Hi everyone!

I’m holding a giveaway for 4 copies of The Good Girl’s Guide to Being Bad audiobook!!! Hooray! Since it’s almost Halloween, just consider this my treat to you ;).

If you’d like to enter, please use the rafflecopter below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I love how the narrator Madeleine was able to capture Sadie’s voice and the feel of the book! Hoping to perhaps get over my fear, and do a video so you can hear a bit of the audio as well–and see my dorky reactions lol. But if not, you can check out TGGGTBB audiobook and give it a listen yourself! It’s so good, you guys!

Good luck, everyone, and I hope you’re reading (and listening) to wonderful books!

Happy reading,

Cookie O’Gorman

P.S. I wrote 2,000+ words today, woop!

10 Comments on The Good Girl’s Guide to Being Bad Audiobook Giveaway!

  1. Mhhh… though question!

    I love a lot of genres…
    NA, YA, PNR, Romcom, horror,…

    Depending on my mood they all are my favorite #lol

    • I love these, too, Sanne (except Horror lol ;)). And I totally feel you; it’s hard to pick just one favorite!

  2. Thank you for this givaway <3
    My favourite gentre…. hard. It depends on my mood, but mostly young adult, omantic or fantasy.

  3. Having a copy of this book via audio will be wonderful because I can play it on repeat while doing things, like chores or crocheting.

    • Oh yay, Emily! Being able to listen to audiobooks while you do something else like chores or crochet sounds awesome! I can’t knit, but I love the results/crocheted products! 🙂

  4. Wow, this is a very difficult question because I enjoy reading in almost every genre. But for example, I love fantasy, romance, historical romance, youth literature, NA …🖤

    • It is difficult! I don’t know if I could pick just one favorite genre either. And yay, I love historical, NA, Young adult (of course), and a lot of the same ones as you!!!

  5. I really like sci-fi and dystopian books. But when I need a break from the intensity I read cute teen romcom books. I found your books last summer and fell instantly in love!! Super excited for this give away!!!

    • Yay, historical & dystopian! Totally understand needing a break from intensity; I feel like that sometimes as well when I’m reading series/trilogies! They also hold me over until the next book. I’m so glad you found my books, Chesley! 🙂 Hope you are doing well!

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