Hi everyone!

I’ve been struggling with what to post (struggling in general really lol, but who isn’t?). Anyway, yesterday was a day, you guys. Long story short, our pups went to the vet for an unexpected visit, and it was stressful. Thankfully, they are back home and okay *sigh*.

Seriously, thank goodness for that.

We love those babies and are so grateful they’re well.

In other news, I’m writing on a deadline for basically the first time which is different. My inner-critic is so much…louder ha. She just will not shut up. And I’ve been struggling to hear my character’s voice–which usually is one of my main strengths imo. I love this book, and I’m working through the doubts, trying to focus and just write the story I would want to read. If you’re feeling extra generous, please send good vibes and cross your fingers for me.

How have you all been doing?

Oh, I so hope you’re well!

Several readers have left the kindest messages/comments/reviews, and I’m so grateful to all of you for the encouragement <3.

And here we go… It’s December. If you’ve followed my publishing journey, you probably know this time of year is very difficult for my family and me. Christmas hasn’t been the same in a while. The holidays aren’t as bright as they used to be. We lost someone very special a few years ago, and…

It’s just…hard.

It’s so, so hard.

Sometimes I get down around this time, and I wonder: What the heck is wrong with me? But I already know the answer. I miss my best friend. Desperately. I feel her loss every day. We all do.

So yes, Christmas is hard.

If you’re in that boat as well, I pray you can find the happiness, wonder and magic of the season. Spend time with the ones you love (whether it’s in person, virtual, on the phone or through exchanging cards). Hang in there. Keep trying to find the good. And if you’re suffering through this pandemic, struggling financially, if you, your family members or friends are sick, oh I pray for you. Sending you all so much love, strength and prayers for healing and happiness.

Please stay safe, my awesome readers! I hope December has been treating you well so far!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

4 Comments on December

  1. Hello Cookie,
    I randomly stopped by & decided to sign up to your newsletter. Hope it gets better for you. Stay strong. Missing someone during the holidays is tough but remembering all the good moments helps a little. Really hope that your mind clears & your doubt disappears. You are a great writer & I really can’t wait to read your new book. Sending lots of warm wishes. Hope your holidays are full of love, joy, & laughters.😊💜

    • Hi Ceci, Oh thank you so much for this kind message. The holidays are definitely a hard a time. I definitely try to remember the good times–there were so many which is why it hurts so much. But I am very thankful to have had those wonderful moments <3. You are such an awesome, kind person, and I hope your holidays were wonderful as well! Thank you so much again for this <3. Hope 2021 is awesome for you!

  2. December is a hard month, but I hope you were able to connect spiritually to your loved ones.
    Happy New Year! Have a safe a healthy 2020-2021.
    I am so excited to see what wonderful gift(s), hopefully more than 1 book, you will be sharing with your readers in 2021.

    • Happy New Year, Karen! Thank you for your kind words! I wish you a happy, healthy 2021 as well, hoping it will bring you all the best things! I actually think I will have at least two books coming out this year, crossing my fingers! The first one will be out this March, and I’m going to do a post about it soon. Kind of nervous about it but also very excited to share. I hope everyone loves the story and characters as much as I do! 🙂 Hope you are doing well!!!

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