t know how good my book was doing either.

I mean, yeah, I was happy–ECSTATIC!!!–but I would’ve been happy if the book sold 10 copies.  You probably scoffed, but I’m completely serious.

When I started, I had little to no author platform.  This is still basically true lol.  ADORKABLE is my debut novel.  I read and read and read some more about ALL of the many things I needed in place before the book even came out and scrambled like crazy to get everything set up.  I’d worked for years writing books and wanted to give my debut the best chance possible.  The fear of not finding readers (and therefore not selling any books) was always what held me back.  Well, that and the fact that self-publishing seemed like such a daunting task.

Plus…I’m going to tell you a secret.  It may just apply to me, but I’m pretty sure it’s universal.

Just because you write happy books, it doesn’t mean that your life is free of sadness.

No one’s life is perfect.  Crap happens to everyone.  In fact, if my life was a book, I’m pretty sure it would be one of those sad contemporaries that end in tragedy. Yeah, that’s why I can’t write those books and do not often enjoy reading them. No need to remind me of how bad life can be.  I know it, I believe it, and I can never forget it.

But at least, I can (and will) try and make my characters happy.

That’s one of the things I love about books like ADORKABLE.  It’s like a pick me up, an escape, medicine for the bad times life throws at you.  It is hope that things can get better.  Anyway, I promised to write about the “sweet and (bitter) times” on this journey.  This point in time is definitely bittersweet :).  Hope you have a great weekend!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman