Hi everyone!

This is one of the bitter times on this writing journey. *sigh*

Warning: There will be lemons.

Don’t worry, though! I’ll try my best to end on a positive note.

So, I’ve always considered the writing & bookish community to be something positive. I don’t reach out much (i.e. I almost never reach out lol), but that’s mostly because I’m an introvert and putting myself out there makes me nervous. I just keep my head down, do my own thing and write the best books I can with the hope that they will touch readers’ hearts as much as they do mine.

Writing is a very personal, solitary thing for me.

The ways that I do reach out/interact are few, and the people who I feel comfortable enough to reach out to are even fewer.

I heard something not too long ago that surprised and affected me far more than it should have. Basically, people were talking about me–in a bad way–calling into question my character.

Not gonna lie: It hurt.

A lot.

I felt totally blindsided.

I didn’t even know writers did that, talked about each other without the other person being involved. This is probably because I rarely talk to anyone outside my family, and gossip, in general, makes me uncomfortable. Confrontation does, too. If something bothers me, I usually just suffer in silence.

But writing is a source of positivity for me.

My books are something that bring me joy.

Hearing that people were talking behind my back?

Yeah. It hurt.

Anyway, to bring this back to the positive, I’ve never had this happen before, and I’ve been publishing for several years. So yay, I guess lol? Also, despite this, I’m going to focus on the good.

My books are still a source of joy.

I love writing.

And I understand that people like to spill the tea.

I just prefer mine with less lemon ;).

Hope you’re all doing well, reading awesome books, and having a wonderful weekend so far!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. I still think the writing community is good overall, and I’m glad to be a small part of it. Just wish it lived up to the ideal in my head.

P.P.S. Good things have been happening, too, and I can’t wait to share those with you!

P.P.P.S. This year I will have released more books than I ever have before. It’s been kind of stressful and crazy, but if you read any of them, recommend one of my books to your friends, write a kind review or send me a nice message, just know: It matters. Things can bring you down, or they can lift you up. And if you’re reading this, I want to thank you for brightening my days! Again, it matters. And I’m very thankful <3.


6 Comments on Lemonade

  1. We learn though diversity. I bet this will be a moment you can use for part of a book.
    No one is perfect, not our friends or ourselves. I am sorry people are not always good. Even good people let us down.
    You are truely a wonderful writer and bring joy to me though your books.
    I’m so excited to read your books and have felt blessed there are more than ever this year. I have been able to read new bright happy Cookie sunshine every season so far.

    • Hi Karen, I’m not sure I’ll ever use this experience for a book lol. But I’m definitely going to try to learn from it, as you said. Thank you for always being so supportive. I’m so glad and grateful that you enjoy my books <3. I'm also thankful for all of your support and kind words. I hope you're doing well, staying safe, and having tons of good vibes, sunshine and happiness!
      Cookie O'Gorman

  2. Gosh, as a newbie writer, this is my fear. It is why I’m not in the writing community, and I just write and publish. I imagine someday I’ll have to stop being solitary, but as of right now, even though I would love to have writer friends, I fear the cattiness I have witnessed in some groups. I wish there were a way to pick out the good apples. 😉

    But I really just wanted to say, I love your writing and it brings me joy. You are a must-buy for me. Even with your stuff on Kindle unlimited I just buy it. Once I set up my bookshelf your books will be on it (still working on my office).

    • Hi A.J., I’m right there with you. The writing community can be daunting, and though there are some negative aspects, I still think the positive can outweigh the negative. Hopefully lol <3. I'm trying to focus on the good for sure, and I hope you have some awesome experiences with it as well! Thank you for all of the kind things you've said! It really means a lot! And congratulations again on your writing/book(s)!!! I wish you all the best!
      Cookie O'Gorman

  3. I think your books are awesome. I think I may have read all of your books in the last four days. I can’t wait for the next book in the O’Brien series. Your passion comes through in your writing l.

    • Oh, thank you so much, Melanie!!! I’m so glad you enjoyed my books–and wow, reading them all in four days?!? That’s amazing! I wish I read that fast lol :). Thank you so much again for leaving this awesome comment and for reading! I hope you’re doing well!
      Cookie O’Gorman

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